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27th January 1961
27th January 1961
Page 1
Page 1, 27th January 1961

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Straws in the Wind

T HERE was a time, nearly 200 years ago now, when the brand-new canals revolutionized transport, sweeping all before them....

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A Little Bit of Levelling

T HE first of the Continental-type half-barriers for level crossings in this country are to come into use on February 6. They...

Claude Howa] avill Pickett

H OW self-effacing top management sometimes is. photographed while in session (but only by a top True, boards occasionally...

Page 28

Trailer Take-over

H ANDS (LETCHWORTH), LTD., the trailer manufacturer, has been acquired by Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., a member of the Hawker...

Minister to Consult Unions About White Paper Ideas

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT it 4R. ERNEST MARPLES, Minister of in Transport, is to have further discussions with Trades...

National Coach Rally at Blackpool A TWO-DAY programme has been arranged

for the National Coach Rally which is to be organized by the Wigan and District Excursion and Tour Operators' Association in...

Page 29

Lord Parker on Abnormal and Indivisible Loads

L ORD PARKER, the Lord Chief Justice, said in the Queen's Bench Divisional La Court last week that he thought the meaning of '"...

Conviction Against Sunter's Quashed

O N what the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Parker, called " a highly technical point," the Queen's Bench Divisional Court last week...

Dunlop Man's Denial in Tyre Fraud Case

WHEN the hearing was resumed at V Bristol Assizes on Monday of the case against eight tyre dealers and their employees, one of...

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Men in the News

MR, B. GLEDHILL has been appointed technical manager of the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. MR. PAUL N. MarroN, managing...

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Hauliers Act Over C Licence and Contract Appeal Decisions

T HE Transport Tribunal's decisions in the Merchandise Transport, Ltd., and Arnold Transport (Rochester), Ltd., appeals are...

Tribunal Say Evidence Was Not Untrue

T HE Transport Tribunal did not take the view that evidence given before the Licensing Authority by the managing director of...

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Recent Leyland Group Overseas Orders

O N behalf of The Burmah Oil Co. (1954), Ltd., Petroleum Supplies and Services, Ltd., have ordered four Albion Clydesdale...

November Exports Hit New Peak

T HE value of commercial vehicles exported in November was the highest figure ever recorded, exceeding the £11m. mark for the...

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Joint Talks Welcomed

W ILDCAT strikes in the motor industry and industrial relations generally are to be investigated by a joint committee of top...

Opposition to Attack White Paper

From our Political Correspondent IN/HEN the Government's plans for the VV railways are debated in the Commons next Monday. the...

Call for Better Roads in the West Country

R OADS were the subject of speeches by three people at the annual dinner of the North Devon sub-area of the Road Haulage...

Offer to Cut Rates Alleged

O NE of the principal reasons why Tinsley Rolling Mills Co., Ltd., supported an application by Wilfred Harrison (Transport),...

Record-breaking Indian Orders

D URING December, 1960, Ashok Leyland, Ltd., Madras, broke five Indian records for the output of heavyduty goods and passenger...

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This New Tracked Vehicle Has Air Suspension

Pl. A NEW type of off-the-road vehicle, designed to carry heavy oil-exploration equipment, is thought to be the first tracked...

Minibus Application Refused

4 - 1 A MINIBUS operator, who had been prosecuted for " pirate running" only last week, on Monday had an application refused...

Can Offences by an Individual be Held Against a Company ?

C AN offences committed before the formation of a limited company be taken into account in revocation or suspension proceedings...

Ribble Lose Appeal

T HE Court of Appeal last week dismissed with costs an appeal by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., from a judgment of Mr. Justice...

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The Growth of Bulk Grain Deliveries

'THE demand for bulk grain delivery I• vehicles will grow in the future, said Sir Hubert Hull, president, in an appeal at the...

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McKelvie Application is Again Adjourned

T HE hearing was continued at Glasgow last week of the application by James McKelvie and Co. (B. M. and P.), Ltd., of Barrhead,...

Arac. Driver Was Under Age

WHEN is a heavy motorcar not a V heavy motorcar? This was the problem put to Carlisle City Magistrate on Monday. Mr. T. H....

U.S. Ilauliers Face Pay Claim

WITH a wage bill already representing Y about 50 per cent, of their tota l operating costs, hauliers throughout the United...

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1961 American Ford Range

ri E LATEST range of goods vehicles produced in America by the Ford Motor Co. includes a side-loading forward-control 1-ton...

Court Told of Cracked Chassis in "Al" Lorry

D EFECTS in a lorry led to a case of alleged breach of warranty in Sheffield County Court last Friday. Brocklebank and Co....

N. Wales Application Heavily Cut

A N application which was described as " far in excess of what is required " was modified before being granted by the North...

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PASSENGER: The main problems remained " pirate " operators, irregular 1,rivate hire, increasing costs, express service linking,...

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Headlamp Alignment Kit

E QUIPMENT intended to give greater accuracy in the setting of the new All-Glass sealed-beam headlight unit has been introduced...

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Poor Parking Facilities

THE overnight parking facilities for long-distance drivers are very poor in some towns. In Brighton recently had to leave my...

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From Thames To Nile

by Kenneth Bowden • I F variety .really is the spice of life, • the heavy haulier has the . most highly flavoured job in...

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O PINIONS on transport con - le at us from so many quarters and in so many guises that we may well imagine we are watching a...

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The Belgi Market Hardens

Forty-first Brussels Salon de l'Autornobik Emphasizes Growing Competition Between Importers, and Reluctance of Exhibitors to...

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Britain : Large Fl eets, Low Expansion Rate

by John Wicks T HE United Kingdom, with the biggest motorbus fleet in Europe and the second biggest goods vehicle fleet, has...

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Vehicle Registrations Still Climbing

F OLLOWING the trend set in the previous month, the registrations of new commercial vehicles in October continued U3 rise,...

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Heavy Machinery Transporter

D A TENT No. 856,592 deals with heavy' duty trailers such as those used for transporting machinery and the like. It shows...