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T RANSPORT managers often complain of being accorded less respect than their responsibilities entail, and in many cases they...
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I N a written answer to a question in the House of Commons last week, Mr. Marples, Minister of Transport, announced that he had...
D R1VERS' handbooks present problems of their own for manufacturers. If compilation of a handbook is delayed until after the...
Rowla] turice Cole XPORT," Mr. Harold Macmillan is reported to have said, " is fun." Having seen exporters at . work in...
y The Hawk electric fuel pump mounted behind the driving seat. In fact the van has a mechanical, engine-driven pump, as...
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A RECENT development by the Eaton Manufacturing Co., U.S.A., has been a tandem-drive bogie with three speeds, an arrangement...
B US, tube and train fares are to be increased in the London area from January 15, next year. The Transport Tribunal has been...
I - 1 A N examination of the present trans port situation between Britain and Northern Ireland is to be made by Mr. Ernest...
ERE is still hope for a container service between Preston and Dublin, according to Mr. J. F. Jolley, traffic manager of the...
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• L AST week's announcement by the Minister of Transport that he was to invite comments from interested organizations on a...
S UNTER BROTHERS, the Northallerton (Yorkshire) heavy haulage contractors, have sold the coaching side of their business to...
A S a result of the acquisition of H. V. Burlingham, Ltd., the Duple board has decided that the sales departments of its...
RR OADS leading through Hornsey to the City of London and West End may be made " clearways " in order to ease traffic flow at...
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MR. BERNARD R. FARROW has been appointed a director of Wellworthy, Ltd. Mr. Farrow has been home sales manager for a number of...
E XPERIMENTS carried out by th Rockwell-Standard Corporation tram mission and axle division, Detroi Michigan, U.S.A. —...
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WE record with deep regret the death ItV of Sir John Edward Thornycroft, resident of John 1. Thornycroft and Ltd. He was 88....
T HE export division of A.E.C. have received an order from Bagdad 'assenger Transport Services for a urther 80 Regent Mark V...
P UBLIC transport has got to be revised if London is not to get so congested 'that it cannot survive," said Mr. J. L. Waldron,...
A DESIRE to transfer some of their traffic from rail to road transport, because of rAerratic coal deliveries by British...
P ASSENGERS on regular long-distance express road coach services will be able to order a glass of beer or a ginand-tonic during...
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L OADING bans at intersections between 8.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and between 8.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. on...
QEVERAL applications were granted at is-) a sitting of the Scottish Licensing Authority at Edinburgh on Monday. William Dobson...
A N application by Humphrey Brothers, of Brandon Colliery, Co. Durham, to vary conditions on a B licence, took an unusual turn...
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A NEW frontal appearance has been adopted by Leyland Motors, Ltd„ for 'itan half-cab bus chassis, and orders vorth £160,000...
THE Ninth Annual General Meeting of The British Motor Corporation 13 to be held on December 14 at Longbridge Works, Birmingham....
The construction of a new factory for trucks, diesel engines and tractors, of 250 acres, to employ 5,600 and costing...
fixtures of Dundee's two senior football teams was granted to R. Dickson, Jnr., Ltd., at a sitting of the Traffic Commissioners...
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Ltd., said this week they had beet forced, through weight of numbers to increase the frequency of their interurban express...
THE Humber Bridge Committee intend L to press for a further meeting with Mr, Ernest Marples to impress upon him their view that...
A LMOST 200 drivers of Dundee Pl. Transport Department received safe driving awards at a corporation dinner in the Royal Hotel....
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A T a hearing lasting four hours last week, Cannock (Staffordshire) magistrates heard cases brought by the Ministry of...
A N increase in traffic receipts is shown in the latest figures issued by the British Transport Commission. For the four weeks...
T 'THERE was a net deficit on the workings of Bradford Transport Department for the year ended March 31 last of £73,849,...
T WO additions to the popular Motor Cycling Maintenance Series have been published by Temple Press Limited. One deals with...
A Sa result of a grant made by the Deputy Northern Licensing Authority, M. G. W, Duncan, at Newcastle upon Tyne last Friday, a...
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D ESPITE opposition from British Railways, who run special trains for caravan deliveries, a newcomer was granted a B licence,...
asked to " stagger " the lunch hour at local schools to help the transport undertaking. The transport manager, Mr. J. Crawford,...
yellow bodywork with red wheel rims and centres. The use of yellow paintwork, in this case complies with vehicle colour...
L'OLLOWING an announcement in the I Commons on Monday by Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the Government...
INCREASED earnings by over £11,00C I and substantial rises in the amounts paid to sub-contractors over the past financial year...
B.M.C. Drivers' Club, founded five years ago, now has a total of 95,000 members.
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THE first services from Scottish 1 Omnibuses' new £90,000 garage at Baillieston started last week. The need for the new depot...
U NLICENSED vehicles were being used every day because of a shortage of transport to carry film equipment for location work....
T HE plight of Mr. F. W. Morris, a newcomer to haulage, who bought a £3,000 vehicle on hire purchase before applying to the...
Medical Research Council into air pollution, including the effects of diesel -and petrol fumes, had not so far demonstrated...
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I WOULD like to compliment you on your editorial A comment in The Commercial Motor of November 11, "Reluctant Hauliers." It was...
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SPEED-UP of passenger flow, plus L WO per cent, fare collection, are the in objects of an experimental doublecker bus...
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New B.M.C. 10-12 cwt Forward-control Van Lively, Economical an Handy to Use: Standardize( Components Cut Initial anc...
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INQUIRIES into road transport these days usually begin I with the C licence holder, whether the conclusions are in his favour...
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W E reckon to keep the transport thinking closely linked with the marketing thinking, and as a suit we participate actively in...
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c By Use o The Second of Two Articles Dealing With B.R.S. Traffic Movements for the Motor Industry By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON,...
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THERE was a net surplus of £26,316 on the workings of Preston Transport Department for the year ended March 31, last, This...
I NSTEAD of being transferred from road vehicles to rail and back again. some 600 cattle recently rode from Chicago to the U.S....
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Commer 12-seater Offers Attractive Lines and Economical Operation By T. Walkerley nNE of the 19 versions of the Commer 1-ton...
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' RANSPORT managers—and others whose lot it is to brush occasionally th the law—will welcome the third Ltion of "Road Traffic...
QCOTTISH OMNIBUSES, LTD., who 4- 1 estimate they are losing thousands of passengers a year by the operations or " pirate "...
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MOBILE crane which combines 'a useful lifting capacity with nceuvrability and which can be ;ed on a standard chassis for use at...
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The Missing Factor The Omission of Any Reference to the Likely Average Weekly Mileage in Readers' Requests for Recommended...
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A DESIGN for a disc brake, which is PA claimed to be compact and simple to manufacture and where the operating mechanism is...