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D EMANDS by Socialists that the Government should halt the disposal of British Road Services are so frequent in Parliament that...
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H AULIERS have now enjoyed a year of free trading in the livestock and meat markets. With the shelter of the Ministry of Food...
Personality Plus 0 NcE again Perkins News has been awarded 'the Block and Anderson challenge cup in the annual competition...
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That those who grow high hedges at blind corners should be made to pull down the blinds. That the bright day brings forth the...
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RINTING difficulties associated with the reproduction of a map, apart from the pressure of work at the Ministry of Transport...
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B.R.S. Vehicles and Plant Valued at £50m.: Aim to Give National Trunking Service be pleased and surprised with the continued...
Appeal Fails T HE action of the West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority in transferring a 2i-ton vehicle from a C licence to a...
IN opening the first vehicle-testing 1 centre at Slough on Monday, Mr. Hugh Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the...
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MR. S. A. FINNIS, chief docks manager, Humber Ports, British Transport Docks Division, has been appointed a member of the...
WHEN R.A.H. Transporters, Ltd., YV Newcastle upon Tyne, were fined £40 at Sunderland for using a vehicle without a licence, Mr....
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A NOTHER appeal for the cessation of denationalization was made in the House of Commons...
A TAX-FREE award of £5,000 has ri been granted to Guy Motors, Ltd., by the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors for their...
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LIIGHER fares have been granted to two small bus companies in South Wales and Yorkshire. United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd.,...
T o meet the specific conditions of operation in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, the Department of Health for Scotland...
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the Economic Commission for Europe has proposed means for casing and unifying practice in the taxation of foreign vehicles....
THREE new items have been added by the Elms Garage, Rednal Road, West Heath, Birmingham, 31, to their range of Lightning...
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'THE upper part of an overhead crane, 1 108 ft. lon g and stated to be the lon g est load ever to reach the town, failed to...
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rIOMMENTING on the alterations to the Construction and Use Regulations at a council meeting of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce...
I N a civil case at Hereford Assizes last week, Mr. Justice Stable gave judgment for £686 against Vincent Greenhous...
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A L MOST a year has passed since the Ministry of Food lifted controls on the marketing and distribution of livestock and meat;...
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Economic Operation for the Livestock Haulier, plus Reasonable Costs for the Transport User, are an Objective of the Fatstock...
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Yes, this is just the right time to be fitting a heater — for two reasons: I. This is the time of year when you can easily get...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, I NCLUDED in the many benefits of co-operative organization enjoyed by the 1,400 members of Littleton...
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A T the cattle market in the ancient borough of Beverley the visitor may fix himself up with a pair of boots, a rainproof,...
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Hauliers' "Sideline" Expands After Fleet Acquisition : Vehicles Bought Back and Wide Service to Agriculture Now Offered By a...
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K NOWN as the Skid-Stac, an attachment for fork-lift trucks has been developed by Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., Warrington,...
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I MPORTANT to the agricultural road service provided by Sommerfield and Thomas, Ltd., Market Square, King's Lynn, Norfolk, are...
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T HE general use of tippers for gravel spreading on roads in undeveloped areas has created a big demand in a number of overseas...
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T WENTY-SIX years ago a Hampshire farmer who could not secure transport for his stock bought a Chevrolet 30-cwt. vehicle. From...
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T RA FFIC transferred from rail to road during the recent strike of footplate workers included many thousands of animals, some...
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A FOUR WHEEL DRIVE cross:A country vehicle embodying a number of unusual design features, has been built by Nicholas Straussler...
T HE Agriculture (Improvement of Roads) Bill was given a second reading in the House of Commons last week. Mr. D. Heathcoat...
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A BILITY to operate on practically any type of surface is a most valuable attribute of the six-wheel-drive chassis used by...
B ECAUSE of the increasing number a flour mills being equipped for receiving grain in bulk, particularly in the London area....
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r - k A HORSEBOX body of outstanding design has recently been built by Westmoreland, of Wakefield, Ltd., and mounted on a...
nPERATING 11 livestock vehicles, five of which are Seddons, Bowles Transport, Ltd., Ford, Temple Guiting, have put into...
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! R ASED on one of 50 Leyland Royal LP Tiger chassis recently supplied to Madras, a half-deck bus with a separate compartment...
T HE versatility of the German Bossol appliance, described as "a portable service station," was demonstrated in London last...
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A S the ban placed by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders on vehiclemaker members three years ago still obtains, the...
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The Ministry of Transport have approved Sheffield's £120,000 road-improvement plans. Work may be completed within a year. The...
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Solving the Charges. Laid Down by F.M.C. and Schedules Problems of Recommended by , R.H.A. Areas Examined : Some the Carrier...
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A DISC brake said to be suitable for road vehicles up to the largest sizes, comes from Lambert Brake Corp., St, Joseph,...