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Concessionary fares have been a bone of contention for many years, and quite apart from attempts to achieve local parity there...
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PTAs and bus companies form concession fares consortium • It was exclusively revealed to CM this week that a consortium of...
Judge grants one week's stay • An order for the compulsory winding up of Charles Poulter, Ltd, transport contractors, whose...
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• A centre of interest at the Brussels Show, which opened on Tuesday, is a coach fitted with a Stirling "hot air" engine....
• Road haulage costs, says the RHA rose during 1970 by an average of 15 per cent. The figure for 1969 was approximately the...
• Following last week's announcement that the National Guild of Transport Managers had asked the Minister for Transport...
by Tony Wilding • Steam-powered engines are again in the news in America, although it is reported that many engineers believe...
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• Mr T. H. Campbell-Wardlaw, honorary solicitor to the Industrial Transport Association, told its London division on Tuesday...
• The Freight Transport Association is asking the Department of the Environment to delay the date by which it will be a legal...
• Radical reform of the road transport training levy scheme which, in its present form, he claims, had "lost the trust of the...
• The Port of London Authority has begun round-the-clock working at its Tilbury Docks multi-user container berths. A new pay...
• As from February 1 the subsidiary companies in the United Carriers Group will lose their individual identities and be...
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• On February 1 four of Britain's leading food manufacturing companies are to launch a combined pilot scheme for the collection...
• The Anglo-German road haulage quota for the year ending September 30 1971 has been fixed at 3100 return journeys, an increase...
• As well as a statement of correction from the NFC (CM January 15) on the Prices and Incomes Board report on the National...
cations of the scheme were. The TML's original proposals were submitted to Mr F. Mulley, the Labour Government's last Minister...
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• The Government is to consider whether lorries should have more lights down their sides. "A pair of amber lights halfway down...
The Road Transport Industry Training Board has approved for grant purposes the CM-sponsored conference on the Industrial...
from a special correspondent • There are apparently some sectors of the insurance fraternity who are concerned with the effects...
• A Road Haulage Association spokesman on Wednesday welcomed suggestions that legislation should be passed to enable lorries of...
• During the post strike operators should not apply to Swansea for plating and testing dates but hand in applications and fees,...
• A new company, Scottorn Trailers Ltd, is being formed, as from January 31, as a subsidiary of T. T. Boughton and Sons Ltd, to...
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• The four-month-long dispute between the Heywood, Lancashire, firm of hauliers H. Nuttall and Sons Ltd and the Liverpool...
• Giltspur Investments Ltd announces the acquisition, on January 8, of J. C. Mount and Co Ltd, for £204,248, paid half in cash...
• As from February 8 Norfolk Lines will be adding a second vessel to its daily run between Great Yarmouth and Scheveningen. The...
and freight handling • A Douglas-built Mafi Tugmaster tractor is being used in conjunction with Mafi roll trailers as a...
• A new ship, the 12,500-ton Bunga Rays, recently arrived in London docks on her maiden voyage from the East. The ship, which...
• A new range of four battery electric fork-lift trucks from 12,000lb to 20,000lb capacity is now being offered by Wessex...
• Southampton and South Wales are now linked by a direct road-rail container route which was inaugurated recently by...
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by John Darker • Serious discontent voiced by ownerdrivers at a West Country quarry may herald an attempt to improve the status...
A simple guide to decimals in transport • How do you write a decimal cheque? • Will conversion of wage rates to decimals...
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• Mr Graham Page, Minister for Local Government and Development, has seen an all-party deputation from the Greater London...
• Led by Durham County Council, about 18 local authorities in Co Durham are to refuse to pay subsidies to United Automobile...
• Bus operators in the North-East have decided not to accept a recommendation by the Royal College of Physicians for a complete...
• A new destination and new route are features of the 20th Semaine Internationale du Car (international coach rally) which is...
• Technical tests for noise evaluation and exhaust smoke pollution may be incorporated in the 1971 British Coach Rally, to be...
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• Only 15 letters have been received by Tyneside Passenger Transport Authority in response to a two months' campaign asking...
Cumberland services 'revolutionary safety • Local authorities in Cumberland are expected to agree to subsidize rural bus...
• A new travel centre at Buchanan Street, Glasgow, was opened on Wednesday for the Scottish Transport Group by the Lord...
• Talks are continuing between Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation and British Railways over the redevelopment of the Central...
• New Duple coach designs should be ready for showing at Earls Court in 1972; before then, the company will have announced...
12-month subsidy • At the meeting of Bridlington rural council on January 15 members decided that bus services running on nine...
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1 . Fit any engine you like, the chances are that Dodge single or double-drive six-wheelers still beat your powerto-weight...
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The things that make people choose one coach operator rather than another are not too difficult to list. The comfort and...
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• Whether ropes or chains should have been used to secure a load was the main factor confronting Tower Bridge magistrates when...
• Mr John James McCrory, of Connaught Road, Preston, who drives a lorry for a ferry trailer company at Preston Dock, has hit a...
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• Total fines and vehicle excise licence arrears levied against a London haulage company exceeded the firm's net profits for 12...
• A warning by Eastern deputy LA, Mr G. Kidner, was given last week at Ipswich that hauliers who were operating vehicles...
Derrick Brown, 41, after four years as managing director of Alpine Refrigerated Deliveries Ltd which has 60 depots and a fleet...
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at Brussels from Tony Wilding, Brussels • There can be no doubt that the highlight of the Brussels Salon De l'Automobile which...
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EEC may allow 44-ton artics lb The reasons why more engine power is n demand for European goods vehicles were .detailed by Mr...
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printed Mr John Connell's letter "44-ton Juggernauts ICM Jan. 151, if only in order that the fallacy of his arguments may be...
We hear from many quarters of alleged poor British workmanship and poor British service— particularly in the motor industry....
The Report by the Civic Trust on heavy lorries appears to have had considerable influence in persuading the Government not to...
Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic runs a Higher National Diploma Sandwich Course for the transport industry. We attract a...
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Sydney White • Mr Sydney Coe-Gunnell White would be in the top ten in a league of transport personalities. Succeeding Mr...
workshop by Handyman Benchwise: repair risks (4) WHILE in the main the vehicle tank repairer will base his tank cleaning work...
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• Getting across "Communicating" has cane up as a topic several times lately, and it arose again in an interesting way when...
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SEVENTIES: an important conference :.ommercial Motor and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' ssociation are jointly organizing a...
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This week's Post Office strike has highlighted the importance of good communications. Two-way radio telephone is keeping the...
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by Derek Moses CHE TRADITIONALLY FIERCE corn)etition between the provincial companies tnd the local independent bus operators...
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by D. J. Milburn, MITO Council Member of AIFISO • ' Basic Road Statistics", a report compiled by the British Road Federation,...
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After a successful start in Bristol a company has opened a training centre in Cardiff and has plans for a Portsmouth centre...
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Rod for their own back by Janus F ROM the way things are going, the last Government may be glad to be rid of the...
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may operate a vehicle under the farmer's licence? Is there a limit to the distance I may travel? Although I have been driving...
vehicles of different types that are operating in this country at the present time? A According to the latest Highway...
the idea for an open day at our station for raising funds for the Fire Brigade Benevolent Fund. We have plans to give fare...
The axles particularly required are unique because they are rubber lined in the inside and presumably require no springs....
National Guild of Transport Managers. Can you tell me where I can get in touch with the secretary of this organization? A The...
At the moment I am employed as a vehicle inspector and functional tester for a 300-plus vehicle company but the only claim to...
in CM. Could you give me the name and address of the manufacturer or supplier? This heater is inserted in the lower hose and...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Productivity: NFC companies examined by PIB The National Freight Corporation was unfortunate to...
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by Les Oldridge, AIRTE, AMIM1 Trade licences INQUIRIES are still being received by CM concerning trade licences and although...
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THE EXPERIMENT of sending out question papers to candidates some 10 to 14 days before examination dates is being tried by a...
Monmouthshire Associated Hauliers Ltd. Cap.: 12000. Object: To promote the interests of hauliers in the area of Monmouthshire,...
The next seven days from January 22 to 28. FRIDAY IRTE (Midlands) dinner-dance. St John's Hotel. Solihull, Birmingham, 7.30 for...
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The torque capacity of the range of low .speed, high-torque, hydraulrc motors, produced by Chamberlain Industries, has been...
Glasticord 305 rubberized sealing compounds, produced by Kelseal Ltd, are now available in billet form in the UK. They have...
The latest commercial/industrial vacuum cleaner from Airnesco Products Sales Ltd, is the Portavac 95. With four times the power...
A booklet of conversion tables tailored to the needs of those who work with vehicles has been published by Transport and...
An illustrated catalogue covering the range of special service tools produced by V. L. Churchill and Co Ltd for the repair of...
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Red has been chosen by Electric Power Storage Ltd for its latest ranges of batteries in polypropylene containers. These are...
A new edition of - Guide to Arc Welding Electrodes and Consumables" has been announced by the British Electrical and Allied...
The British Standards institution recently announced Part 2 1970 of BS 4613 relating to tyre gauge standards, which follows the...
The Delcotron DN-Series is the name given to a range of two 12V negative-earth dioderectified alternators produced by the...
A simple method of mounting is a special feature of a two-model range of low-voltage fluorescent lighting 12V and 24V fittings...
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Lennig Chemicals Ltd announces the availability of a new acrylic/PVC alloy-moulding compound, designated Kydene M-600. It is an...
A mobile hose reel unit known as the Hasel Porto-Reel is designed to enable cleaning and hosing-down operations to be carried...
The fourth edition of Catalogue D has been published by Electric Power Storage Ltd. It gives details of the complete range of...
A range of metric weighbridges, designed to replace the existing Imperial platform sizes, is to be marketed by Ashworth Ross...
The swivel handle of a sparking-plug remover, introduced by T. Williams (Drop Forgings and Tools) Ltd, is designed to...
by Ron Cater The giant Swedish Kockum Industries engineering consortium, originally known to British hauliers as Interconsult...
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is anticipated that a range high-pressure pumps, iflounced by Delavan-Watson d, will be particularly suitable r applications to...
3veloped in the USA a system at gives audible warning at a vehicle is reversing is now . ailable from Tirfor Ltd. Desigited the...
cabinet with large capacity ewers has been added to the nge of storage cabinets made Kabi (Electrical and Plastics) d. This has...
The Spegel controller, which has been designed and developed by Electric Power Storage Ltd and Legg (Industries} Ltd, is said...
An electronic tachometer, known as the type VII has been introduced by Barbie Engineering which can be fitted with any one of...