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28th February 1964
28th February 1964
Page 1
Page 1, 28th February 1964

Page 23

H.G.V. Licences?

IS there a case for issuing a special driving licence to goods vehicle I drivers once they have shown competence to drive...

Page 24

New Tory Warnings About Labour Transport Plans

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Conservatives have opened their I. election campaign with a slashing attack upon what is...


A NEW gearbox based on the well ti known Albion GB.241 fiveor six speed box is to be offered in Clydesdale CD21A, Reiver RE25A...

Page 25


'THE B.M.C. 3-8-litte four-cylinder I direct-injection diesel engine, originally introduced as optional to the standard...

Middlesbrough Lorry ' Port ' Proposed

M IDDLESBROUG H'S watch and licensing committee recently decided to seek land from other committees for the immediate...


FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THERE is general dissatisfaction with the rail service for meat and fatstock. On the other...

Page 26

THE first of a new range of E.R.F.

four-wheeled tractive units specially designed for the Australian market has been dispatched to Booth (E.R.F.) Pty. Ltd., of...


ROME five or six years ago the B.P. 1 --/ Co. of Vienna, Austria, operated a number of rigid and articulated vehicles with...

Page 27

Hauliers Would Fight Goods Parking Meters

WE have been told that the Minister of Transport is considering the possibility of meters for goods vehicles which are kept...

Staggered Deliveries

QTAGGERING of times for service and delivery to premises,, as well as of office hours, and separating of essential from...

Suggested for London

range of studies including examination in sample areas of the way in which road and rail traffic might be controlled, and...

Fuel Tax Cut Urged

THE British Road Federation has asked 1 the chancellor of the Exchequer to reduce fuel tax by 6d. a gallon, from 2s. 9d. to 2s....


WilTI-1 Mr. W. A. Sutton, chairman and VV managing director of Sutton and Son (St. Helens) Ltd., to cut the white ribbon and...


F OLLOWING the news, reported in The Commercial Motor of January 24, that the Traders Road Transport Association was making...

Wages and Rates T HE Road Haulage Association rates committee will

meet on March 6 and among other items will consider any possible changes in operating costs as a result of wage awards and...

Injector Quiz Urged T HE supply of diesel fuel injection equipment

and vehicle speedometers were 'among items suggested to the Board of Trade during .1963 for reference to the Monopolies...

Page 28

Smoke Checks and Control Plans R OADSIDE checks on diesel fumes

would continue, said Mr. Marples in the Commons this week. Standards for their control could not be prescribed until exhaust...

Tunnel Size

VENAL specifications for the Channel I tunnel had yet to be drawn up, said Lord Chesham when asked on Wednesday about the size...

LABOUR LICENCE THREAT A LABOUR Government would give priority to a

cut in licences for road transport and would call for the re-examination of existing licences, said Mr. Ray Gunter, M.P.,...

Deliberate Policy

I T was deliberate that the Government had not asked for a report on transport as a whole, said Lord Chesham, joint...

More for Road G OVERNMENT estimates for 1964/65 show over £30m.

more devoted to roads (£204m. provisionally) than originally allocated for 1963/64, while State rail and waterway spending will...

Government Wary on Rural Bus Subsidies

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT IT now seems highly unlikely that the Government will introduce a scheme to assist rural buses...

Minister Weighing Objection to Noise Regs.

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Ministry of Transport is having second thoughts about the noise meter on which last...

Page 30

Only Two Door Switches on New Marshall Buses after Appeal

QINGLE-DECK bus bodies built by Marshall of Cambridge (Engineering) Ltd. for British operators will in future have only two...

Leeds University to Study Public Transport for Future

A PILOT project for a large-scale study of the future place of public transport in Leeds is to be undertaken by the industrial...


THE whole of the share capital in the coach and garage business of Eatonways Ltd., Birmingham, which runs 10 coaches, has been...

Page 31

N.C.0.1. Fails to Reach Pay Agreement

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT mEARLY seven hours of talks by the National Council for the Omnibus Industry in London on...


O N Sunday Glasgow City Labour Party passed a resolution calling for the introduction of a free municipal transport service....

Forth Bridge Tours ?

A PPL1CATIONS to run excursions and tours from Ayrshire holiday resorts to destinations via the Forth Road Bridge have been...

GRIMSBY'S PROBLEM EMBERS' of the Grimsby-Cleethorpes IV' joint transport undertaking

transport committee were told last week by Mr. John Rostron, general manager, that bus fares would have to he increased because...


Coach Rally Entries: Entry forms for the National Coach Rally at Blackpool (April 4 to 5) can now be obtained from Mr. A. E....


I NCREASED availability and demand for long-distance day tours was the reason for an application to the West Midland Traffic...

Page 32

Mr. Sydney Baybutt has retired from the boards of the

Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd., Standard-Triumph international, and other group subsidiaries after 50 years' service. He joined...

Page 35

Evidence Insufficient for an A Licence, Tribunal Tells Barbour

riN Tuesday in Edinburgh Duncan \-. 1 Barbour and Son Ltd. of Glasgow failed in their appeal against the refusal of the...

Decision Reserved on Two A Bids

A T ABERDEEN last week, the Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, Mr, A. B. Birnie, reserved his decision on two applications...

Reserved Decisions at Nottingham

THE East Midland Licensing Authority, L Mr. C. R. Hodgson, reserved his decisions at Nottingham on Tuesday when three haulage...

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T HE Transport Tribunal, in Edinburgh on Tuesday, allowed an appeal by Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport) Ltd., of...

FRASER ROSS APPEAL REFUSED A Nappeal by Fraser Ross, of Tain,

who operate two vehicles on A licence between Glasgow and the north of Scotland and who had an application for a third vehicle...

Eight-vehicle Grant for Collins P RESSURE of work on the 121-vehicle

fleet of Collins' Express Parcel Service Ltd. was so great that the firm had been unable to carry out normal preventive...

Flexibility for Airport Service A NY coach operator trying to run

a regular service between Birmingham . Airport and the city was between the devil and the deep blue sea, Mr. D. Skelding...

Page 39

One Grant—Four Decisions Reserved

A N unopposed application by Thomas Motor Tours Ltd., of North Muskham, Notts, to run an express service between Newark and...

North Western Decisions

T HE applications by Crosvi ll e Motor Services Ltd. to introduce extended tours from Chester with connecting feeder services,...

Big Northern Switch Listed

'THE largest application in this week's 1. As and Ds appears in the Northern area. This is by Sadler and Co. Ltd., of...

Page 45

Coal Washing Is it LICENSING Glicence Work? CASEBOOK

BY NORMAN H. T1LSLEY SOUTH WALES L.A. ADJOURNS CASE TO SEEK ADVICE T HERE appears to be divergence of opinion between lawyers...

Taxi Man Gra nted B Licence

A N application for a B licence to carry ri goods and packages for Fischer and Porter Ltd., the United Steel Co. and associated...

Page 46

Birmingham Urges National Use of Dipped Headlamps

A T a conference held in Warwickshire last week by the Birmingham Dipped Headlights Committee, a strong plea was made by...


P UBLISHED on Wednesday was "Who's Who in the Motor and Commercial Vehicle Industries, -1964 ", the latest edition of a valued...

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Diesel-engine Temperature DESPITE THE RUSH and bustle of goods-vehicle repair and maintenance, there are odd items of...

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and Publications Fuel Filters A NEW range of " bowl-less " type fuel filters has been Pl. developed by Crosland Filters Ltd.,...

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Transport Today in the U.S.A.

W HEN I ended last week's "Diary ", the subject was the Transportation Association of America. There is no equivalent to T.A.A....

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The Nlenac

BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, A.M.I.R.T.E. If too-free Transport R OAD haulage in the modern sense is a relatively young industry, more...

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D ESPITE the trend towards articulation for heavy goods operation, particularly in some of the larger fleets, rigid...

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By The Hawk It's nice to hear, in these predatory times, of a genuinely philanthropic gesture. The nicest one I've heard of...

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JANUS The familiar picture of a road WRITES haulage lobby . . cannot be

accurate for Northern Ireland' O PTIMISTIC indeed would be the road operator who imagines that the transport policy of the...

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Charter for Office Workers

A S announced last week, standards for the safety, health and welfare of more than 8 m. workers in offices, shops and certain...

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Two G000 vidends Declared

IN his annual review last Apra, stockbroker Sir Ronald 1 G. Leon, Bart., chairman of WEST RIDING AUTOMOBILE CO. stated that the...

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The Squeeze on the Owner-driver R EFERRING to the article by Norman H. Tilsley in the February 14 issue of The Commercial...