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Nuttall Dispute Settled
• The four-month-long dispute between the Heywood, Lancashire, firm of hauliers H. Nuttall and Sons Ltd and the Liverpool section of the Transport and General Workers' Union has......
Giltspur Takes Over J.c. Mount
• Giltspur Investments Ltd announces the acquisition, on January 8, of J. C. Mount and Co Ltd, for £204,248, paid half in cash and half by the issue of 116,000 Giltspur shares......
Two-ship Service
• As from February 8 Norfolk Lines will be adding a second vessel to its daily run between Great Yarmouth and Scheveningen. The new vessel is on charter and is capable of......
Container Transport
and freight handling • A Douglas-built Mafi Tugmaster tractor is being used in conjunction with Mafi roll trailers as a high-speed pick-up and put-down transporter at the......
Service To Malaysia
• A new ship, the 12,500-ton Bunga Rays, recently arrived in London docks on her maiden voyage from the East. The ship, which belongs to the Malaysian International Shipping......
Bigger Fork Trucks
• A new range of four battery electric fork-lift trucks from 12,000lb to 20,000lb capacity is now being offered by Wessex Industries. The company claims that this is the first......
New Freightliner Service
• Southampton and South Wales are now linked by a direct road-rail container route which was inaugurated recently by Freightliners Ltd. The new service connects the South Coast......