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It will be another 72 hours before we have confirmation of the number of visitors who passed through the turnstiles at the...
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REIGHT handlers at the , irmingham and Leeds conainer bases are seeking ocker status and have lodged 'aims for equal pay with...
better say price men INCREASED use of tachographs is advocated in a "could do better" Price Commission report on the road...
WHEN HE opened the Motor Show last week, the Duke of Kent told visitors that the operator today expects much more of his lorry...
THE ROAD Haulage Association's controversial stand at the Motor Show has proved to be highly successful and after three days it...
BUS services in Glasgow were suspended at midnight on Tuesday, following a strike by Greater Glasgow PTE maintenance staff....
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JAPANESE commercial vehicles could be built in South Wales within 18 months, if the Government gives an early go-ahead to...
EARLY foreign reaction to the Commercial Motor Show at NEC for the organisers. first International Car and was more than...
MAN has taken the first step towards a toehold in the American market with the news that it has bought a 12,6 per cent stake in...
CHANGES in the recomme dations for improving ft consumption on vehicles ha been made by the Advisc Council on Energy Cons■...
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MORE stringent maintenance procedures have been drawn up by West Yorkshire PTE, following the accident earlier this year in...
FOLLOWING our mock CPC examination at this year's Fleet Management Conference — where the pass rate was only four per cent — CM...
EW vehicles are on show on le Toyota stand at the Motor how this week because the 3mpany has sold its annual uota for 1978...
SCOTTISH lorry drivers and road hauliers are meeting again today to discuss their claim for a wage rise well in excess of the...
GOVERNMENT plans to abolish road tax do not affect diesel-engined vehicles, but operators of light vans and company cars will...
Why not write it? WE ARE looking for a News Assistant to replace Man Millar who is now one of our features writers. If you are...
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E AUTOMOBILE Associak has lashed out at tolls on :ain's estuarial bridges and nels, and has described m as "anachronistic."...
SHORT HAULS Buy-back lease deal A NEW SCHEME to allow companies to release capital tied up in car fleets has been launched by...
TISH Institute of Management director-general Roy Close ?Ad for an increase in the number of self-financing produc.y agreements...
RECRUITMENT of ownerdrivers to the British Association of Owner-Drivers has meant the setting up of two new localised...
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Training needs quiz on qualifications The Road Transport Industry Training Board is calling on operators to let it know their...
RENAULT light van users stand to benefit from a computerised diagnostic system for fault finding and repairs. Designed by the...
SOCIETY of Motor Manufa• turers and Traders presider Sir Barrie Heath warned du proposed legislation on pr( duct liability will...
AS ENGINEERS confirm that outstanding repairs w be completed by Christmas, was announced that ti Severn Bridge tolls inquiry h...
A DISPLAY of White Truck commercials has been held at its Coleshill concessionaire's premises while the NEC Show is on. White...
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OODS in the shops will cost more if the M25 London orbital iotorway is not completed, say three National Freight Corpottion...
"TRIES to the CM LDoY )mpetition in 1978 increased r 118 over the previous year spite the loss of 122 corn!titors in...
Foreign dealers' market shore up THE CONTINUED penetra• tion of foreign commercial vehicles on the British market is reflected...
FRENCH manufacturing concerns are being invited to set up business in north-west England. A promotional team set out this week...
DAF president Piet Van Doorne ended speculation on the future of his company last week when he told a press conference that DAF...
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Maintenance failed: staff difficulties BECAUSE he was not satisfied that F. Hansom and Sons of Great Harwood, Lancashire,...
LEGGETT Freightways Con tracts' contract hire service fo Woolworth's 1,000 stores ha begun with Elm worth of nev equipment....
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EATURED for the first time a the Crane Fruehauf stand t the NEC is a CF Holmes adet 1000 Wrecker. Designed for the lighter end...
A LAST-MINUTE entry on the Mack stand at the NEC is the F886SZ 6x4 tractive unit for special use at up to 200 tons gross....
A LABOUR-SAVING device to take the humping out of meat loading is the latest product from body-builders Silverdale exhibited at...
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• New ERF cab has full safety features ERF has updated the interior of the SP cab introduced on its B-Series in 1974 to...
A NEW Petter refrigeration unit at NEC this week allows more goods to be stowed in standard semi-trailers and containers. The...
RUBERY Owen-Rockwell Ltd has introduced a new Series III Q-cam brake for trailer axles. It is exhibited for the first time in...
THOMPSON Tankers L have won a E2m order for 1 British Army of the Rhine fu tankers. The Bilston-based su sidiary of NET-Clark...
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HE SUCCESSES of the kssociation of District Colinus were highlighted last week iy ADC chairman Councillor iorman Harris when he...
/ER 60 secondhand coaches expected to be auctioned xt week by British Car Aucns at its Farnborough preses in Hampshire. rhe...
SPANISH Unicar coach bodies will be available on Bedford YMT coach chassis from January 1979. Union Carrocera has appointed...
UK concessionaires for Volvo coaches has announced that from January 1, 1979 all new Volvo B58 coaches destined for the UK will...
HESTAIR Dennis has announced that full air suspension will become available as an optional extra on its Dominator range of...
MAN has brought to Britain its first right-hand-drive 280bhp rear-engined luxury coach. The vehicle is to test operator...
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Bus grant must stay, Government is told THE FIGHT is on to save the new bus grant, with a campaign spearheaded by the...
OCTOBER 28, the day upon which the next stage of London Transport's short-term bus plan takes another step forward, is also the...
THREE new bus services introduced by Greater Glasgow PTE cater for shoppers and factory workers. Two peak-hour workers'...
LONDON Transport has been forced to fit laminated windscreens to some of its fleet of Leyland Nationals. Crews at its Elmers...
TAKE-OVER of Scar borough's Grand Hotel b Butlins means that coach par ties can no longer be accon modated on an overnigh...
BRITISH buses are taking on a transatlantic look, with pneumatic bumpers being specified experimentally by three urban...
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John Darker investigates... THE BATTLE of the most powerful trade unions to break through the five per cent "norm" suggested...
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Talking a look at the gearboxes fitted to many of the new or updated models at the NEC, we have an intriguing situation....
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consequences of any change are carefully considered before being implemented, but new and improved materials or components are...
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It looks as though the wagebiters may have been bit. The Transport and General Workers' Union is reported to be worried by a...
ally beastly people have been known to murmur casualiy to oden men: - I've heard of your band but I didn't know you made Ties."...
e Automobile Association has Glared that towing standards too low — and it shows no in of retreating. Its magazine, Trail,...
Fullers Transport, of Slough, who have a mixed fleet of 32 lorries, were looking for a new gearbox for a high-mileage Volvo F88...
It's all go at the Motor Show, especially on DAF Trucks' stand. There the New Edition troupe has been performing dances of the...
The big A in a circle that immediately identified Atkinson lorries for years and was abandoned when the Seddon Atkinson...
Transport operators are among those who are inclined to regard the European Communities Commission as, in the Commission's...
Bearded shock-headed George Rotherham, a 40-year-old St Helens lorry driver, is as skilful on his feet as he is on his seat. As...
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MOTOR SHOW lap one-ton threat 3 ERIOD of consolidation. I updating of existing de's, rather than the intro tion of new...
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Better British vehicles •.. An operator finds many models to enthuse about to Steve Gray :SIDES some completely w vehicles at...
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Noel Millier takes a driver round the new buses Reaction to the first NEC • Show from passenger operators has been generally...
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MOTOR SHOW Peter also mentioned that he and many of his colleagues preferred driving VRTs with semi-automatic control rather...
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One of our vehicles is a BSeries eight-wheel rigid, and ;arlier in the year the gear lever )roke. In order to get the vehicle...
M contacted ERF about Mr owe/I's complaint and we have ceived the following reply. ver the past few months, gear wers have...
I have been reading your recent articles in the passenger news section of CM regarding British Car Auctions and their...
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Report by Arthur Sherlock-Mesher A CONSCIOUS effort to reach the small operator was :made by the Road Haulage Association at...
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E. R. Durham (Northern) said that many operators were running artics that did not meet the maximum length regulations because...
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. hermostatica Ily-cientroliedelecric engine cooling fans, pionered by Kenlowe over twenty ears ago, are fitted to over onelird...
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4E EQUIPMENT available r municipal and public arks operators is becoming ore sophisticated and beuse of a recent upsurge in...
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KNOW T SUSPENSION, 2 When a beam axle is used, the rise of one wheel, as it travels over a bump in the road, causes the other...
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Regulations, 1 The 1973 Construction and Use Regulations were amended seven times in 1977 and on 21 occasions since ihey came...
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Flanagan:Land'sjob Gerry Flanagan will move from the Department of the Environment to the National Freight Corporation on...