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W HATEVER can be said for or against the present Socialist Government, it cannot be denied that it is the most lugubrious...
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Regulations ConcernLL inquiries are received ing Petrol Storage by the Automobile As Without Licence . . sociation concerning...
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Hears Of a proposed 35 by 71 tyre. That the "plain vans" are to be exempted from the vain plans for nationalization. Of...
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M.O.T. WARNS WOULD-BE HAULIERS T HE Ministry of Transport has issued a warning to ex-Servicemen concerning applications from...
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O N Wednesday and Thursday of last week, the Appeal Tribunal heard appeals by five hauliers against the grant of licences to a...
H INGING on the question of whether or not there Was virtual abandonment of a haulage business for a certain period, an appeal...
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MR. E L. ELLIOT and MR. P. B. LAKE have become directors of Lake and Elliot, Ltd. MR. B. C. MAHON'S' has been appointed...
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders in compiling the register of tyre traders when the National Association of Tyre...
transport workers has not met with unqualified approval. Objections to new working conditions have been made by Glasgow...
number of orders received from overseas by Leyland Motors, Ltd., equalled half the total placed during the whole of 1946. The...
'THE new engine mounting on the I Dodge 5-ton oiler, mentioned in our issue dated May 23, is the Metalastik Low-Point...
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T HE Institute of Transport announces that the following have been elected to hold office during the year beginning on October...
" I Fwe were permitted to continue in freedom, road and rail could provide for this country the best transport system in the...
B ECAUSE Bra.dford Corporation's proposals to increase fares on its passenger transport system are alleged to be " unfairly...
T HE 1947-48 edition of the R.A.C. Guide and Handbook, now available to members of the club at a cost of 3s., contains 700...
hold its annual rally of members at Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, from June 20-22. The annual general meeting will take place...
W E regret to announce the death of the following:--MR. ARTHUR SMITH, general sales manager of the tyre division of the Dunlop...
S PEAKING at Colchester recently, Mr. G. R. Strauss, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, alleged . that road...
U NDER the Danish Government's imports scheme, Denmark will pay Britain about £1,300,000 for commercial vehicles, according to...
A PPLICATION has been made by 1 , & Associated Film Carriers, Ltd., to cinema proprietors in the Lancashire and Cheshire...
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XCLUSIVE of cars and motorcycles. 14,272 vehicles were first registered in March of this year, bringing the total for...
WHEN Newcastle-on-Tyne police IN objected, at a sitting of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, to applications to run two new...
V EHICLES of the Gas Light and Coke Co. covered more than 5,000,000 miles in 1946. Of 495 drivers who entered for the...
T HE Automobile Association points out that many motorists have the erroneous impression that the 30 m.p.h. speed limit outside...
the terms I of compensation for bus operators will be more clearly defined during the closing stages of the passage of the...
A CASE in which Dr. Dawson Sadler . West' Midland' Deputy Licensing Authority, reached a decision without hearing the...
T HE new Multiway wheelnut wrench. manufactured by Jenks Brothew, Ltd., Bristol Works, Bushbury, Wolver hampton, is described...
QUITABLE for use by drivers for 1 --inight repairs, the Tuba hand torch is made by Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester. It...
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O NE of the oldest catering businesses in the South-West of Scotland, Oughtons' Restaurant, Dumfries, has been purchased by the...
A NEW edition of that invaluable r - L little volume, "Trader" handbook, has been published by the Trader Publishing Co., Ltd.,...
P ROSPECTS of securing better roads are grim, states the Roads Improvement Association in its 60th annual report, to be...
N O doubt the proposed machinery to be set up under the Transport Bill would investigate the relationship between road and rail...
E MPLOYERS cannot reasonably be expected to accept the reduction of efficiency that would be caused by reemploying men in...
S EVEN appeals against decisions of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners have been dismissed by the Minister of Transport....
]EMBERS of the Leyland Motors' 01 Engineering Society, with hundreds of their friends, attended the second annual President's...
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IT is not 'necessary to look in the big !cities of Canada to find the Dominion's most efficient road transport companies....
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the means for adjustment in the grip, is being marketed by International Engineering Concessionnaires, Ltd., St. Michaels...
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Coal Transport Charges The Tendency of Householders to Buy Coal in Smaller Lots Increases Distribution Costs. In this Article,...
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There are Many Ways in Which Tyres can be Preserved From an Untimely End, and This Article Sets Out the Known Causes of...
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Details of a Torsion Tube Device Fitted to Prevent Roll in the A.E.C. Regent Mark Ill Chassis I N dealing with the road test...
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MODERN GEARBOX DESIGN in his Concluding Article, Mr. Haigh Discusses Design Features of Synchromesh Units, Gear Selectors, and...
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V ISITORS to the Royal Agricultural V Show, which is to be held at Lincoln, will probably have the opportunity of inspecting...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE House . of Lords is entirely different from the House of Commons. For one thing, the number of "...
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T HE iopularity of the utility type of body grows apace, and not without reason. In a well-made body, passengers can ride in a...
L AST week we referred to the fact that the Treasury is to impose purchase tax on new utility vehicles where passenger...
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FEEL, as must many others, thoroughly frustrated and savage at the way Parliamentary procedure in connection with the Transphrt...
to the remarks made by " Mr, I. R, Lemmer, at a meeting of the Industrial Transport Association at Burton-on-Trent, and...
E VER since I started HI the road-haulage business in . 1 –'1929 I have been a regular reader of your journal. My one vehicle...
reference to your article on cylinder-bore wear " on page 251 of your issue dated April 25, I think that there is a...
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T HE usual shackle pin is one of the most heavily loaded parts on a vehicle, and unless the lubrication be perfect, play will...