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N OW that the acquisition and disposal of new (unregistered) commercial vehicles, both goods and passenger-carrying, are...
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How to Line EffecTHE adhesion of the white tively Steel Bearing metal linings of bearings Shells . . depends upon having a...
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That the CA/. has no filth column on any page. That " shop " colour may be the most suitable for vehicles to Make them less...
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ing article for this issue, came particularly interesting news from United Dominions Trust, Ltd., Regis House, King William...
T HE accompanying schedule embodies rates which hauliers throughout the country should charge for the carriage of sugar beet...
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T HE accounts of Associated Road Operators will be presented when the Association meets at the Royal Empire Society,...
CIRST meeting has been held at I Plymouth of a Port Shadow Committee, consisting of representatives of the industry which has...
D ATES for the carriage of " smalls " "Aare already fixed in Glasgow and the districts immediately surrounding the city....
S OME time ago, in connection with the national defence movement, Crossley Motors, Ltd., formed a local defence volunteer...
T FIE service and supplies organization at Plymouth of Edmunds, ,Walker and Co., Ltd., the headquarters of which are at the...
A N interesting denouement is reported, concerning a recent short paragraph in this journal, about a northern firm handling...
T UE spare parts and supplies business of Scottorn, Ltd., has been removed from Chelsea, London, to 173, Kingston Road, New...
MR. J. Wzray, managing director of Walter Burgess, Ltd., a Keighley concern of automobile engineers an traders, has presented...
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O PEI-ZATORS owning vehicles ‘../equipped with Scintilla Vertex magnetos may be ptizzled to know how hcst to immobilize their...
T HE need for easily removable warn' ing signs, to enable users of the road to have some previous notice of a military road...
A REPORT of the London County I - 1. Council mentions that 112 auxiliary ambulance stations supplement the 20 stations of the...
51, who has VY been a works manager with complete control of motor repair works and garages covering up to 1,200 commercial and...
A REQUEST was made in the House of Commons last week by Mr. Butcher that the Minister of Transport should make arrangements...
Secretary to the Treasury, show that the number of motor-vehicle driving licences issued in 1929 was approximately 2,687,000,...
A FORMER Provost of Rothesay. CI and managing , director of a motor hiring company, Mr. James MacMillan, was fined £5 at the...
T HE Secretary of the National " Safety First " Association strongly deprecates the comparisons which have recently been drawn...
THE emergency committee of Northants County Council has authorized the purchase of eight motor horseboxes, which were...
NEW COMPANIES Hauliers (Metropolitan and Horne Counties), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. July 17. Cap. 4100 in 41 shares. Haulage...
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I N a letter published in The Times last Wednesday, Mr. D. R. Bomford, Chairman, Tractor Users' Association, refers to the...
outside that city, were made at a meeting of the Bradford and District Petrol Retailers' Association held last week under the...
THE new headquarters of the sports and social club of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Loughborough, were opened a...
A CCORDING to a statement by Sir John Reith, a total of 605 goods or public service vehicles was converted fro'm petrol to gas...
rrHE secretary of the Scottish I Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association draws the attention of hauliers who collect...
S TATED to have rendered themselves liable to a Customs penalty of 4306 5s., Messrs. Carswell's Parcel Express, and Mr. Percy...
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No. 8. The Cost of Overloading O VERLOADING results in forms of tyre failure which are strikingly similar to those caused by...
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The Editor incites cormpondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on only...
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Compact Component Giving Direct Drive in "Top" and Having an Emergency "First" Incorporating Double-reduction Gearing O F the...
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All-oil Policy of Small Haulier How Gardner-erzgined E.R.F. and Maudslay Vehicles Have Contributed to the Efficient and...
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A Logically Compiled Series of Rates for Local Traffic in Loose Material, up to 30 Miles Radius and Applicable When One Man...
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S NOW certainly seems an inappropriate topic for July, but it is wise in warfare to take time by the forelock. If the winter...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT WOMEN CONDUCTORS PLEASE GLASGOW G LASGOVV"frausport Department is '4-1 thoroughly satisfied with the...
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CRO!" the Eagle Engineering Co., I Ltd., and E. Collier, Eagle Works, Warwick, comes in patent No. 522,103 a design for an...