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I T is customary at this time to look back over the past .year, presumably with nostalgia. So far as road transport is...
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IAGUAR CARS LTD. have acquired J the issued share capital of Henry Meadows Ltd., diesel engine manufacturers of Wolverhampton...
From Our Industrial Correspondent MEGOT1ATIONS on the introduction of Liner Trains are to be resumed in earnest in the New...
T HE Pointer Group of Norwich has bought 400 obstruction warning signs from its associate company and is to issue them to all...
T HE draft code of practice on commercial vehicle braking requirements was issued on Tuesday by the Minister of Transport....
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T HE days of the traditional methods of building are surely numbered, and prefabrication and industrialized housing are...
TO mark his retirement, Mr. W. F. Quin, who was chairman of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners and Scottish Licensing...
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IN a deal involving some £144,500, Bain I and Hodge Ltd.. haulage and wharfage group of Dunstable, Beds, has acquired the...
Carriers" Year Book and Diary is now available from Carriers Publishing Co. Ltd., 147 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I, price...
Ltd., Hereford, as transport. manager in 1933, retired last month, after 31 years' continuous service. On his appointment the...
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D R. BEECHING is not to be Britain's transport overlord—in fact there might not be one, apart from the Transport Minister...
• FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT S O it's back to 1.C.I. for Dr. Beechingand relief in road haulage circles that the...
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D ELAYS at putting exports on ships were caused within the docks, and not on the highway on the way to the docks, said the...
I T did not follow that by building bigger and better roads that the problems of congestion and road safety would largely...
A BOUT £700,000 of the £6m. approved I - 1 for liner trains was spent in 1964, said Mr. Fraser in the Commons. The Railways...
AAR. FRASER has not, as yet, sought IVI the advice of the Nationalized Transport Advisory Council. Stating this in the Commons...
T HE boundaries for transport planning will be the same as for economic planning generally—" in so far as transport can be...
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Glasgow Single-Decker Modified: Modifications are being made to the experimental Alexander-bodied Leyland Panther for Glasgow...
A DDRESSING the annual general meeting of the East Midland Motor Services Ltd. last week, Mr. R. J. Ellery, chairman of the...
THE first of a new fleet of 12 single' decker buses for Chesterfield Corporation Transport was delivered shortly before...
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this year, together vv i ith the relatively good weather up to Christmas Eve, encouraged more people than ever to travel on the...
L ONDON'S bus services are to be disrupted by a new ban on overtime and rest-day working, due to start next Wednesday, writes...
From our Industrial Correspondent T WO days have been set aside next week for discussion by a subcommittee of the National...
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in A SUSPENSION of.. three vehicles for six weeks from January .1 was imposed by,Mr. J. R. C. Satnuel-Gibbon; Western...
T HE pitfalls of inadequate subcontracting were spotlighted at Maidstone, Kent, last week, when agricultural goods and...
A T Aberdeen last week Sheriff /1. Hamilton decided against a Buckie bus proprietor in what was described as a test case. He...
an amend' ment, Bulwark United Transport Ltd. were granted an application for 35 tankers on B licence in Bristol last week by...
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A FTER twice calling for tenders for a three-year contract to supply and maintain the tyres on Birmingham Corporation's 1.700...
T HE Minister of Transport has made the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 41 Regulations 1964. which...
C ONSTRUCTED entirely of Stewart and Lloyd's rectangular and box-section mild steel, which Halson Trailers say has proved to be...
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CONTRACTORS DOWN UNDER : Six Scammell 15-ft. 5,in,-whcelbase Contractor chassis/cab units are to be shipped c.k.d. to Western...
I N the fi rst 11 months of this year Ford of Britain exported 30,900 commercial vehicles to more than 100. overseas...
Air Storage Tanks on Vehicles and Trailers F OR many years now the stationary air receiver has enjoyed regular shortperiod...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. E. .1. I Hill. of Burbage, nr. Hinckley. Leics. He points out that if a tight rear - huh inner...
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produced by David Bloom Ltd. is available in three materials—alloy, timber or steel. Two types are made, one of which is a...
the Lead Development Association. Entitled " Lead Acid Batteries: Miscellaneous Applications ", it surveys the use of lead-acid...
paint and other surface coating removers are now being manufactured under licence in the U.K. by Jenolite Ltd. These can be...
for a wide range of applications has been developed by Rocol Ltd. Claimed to give a high degree of protection, this product....
its range of rotary meters is now available from Parkinson Cowan Measurement (a division of Parkinson Cowan Ltd.). These rotary...
the Austin Gipsy Mark IV has been developed by Mayflower Automotive Products Ltd. These free the front wheels from the...
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By The Hawk Such was the success of the first Commercial Motor Fleet Management Conference last September—over 500 delegates...
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Belgian contributor, Guy Willemse, xpla.ins in simple, easy terms the dvantages of the TIR system as he as found them working...
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ROAD TEST; Foden Twin-Load 32-ton-gross five-axle artic F OR many years haulage people have been able to identify most of the...
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NIERPRISE. By F. K. MOSES A towns and cities continue to "expand, spilling straggling housing estates all over the...
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B Y the time that Mr. T. H. Gibb. vice-chairman ttnd managing director, B.R.S. Federation Ltd., towards the end of the Henry...
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The Validity of Costing Comparisons R EPEATEDLY in this series stress has been given to the importance of objectiveness in the...
A p.s.v. operator in the Home Counties states that his son is about to loin the company with the ultimate aim of eventually...
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Holtingdrake Pay More 'THE year ended on September 30 last-was a good one 1 for THE HOLLINGDRAKE AUTOMOBILE COM PANY and net...
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I FEEL that your article in The Commercial Motor, December 18 calls for comment from a driver. I agree with the fact that...
I WAS pleased to read in The Commercial Motor of December 18 that someone has at long last taken up the business of "engine...