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Q W Hat Is The Maximum Ulw And Gvw
may operate a vehicle under the farmer's licence? Is there a limit to the distance I may travel? Although I have been driving lorries occasionally for 70 years I have not been......
Q Can You Give Me Any Statistics About The Numbers Of
vehicles of different types that are operating in this country at the present time? A According to the latest Highway Statistics issued by the then Ministry of Transport (now......
A L Work As A Fireman And I Came Up With
the idea for an open day at our station for raising funds for the Fire Brigade Benevolent Fund. We have plans to give fare paying persons a ride on the public highway on a fire......
Friends Of Ours In The Usa Are Anxious To Locate A...
The axles particularly required are unique because they are rubber lined in the inside and presumably require no springs. Could you supply the names and addresses of prospective......
/ Have Seen Frequent References To The
National Guild of Transport Managers. Can you tell me where I can get in touch with the secretary of this organization? A The secretary of the Guild is Mr F. P. Coult and his......
Q Could You Give Me Some Assistance Regarding...
At the moment I am employed as a vehicle inspector and functional tester for a 300-plus vehicle company but the only claim to any qualification is one year with the MoT as a......
Ci Some Time Ago An Advertisement For A Cylinder-block...
in CM. Could you give me the name and address of the manufacturer or supplier? This heater is inserted in the lower hose and is connected to mains when the vehicle is in the......