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:OVERY VEHICLE operators have moved up the transport social ladder at ljr rate in the last three years. When CM sponsored the...
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IORE THAN 5000 lorry drivers have been laid off as a result of he steel strike, and Road Haulage Association national hairrnan...
YORK TRAILER is making 93 of its Anthony Carrimore staff redundant in an attempt to eliminate the company's losses. The...
k. MEETING earlier this week was expected to decide the iransport and General Workers Union's attitude to the tacho:raph....
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EFFORTS should be made towards quieter, cleaner, and less aggressive lorries, the Lorries and the Environment Committee has...
SINCE January 1 this year Dodge has been the OAF Importer for Spain, it was disclosed last week by DAF's Net Van Doorne. But...
NOW nearly three years old AVRO (the Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators) is to stage Britain's biggest exhibition of...
TRAFFIC will be banned frot the centre of Chester ever Saturday from a date later thi year. The city council agreed la week to...
NUCLEAR waste is now being carried on the Cumbrian sectic of the MG, following a dummy run earlier this month. British Nuclear...
ROAD haulage will become more efficient if heavier lorries ar permitted, says The Chartered Institute of Transport. It has...
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k SUBMISSION to the Armitage Inquiry ;uggests that demountable distribution, orries could make trans-shipment more icceptable...
MIDLANDS road pressure group is highlighting he particularly slow road-building progress in the 4idlands region. The Midlands...
OUR-axle 32-ton articulated vehicles failed to wet their road expenditure costs in 1977/78 by ss than £400, instead of the £900...
TOLLS for the Humber Bridge which is scheduled to open at the end of this year have already been proposed. The maximum prices...
THE SCOTTISH lass who nips along to the supermarket to buy a bottle of the hard stuff to celebrate Hogmanay need have no fear...
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THE PORT of Felixstowe's container handling capacity will more than double in the next 18 months as the result of a £27m...
THE MYSTERIES of the tachograph regulations are unveiled in Dunlop's latest Usercare leaflet. Titled Tyres and Tachographs, it...
BEES Transport has built fully equipped two-bay work shop at its Morley depo near Leeds. The company, which i.! owned by the...
A ROCHDALE parcels carrier is reporting a big increase in payload performance since adopting the drawbar system. Span Express...
WAREHOUSING and dis. tribution made a five per ceni contribution of £1.2m toward! Tate and Ly1e's pre-tax profit) in the year...
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[HE 500th National Carriers Contract Services lorry was landed over to International Superstores last week at a :eremony in...
AUSTRIA — which claims to have one of the highest tonnages of transit traffic in Europe — has sent an urgent SOS to the EEC for...
THE CLOSURE of Oxford Motorchef to heavy goods vehicles is an isolated incident, according to Trust House Forte. Oxford...
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COAL HAULIERS J. W. Dobson & Son Limited of Garforth have been ordered to make a E1425 redundancy payment to a driver who was...
THE TRANSPORT MIN ISTER is looking into thi question of recovery of com pensation for propert3 damage, liability for which it...
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WEST YORKSHIRE PTE still expects to have a E6.175m deficit this year, despite a 24 per cent fares increase which was granted 3n...
i0UTH YORKSHIRE PTE's !heap fares policy will cost E48.3am next year, of which E43.5m will come from local Funds. This...
• running WITH the future of the Moscow Olympics now in doubt what was a promising exercise in international coach operation...
GOVERNMENT plans for legal guidelines on how earsharing motorists may charge passengers for the running costs of the journey...
LEYLAND'S B21, the chassis incorporating National-type engineering and driveline for markets wishing to build their own bodies,...
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GOVERNMENT plans to cut expenditure on schools transport are creating confusion among coach operators. Few are sure of how they...
CHESTER City Transport needs a 13 per cent fares increase if it is not to incur a loss this year. Transport manager David...
DESPITE initial popularity with New Yorkers, it seems likely that the American city will reject the double-deckers for its...
"DON'T drink and drive — take the Green Line" is the theme of an advertising campaign being negotiated between London Country...
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POTTERIES Motor Traction las applied to the Traffic 7.ommissioners for extensive alterations to Kidsgrove, Mow Biddulph,...
BRIGHTON Borough Transport has ordered an air-sprung Dennis Dominator double-decker as the prototype of a new standard bus for...
DEREGULATION is a spur to National Travel, not a threat, and it is rising to the challenge. NBC express division controller...
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THE LANDTRAIN, a new range of eight bonneted truck models, has been designed by Leyland specifically for the Middle East,...
Window on the world VANGARD is the name of du wide-view window lens madl by Berm Optical Products Lt( of Barmhy Moor, North...
EATON is to set up a "bank" of reconditioned Fuller transmissions at its truck components branch at Velbert in West Germany....
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THE UK LAUNCH ofthe new Mitsubishi L300 light commercial vehicle is expected during the summer. This latest addition to the...
FORD has announced a pro. gramme for improving thE anti-corrosion treatment of its commerical vehicles. The new electrocoat...
AFTER having built more than 330,000 examples of the frontwheel-drive Peugeot J7 van, the French manufacturer has announced the...
S. M. TRAILERS Ltd have been appointed by Barber Greene (England) Ltd as agents for a new mobile concrete mixer in an area...
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A NEW DIMENSION has been introduced to rallying in the Eighties, writes lain Sherriff. Entries in the second Paris to Dakar...
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The Swiss evidently buy other things than cuckoo clocks the Geneva commercial vehicle exhibition reflects a striking growth in...
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Tim Blakemore visits Dawes in SwaHey, still mainly a family concerr and report on its activities and the various calls for helo...
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N REPLY to Mr Johnston's letter - Not Backing Leyland" (CM, December 29, 1979), we as a commercial vehicles sales force get a...
Leyland vehicles, as we find their products equal to anything else — despite Mr Johnston's views. We operate from a small...
SO LEYLAND has finally managed to back a winner — Saudia Williams. Somewhat ironic, though, that it should be Ford powered....
I SHOULD LIKE to draw the attention of your readers to a situation which has recently developed at the Oxford Motorchef...
IN YOUR edition of December 29, 1979 you report Transport 2000 as saying that the use of heavy lorries - has grown...
I FEEL I must defend the Department of Transport IRFO Newcastle, following your statement (CM, January 12) that it has been...
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BASED on the principle used for a hundred years in the design of construction-site light-railway tipping wagons, a new bulk...
eight wheeler AN ATTEMPT to utilist maximum dimensions per mitted for commercia vehicle operations in Austrii has resulted in...
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Noel Millier reports on a 24-hour recovery service which answers the prayers of operators, passengers and drivers alike, Dick...
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THIS YEAR will see an increasing number of manufacturers producing equipment for the vehicle recovery operator. Most of the...
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OUR "Write a Caption" competition, December 29, pulled in a big entry and a good one. We were surprised by both quantity and...
AS A Garden of Eden, the Woodland Transport Hotel on the Great North Road could hardly be better named. But idyllic as the...
"REP LATE page 1" screamed frenetic news editors up and down Fleet Street as they heard that Alan Greengross, leader of the...
IT LOOKS as though both the Woodland Transport Hotel and Roadchef may be going into competition with clearing houses. - People...
A 25 per cent increase in pr money in the sixth Associat Tyre Specialists pro-am g tournament should just abc keep up with the...
ALEX KITSON, who sitteth the left hand of Moss Almight is clearly a man of iron. As 1 entered the Palace of Wes minster for a...
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John Darker talks to the director of the National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors and learns a lot about a...
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f Les Oldridge, T Eng (CEO, 11141 OST goods vehicles have to mply with the law concerning e maximum weight, width and -igth of...
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David Wilcox visits Catling's breakdown operation in Chesham which also runs its own training course to encourage a...
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Feeler and dial gauges FEELER gauges are used to accurately measure the size of small gaps or clearances between parts. They...
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James Duncan, chairman of the Transport Development Group, has been elected president of the Chartered Institute of Transport...