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Glc Wants Larger Government Grant
• Mr Graham Page, Minister for Local Government and Development, has seen an all-party deputation from the Greater London Council, led by Mr Horace Cutler, chairman of the......
'keep Services Or Risk Licences'
• Led by Durham County Council, about 18 local authorities in Co Durham are to refuse to pay subsidies to United Automobile Services Ltd to keep unprofitable bus services in......
No 'no Smoking' Ban
• Bus operators in the North-East have decided not to accept a recommendation by the Royal College of Physicians for a complete ban on smoking in buses. • United Welsh Services......
International Rally Goes To Monaco
• A new destination and new route are features of the 20th Semaine Internationale du Car (international coach rally) which is due to be held from May 11 to May 15, inclusive.......
British Coach Rally 1971
• Technical tests for noise evaluation and exhaust smoke pollution may be incorporated in the 1971 British Coach Rally, to be held at Brighton on Saturday and Sunday, April 24......