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T 0 say of the latest annual reports of the Licensing Authorities, summarized in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor,...
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)ung F ENCE in a man with the salesman's temperament and what happens'? Answer: frustration for him and many uncomfortable...
64 e'r HERE could be nothing more contrary to liberty and I independence than a return to rail monopoly," and it would not be...
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A CLAIM for a substantial increase in pay for Aand B-licence haulage workers has been put in to the Road Haulage Wages Council...
B ECAUSE they consider that British Road Services are not legally an organization of employers and do not represent such an...
or Cuts BY S. BUCKLEY 1_IAULIERS are likely to be left with a clear field in many parts of the country I hf Dr. Beeching gets...
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A S from August 1 the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses will provide cover for all its haulier members in...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT • Q PPOSITION to the Minister of Transport's lorry route scheme to link Al and M1 with...
DECAUSE the Transport Tribunal had 1 - 0 still not given their reasons in the successful Securicor, Ltd., appeals, the Master...
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Mr. A. C. Potter, Coventry branch manager of British Road Services, Ltd., has been appointed transport manager of Morton's...
T HREE men whose average age is 41 assume key positions in the Rotates Group in changes announced by Lord Rootes last week....
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T HE biggest farewell gathering ever known at Fodens, Ltd., took place last Friday to mark the retirement of Mr. Arthur...
VETE regret to record the deaths of Mr. YV J. Close, Mr. J. Gough, Mr. G. Pate and Mr. S. S. Wynn. Mr. Close, who was 47 years...
From our Political Correspondent A VOTE of confidence in Mr. Marples. This is what last Friday's Government shuffle amounts...
European Road Study: To study and promote the construction of the major communication routes which must be provided in Europe,...
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A LACK of suitable refreshment facilities at prices which drivers are able to pay and the high cost of attending disabled...
A T the first meeting of the new council of the National Road Transport Federation following the annual general meeting on...
imoRE than 4,000 bookings were sai In to have been received in advance c the world's first fare-paying Hovercral service which...
A FTER describing an application as ambitious, and saying that it would not have a marked effect on rates, Mr. F. Williamson,...
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT )0AD transport operators will soon no N. longer face the certainty of convican if their...
T . HE Lords this week accepted the Transport Bill—but with reservations. or in this final look at the controversial neasure by...
A MONG the vehicles to be exhibited PA. at The Commercial Motor Show in September by Fodens, Ltd., will be an FETU6/25...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE new Liberal transport policy goes before the Party's executive committee today (Friday)...
A N objection by Reading Corporation Transport to -fares which Thames Valley Motor Services, Ltd., propose to apply to a new...
F ARES for the Scottish Omnibu Group will be increased from July by amounts ranging from +d. to 6d. fares revision has been...
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T HE power absorbed by a vehicle tyre represents a wastage of fuel and is also a measure of the heat build-up in the carcass. A...
A N important ruling, which will affect haulage competition throughout the European Coal and Steel Community, and which could...
April (7.517) was appreciably lower than the March weekly average (8,742), largely due, no doubt, to the intervention of...
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A T a Press conference held in London on Monday the Traders Road Transport Association announced the results of their survey of...
'THE northern section of M.5, the I Birmingham-Bristol motorway, is to be opened today, Friday, by Lord Chesham. The...
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T HE Alston group of companies, specializing in the manufacture of medium-priced household furniture, have gathered together...