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I Sit a pipe-dream to consider the possibility, in future years, of a group of operators getting together to use a pool of...
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Brian La1( raithwaite N APOLEON once slightingly referred to the British as a nation of shopkeepers, but it took a modern...
Governing Smoke By Temperature CIA CCORDING to a well-known research engineer the most critical aspect of diesel engine...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT R IT Al N 'S 200,000 bus workers can look forward to a pay rise of about three per cent....
Licensing Authority T HE Minister of Transport has selected Major-General A. F. I. Elmslie, C.13., C.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.,...
QPEAKING at the annual dinner at Keswick recently of the West Cumberland Sub-area of the R.H.A. Livestock Functional Group, Mr....
T HE general mana g er of Glas g ow Corporation Transport Department. Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, is to meet Mr. James Ness, g...
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A 40-FT.-LONG articulated vehicle, I – I bearing a cattle container, contravened the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use)...
From our Political Correspondent B RITISH RAILWAYS' outstanding liabilities for advances under the Finance Act, 1956, stood...
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Sir Henry Spurrier and Mr. Donald Stokes are to make an on-the-spot examination of market conditions for Leyland Group vehicles...
W E regret to record the deaths of Mr. T. W. Atkinson, Mr. W. Berry, Mr. G. W. Haines and Mr. W. A. Timpson. Councillor...
T HE National Benzoic Company has formed a new department—Commercial and Industrial Trade—which will be responsible for the...
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• n Scotland Take-over Principle is Resolved T HE refusal of a clearing house to continue to use vehicles authorized to a...
TANKERS FOR TURKEY: Thirty normal. control tractive units with •A.E.C. AV690 engines, four - speed main gearboxes and twospeed...
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A DECISION of the Scottish Deputy 11 Licensing Authority refusing an application by A. Slater's Haulage (Scotland), Ltd.,...
THE E Transport Tribunal, at Edinburgh week, remitted an application back to the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin,...
A 24-YEAR-OLD Sentinel S4 six-ton steam wagon formerly used by a Bucknell, Shropshire, contractor for tar spraying, has been...
Appeal Allowed " rA A NICELY balanced ease" was how the president of the Transport Tribunal, Sir Hubert Hull, described an...
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From John Moon, Amsterdam VESTERDAY the doors opened on one of the brightest and most international collections of commercial...
A T Newcastle upon Tyne on Tuesday, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, adjourned an application by Siddle...
A T their first meeting on Tuesday the International Committee of the Traders Road Transport Association studied the...
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Decision Reserved on Wallace Arnold Bids IN an attempt to offer a greater variety of destinations to their passengers. Wallace...
Imports Banned: The Chilean Government has banned imports of road vehicles. WeIdangrind Number : The telephone number of...
F INANC1AL assistance to support a member in fighting a test case on an issue regarded as fundamental to all commercial vehicle...
T HE transport committee of the so-called European Parliament, an organization within the Common Market framework, has approved...
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From Our Political Correspondent THE modernization of the Great North . Road (Al) between London and Newcastle upon Tyne will...
THE • Government has a. slight case. of . "traffic congestion " on , :its The Road Traffic Bill is 'waiting to go ifito ....
the-South eastern 1 - 6.'ffic Commissioners at Reading last week for_ a licence to operate a new stage carriage seOice . they...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT TH E Parliamentary Secretary to e th Ministry of Transport, Mr. John Hay, last week...
4.P.s had had nothing but evasion from In the Minister of Transport about a debate on the Jack Committee's Report, claimed Mr....
THE possibility of an experiment with remotely controlled illuminated signs which could be switched on in cases of emergency on...
T HE Ministry of Transport was not satisfied that any alteration was justified in the lon g -established arrangement under...
A Nup-to-the-minute report on the London-Yorkshire motorway by Mr. John Hay gave little satisfaction to M.P.s. People nowadays...
T HE Minister of Transport is not yet prepared to commit himself about the compulsory use of dipped headli g hts. "Clause 13 of...
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introduced into the C-licensed fleet of The Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., near Nottingham, to cater for loads of concrete lamp...
MO longer was it possible just to 1 acquire the " know-how " of passenger road transport as did many men, still in the industry...
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COMMENTARY by JANUS S TATEMENTS published in Britain about the transport situation in the U.S.A. mostly stress the...
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EXPANSION TRENDS IN HAULAGE E IGHT North Western hauliers seek permission to "switch " tippers from contract A to B licences in...
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T WO examples of a range of Thames Trader normal-control goods chassis are being exhibited by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., at the...
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By JOHN F. MOON A N articulated vehicle can have a personality. Some outfits seem destined to be ill-matched for the whole of...
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1 )1. frh)ot ■ 1 fr t.r'iii , :(.' NYV: I: Froin inp tr,. H thc--. , tr■ - e ..., (P'.4, r.";ziy 0 1 [Irrto, , Mic . I i _...
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E XPLOITING the potential advantages - of. . frameless construction for tankers and vans is a highly. technical exercise, and...
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Articulated Outfits Particularly Prone to Over loading : Tests Conducted with Varying Loads By A. J. P. WILDING Show Effects on...
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Whilst Artics Can Provide Economic Advantages Over Their Rigid Counterparts, Maximum Gain Can Only be Obtained -by the _ Use of...
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VOLLOWING the recent amendment to.. the regulations regarding excess fuel devices on diesel engines, Kigass, Ltd., and Gardner...