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Wednesday proved to be a momentous day in the history of British industrial relations. The Law Lords reversed the Appeal Court...
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Move to line up with Common Market requirements • From November 1 1973 the minimum age limits for drivers of certain classes...
• A totally new system of Government grants for local transport projects, with Whitehall and county authorities together...
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or its shop stewards I The TGWU is responsible for actions its shop stewards, the House of Lords iled on Wednesday. This...
• The board of the Ralph Hilton Group has asked for a temporary suspension of the Stock Exchange quotation until such time as...
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• The FTA's protest at the AA's claims that 10 per cent of all lorries are overloaded has been answered this week in a letter...
• Officials from the West German commercial vehicle industry visited the headquarters of Manchester Transport Training Group at...
• The Portstew art Lorry Driver of the Year competition will take place despite the troubles in Ulster. This was announced this...
• The FTA has accepted "reluctantly" the need to revise heavy goods vehicle testing and re-testing fees as proposed by the...
• * The Transport Holding Company's annual report for the year ended October 31 1971 says that "since all interests have now...
• An articulated lorry left its depot i Longport, Newcastle-under-Lyme, fc Russia on Monday. It is taking a model of £30m...
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Also on Wednesday, when Londoners were facing a 24-hour stoppage by LT bus crews, the general council of the TUC voted by a 2...
by a special correspondent • With the committal last Friday to Pentonville jail of the five London docks men who were held to...
• NIRC President, Sir John Donaldson, on Wednesday evening released the five dock workers he had earlier imprisoned for...
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• A total approach to transport and warehousing was essential, according to Mr R. V. Baird-Parker, dispatch and transport...
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• Transporting a machine which generates a beam so intense that it can boil tungsten in 10- 8 second might pose a problem to...
• A police campaign to curb the overloading of lorries is being called for by Mr Joseph Ashton, Labour MP for Basset Law. He...
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• A wall chart and an eight-page leaflet explaining the legislation on goods vehicle weights which became effective on June 27...
• Bullens Transport Group Ltd has completed one of the largest factory removal projects ever undertaken in this country. It...
CIT Oxford conference • The annual week-end conference of the Chartered Institute of Transport will be held at New College,...
. . . Commercial Motor may be able to help you. As well as your regular reader information service in the 0 and A page, which...
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rom our Parliamentary correspondent 1 The control which Passenger Transport .uthorities will exercise over PTEs when 'cal...
• What is claimed to be the most luxurious nobile home ever produced in the UK left :,ondon last week bound for the Continent....
D This year's edition of The Little Red nook, published this week by Ian Allen Ltd, Terminal House, Shepperton, Middx, price...
• New regulations, which take effect on August 11, require an applicant for a licence to drive a public service vehicle to...
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• A further shake-up of the operations of its subsidiary companies in South Wales was announced this week by the National Bus...
• A call for the appointment of a transport officer to concentrate on the problems of rural bus services in Cumberland was...
• A 73-seat Leyland Atlantean has entered service with J. Fishwick and Sons Ltd, a 43-vehicle operator in the Leyland, Lanes,...
• The Fiat Antilok brake system, whicl the company has been working on for sorni years, has recently been adopted by thi...
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The introduction of grant-aid for unmunerative urban bus services is called in a memorandum prepared by the itional Bus Company...
The first example of a new design of auble-deck bus — which may well become ie standard in the SELNEC Passenger ransport...
• An experimental scheme to rebate fuel oil duty and provide grants for the purchase of new vehicles for transport undertakings...
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• Two out of three appeals were unsuccessful when they were heard by the Transport Tribunal this week. The one successful...
• Lorry driver Ronald Meredith, of C a stl eri Drive, Langley, Manchester, was foul guilty at Manchester Crown Court last we of...
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The attitude of the RTITB in briefing 11 representation only shortly before the [ring and failing to provide the necessary...
Mr Thomas 0. Gunn, an East Lothian anty councillor and a JP, who operates a vate coal mine, had his one vehicle upended for two...
A total of 178 charges, involving hours d records offences, against Gardner etals Ltd and eight of its drivers, were journed by...
• Midlothian county council, which operates a fleet of 76 vehicles on roads and cleansing work, appeared before Mr A. B....
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• Despite strong opposition from local taxi drivers, Harrogate is to get an experimental minibus shopping service using the...
G. Hands (Hamilton Transport Ltd, London SE1 6) has been re-elected chairman of the Road Haulage Association public relations...
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Gibb Grace I After an introduction at the :ommercial Motor Show, two light vans re to be marketed in the UK by elercedes-Benz...
• Further regulations regarding lead in petrol will be announced before the Commons rise for the Summer Recess early in...
• New seats and noise insulation materials are being fitted to the complete range of Guy trucks. The new driver's seat is of...
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• Intended for long-life service on long or short-haul operations, with a minimum of maintenance, is a new two-wheel,...
• Three 'super' tippers, specially designed to outlive conventional types in the bodybreaking stone carrying business, have...
• The Tatra company of Prague has produced efficient diesel and petrol engines of the air-cooled type for lorries and cars for...
• Seadyke Freight Systems Ltd, Wisbech Cambs, says that the Foden 30-ton-gron eight-wheeler pictured on page 15 of C.k, July 21...
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view hytheHawk I Exportabus le letter in CM on June 23 about bus larding times in the Far East achieved the China Motor Bus...
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By Gibb Grace, DAuE, CEng. MIMechE MOST COACH OPERATORS are familiar with Telma electric retarders bin it is probably true to...
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WHY should California dominate diesel-engine design on a global scale? More precisely, why should legislation that is necessary...
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. efer to the report (CM July 1) in connection th Spinks I nterfreig ht's appeal. The QC representing Spinks Interfreight akes...
In Commercial Motor June 30 I read an article in which Mr J. Hanlon warned lorry "bullies". I can readily imagine that Mr...
I was very interested to read Mr A, J. P. Wilding's article (CM June 30) on current and future vehicle designs. I was most...
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by Gibb Grace, DAuE CEng, MIMechE SWEDEN is effectively cut off from the European mainland and trucks have to enter the...
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• Ten years ago it cost £40 19s — thi equivalent of £40.95 in today's decima currency — to average 600 miles a weel with a...
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3reakdown call-out by Handyman WOMAN'S WORK is never done — id neither is that of the transport foreman. s one problem is...
• The haulage industry has been compelled to stand its ground against the dockers. After their success at Chobham Farm, dockers...
Text week is CM's annual Continental and Ferries number. We have been looking at how nanufacturers' shipping and forwarding...
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Swing to road transport for Europe's farm produce by Robert Richards ROAD HAULAGE will soon be asked to carry a much bigger...
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David Philip • The loose-limbed figure with the boyish smile who has just been 'made general manager of Reynolds big new truck...
Weakest link SINCE the White Paper on a Channel link was published 10 years ago the estimated cost of the tunnel has gone up...
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diesel engine in the 2.5 1 category ?cause of a premature bearing faililre, and !though the piston rings appeared to be in 2od...
on the value which it might obtain from the use of containers and the most effective means of container loading. I believe...
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matters by John Darker AM B Industrial relations in the North West (2) ON a recent trip to the North West I was given some...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Disqualification of driving licences FOR CERTAIN traffic offences the court must disqualify a...
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HAVE YOU come across any organization "awarding" transport certificates and diplomas or even "degrees" in transport simply on...