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'juggernaut Fallacy' Perhaps It Is A Good Thing That You
printed Mr John Connell's letter "44-ton Juggernauts ICM Jan. 151, if only in order that the fallacy of his arguments may be seen by your readers. Can Mr Connell really believe......
World Beaters
We hear from many quarters of alleged poor British workmanship and poor British service— particularly in the motor industry. Accordingly I would like to put on record the......
Vehicle Weights: What Are The Facts?
The Report by the Civic Trust on heavy lorries appears to have had considerable influence in persuading the Government not to allow the increased vehicle weights and dimensions,......
Where To Find Tms
Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic runs a Higher National Diploma Sandwich Course for the transport industry. We attract a reasonable number of school leavers, many of them with......