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24th November 1984
24th November 1984
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Page 1, 24th November 1984

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Claim while you can

IT TAKES a long time for the implications of new law to get through to the man in the street and, it seems, transport...

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Most agree on 90-hour fortnight

EEC hours accord MOST COMMON Market countries want to reduce the fortnightly driving limit for the road haulage industry to 90...

Weights campaign

A FIVE-YEAR campaign looks set to start soon to dissuade the Government from pressing strongly to for the British exemption...

Cut in road spending

ROAD SPENDING faces a slight cut in real terms in 1985/86. Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley said that spending on national...

Swiss charge

TRANSPORT Minister Lynda Chalker has protested strongly to the Swiss Government about the planned commercial vehicle tax which...

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Lorries can be quiet

LORRIES can easily be quietened to comply with GLC proposed noise limits, according to Greater London Council transport...

Met pay talks

BOTH SIDES of the Metropolitan and South-East regional joint negotiating committee were scheduled to meet on Thursday night...

Decision time

THE FINAL decision on whether there will be a public inquiry into the Greater London Council's night and weekend lorry ban has...

London roads study

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport this week commissioned "exploratory assessment" studies into traffic problems in four of London's...

He's our hero

CHRISTOPHER Morris of Raleigh Road, Bristol, a driver with UBM of Bristol is the winner of CM'S 1984 Mark Vane Award. Mr...

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New United depot

THE NEWLY-formed United Transport Distribution last week officially opened a new distribution centre at South Kirkby near...

'No vat at customs'

A CALL to separate vat from customs duties for importers has come from SDP economics spokesman Ian Wrigglesworth. In a letter...

Bowles slams cowboy charter

NON-SPECIFIC operator licence discs proposed by the Department of Transport would be a cowboys' charter, Road Haulage...

Burmah-Castrol Award in '85

THE BURMAH-Castrol Award, which is presented for an original and constructive short paper on a set subject, is to be repeated...

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Templar and Haywood in Systemline-up

TVVO senior National Freight Consortium managers have joined Systemline, the contract distribution divison of Lex Wilkinson, to...

Caetano's Crosby

REGIONAL manager-north for the newly established British subsidiary of the Portuguese coachbuilder Salvador Caetano is Duncan...

Expert Woodward

FRANK WOODWARD has been retained by Galcol Fleet Services (GFS) to advise on all aspects of fleet management and vehicle...

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Driver's strange diet

A WEST German lorry driver found an original way of concealing the evidence when he was asked by police to produce his...


IN LINE with plans to expand on the Continent, UK — Europe trailer operator Portbridge Transport International has opened a...

Argos contract

ARGOS, the catalogue showroom business, has awarded the contract to deliver to its new Aberdeen store to Freightliners. Three...

A lorry park in Liverpool

THE RANKS of better class lorry parking areas will be swelled next month by the opening of a 160-vehicle park in Liverpool's...

Scots base

VALE OF EVESHAM haulier Spiers and Hartwell, is strengthening its five-nightly Evesham-Glasgow trunk haulage service by opening...


NOVATRANS, the combined road/rail freight specialist, has launched a direct service between Le Havre and Northern Italy. It...

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Waste handler smartens up

BIFFA, the BET-owned waste handling contractor, is investing E2.8m in 1985 and E20m over five years on modernisation. Biffa...

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Air's energy win

THIS YEAR'S winner in the transport category of the Shell Energy Awards is Air Products. The company received the award for a...

Brake claims

CLAIMS of trailer and semitrailer non-asbestos brake linings lasting twice as long as conventional, asbestos-based linings are...

Will JCB pick up Bathgate?

J. C. BAM FORD Excavators is one of several companies which are having discussions with Leyland over the purchase of the...

Esso publishes dew list

ESSO HAS published a directory to all its service stations in the UK selling diesel fuel. Service stations are listed by town...

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Spicer's clutches

BOTH SIZE and weight is minimised with Spicer's new family of mid-range Angle Ring clutches. Designated 310 and 350, the...

Sliding fifth-wheel

A NEW low-profile sliding fifth-wheel coupling from Davies Magnet of Thundridge, Ware, Hertfordshire, is 76mm (3in) shallower...

MOXON Transport of Leeds is equipping its vehicles with Windfoil

air deflectors. The wholly-owned division of the Lin Pac Group of Companies is currently updating its 50-strong fleet and all...

Cummins improves cover

ALL CUMMINS UK and European commercial vehicle engines are now being offered with improved warranty cover. The revised...

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No delay: Ridley

NO FURTHER prolonged period of consultation will be allowed before the publication of the next Transport Bill, Transport...

5,000 jobs at risk

MORE THAN 5,000 jobs in the bus manufacturing industry are in jeopardy because of the Government's public transport policy,...

Two fires: arson fears

A BLAZE at the premises of Heart of England Tours has destroyed seven coaches and severely damaged six more. Heart of England,...

Govt test fees shock

THE BUS and coach industry received an unpleasant shock this week when the Government published a new scale of fees for...

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SBG's business centres

EACH Scottish Bus Group depot is to become a business centre in its own right in the revised company structures being...

No NBC deal

TRANSPORT Secretary Nicholas Ridley has thrown out the National Bus Company's compromise for privatisation. The plan {CM,...

Cash point dismissal

A GLASGOW bus driver, suspected of tampering with his vehicle's cash box with a knife, claimed he was only sharpening a pencil....

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Give credit to these designers

IT WAS very pleasant to receive the splendid silver paper knife as our award for second place in your livery competition. Your...

Imposition on hgv users

WHEN considering the road fund taxation paid by the haulage industry, it is evident that more is levied than can always be...

Cheapest on the market?

I TAKE LEAVE to question the statement in CM's report of the Road Haulage Association exhibition at Crowthorne (CM, November...

My findings on anti-lock

IN REPLY to Mr W. S. Broome's letter (CM, November 3) he has taken my comments on antilock completely out of context, and as I...

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Rental and leasing emerge unscathed

CM was on the ball in forecasting enormous growth in this sector despite difficult market conditions. A special correspondent...

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lilt's time for a change, don't• delay

Time is running out for companies which are considering buying or leasing new vehicles to take full advantage of first-year...

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Thuggery at a firework party

I WAS shaken when I heard the reason why Ron Boyce, dedicated chairman of the Lorry Driver of the Year Association's National...

DAF to the rescue in Ethiopia

TO MENTION Ethiopia and Christmas in the same breath is almost obscene but that, felicitously, is when eight DAF 330bhp 6 x4...

Tiller shuttles into posterity

SHELVOKE and Drewry's famous 1927 Tiller-steered freighter is now on permanent loan to the Shuttleworth Collection at Old...

Too close to the Edge for safety

CLOSE to the Edge, the title of a television film made for the Department of Transport's campaign to reduce road accidents to...

Cheap, easy ways to cut accidents

CHANGES in vehicle design are by no means the only way of making pedestrians more clearly visible to drivers. In West Brompton,...

Illegal tapes walk the plank

MORE than 2,000 pirates were crushed beneath the wheels of a 1924 John Fowler steam engine in a builder's yard in Dublin. The...

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High limits hit economy

ONE IN FOUR commercial vehicles sold in Britain falls within the 7.5 tonne category. Compare this to the one in 20 sold 10...

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The fastest • • •

Higher maximum speed limits have made the Dodge G08 a less economical performer, reports Bryan Jarvis, but on our Welsh route...

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We put our loot down

After initial trouble in our test, we found that the Ebro, although the lowest powered in our group, maintained an acceptable...

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This Ford had the lowest fuel consumption of any vehicle

in our group test. Spec for spec, writes Brian Weatherley, all five have many similarities except for the Cargo's high ratio...

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The first with discs

The new lveco has the best brakes, and its rapid acceleration is a bonus in busy traffic WHEN IVECO launched its revised light...

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irsty on motorway MAN-VW's chassis cab fitted with a dropside

body, straight out of a hire fleet, gave Bryan Jarvis a wellbalanced ride, but disappointing fuel economy MAN-VW produces two...

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And now, a more down-to-earth look at the Leyland Roadrunner.

If you've seen the TV commercial for the Roadrunner you'll know Leyland have proved that their new 7.5 tonne truck can take a...

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Be prepared when asking for a loan

John Durant lends an ear to the Barclays Small Business Unit THESE DAYS we see bank advertisements on television...

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The smaller business loan scheme

This pamphlet describes a plan to regenerate industry and is run in conjunction with the Council for Small Industries in Rural...

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Little separates Europe's top six vehicle manufacturers' products and sales

volumes. Ford believes the way to get ahead is to offer the best parts back-up as possible. And that means a high degree of...

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On the wagons with the premier cm

MOST of us know Beaujolais as red wine, but not much more. Just another title for one of the famous wine growing areas of...

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(sing e usines witH Mercedes 814

"WE GO down there, do the business and get back." For Mike Mudie, sales director of Mercedes-Benz truck dealership Oldacre...

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Drawbar drays double as trunkers

BREWERIES do not immediately appear to have a need for the extra volume afforded by drawbar operation, but Ushers Brewery in...