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Tynesiders Show Scant Interest In Better Services
• Only 15 letters have been received by Tyneside Passenger Transport Authority in response to a two months' campaign asking travellers to put forward suggestions for improving......
Councils To Aid Duple Plans
Cumberland services 'revolutionary safety • Local authorities in Cumberland are expected to agree to subsidize rural bus services, threatened with closure by Ribble Motor......
New Travel Centre Opened
• A new travel centre at Buchanan Street, Glasgow, was opened on Wednesday for the Scottish Transport Group by the Lord Provost, Sir Donald Liddle. The chairman, Col P. M.......
Rail/bus Station In Newcastle
• Talks are continuing between Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation and British Railways over the redevelopment of the Central railway station at Newcastle, involving the creation of......
• New Duple coach designs should be ready for showing at Earls Court in 1972; before then, the company will have announced "Revolutionary new developments" in the field of coach......
Bridlington ' S
12-month subsidy • At the meeting of Bridlington rural council on January 15 members decided that bus services running on nine routes serving villages in the Bridlington area......