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L IKE almost every public service, road transport is a very convenient Aunt Sally. for anyone inclined to sound off his...
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A N application by a 34-year-old driver for leave to appeal to the House of Lords a g ainst his conviction at Hampshire Quarter...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT E Ministry of Transport has asked the Railways Board to carry out a full review of its...
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BY THE TECHNICAL EDITOR T HE White Paper issued by the Government last week (The Cornrnercial Motor, December 24) is intended...
' 0 further road haulage companies Rave been acquired by Cyprien-Fox (Transport) Ltd., of London. They are 1. Priestley and...
l'HE Traders Road Transport Associa1 lion conference at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, in April, will have business sessions...
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A FTER reporting profits after tax of £200,591)—£59,679 up on the previous year—and a proposed final dividend of 16+ per cent,...
Left-hand Drive at the Ministry P FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT M R. WILSON has given the Ministry of Transport a strong...
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T HE establishment of an Economic Planning Council, a Planning Board for Scotland, and the Highlands and Islands Development...
IN the Commons last week Mr. Michael .1 T. Jopling (Tory, Westmorland) suggested that the police should be given power to...
AR. FRASER told MPs last week that IVI he was examining possible means, legislative or other, of tackling the problem of...
IT had not been possible to arrange I the traffic survey in the Edinburgh area announced a year ago. Stating this in the Lords...
THE Chancellor of the Exchequer would consicler "the incidence of the duty on hydrocarbon oils" in his general review of...
A N informal working party composed of representatives of the Ministry of Transport, local authorities and operator...
A T its last meeting the Forth Road Bridge Joint Board decided not to make any concessionary arrangements or agreements for the...
Southdown Motor Services Ltd., has been appointed to the executive staff of The British Electric Traction Co. Ltd., effective...
appointed to the board of Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary, Crane Fruehauf Trailers (North Walsham)...
Transport, has been appointed principal planning assistant. Mr. Knight, who is 41 and joined LT in 1940, will act as deputy to...
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Dr. F. A. L. Winternitz has joined Associated Engineering Ltd. in the newly created post of group chief engineer. Mr. C. D....
ENV Transmissions Ltd. of Walkden, Manchester, a subsidiary of ENV Engineering Co. Ltd. Mr. Thaw joined ENV in 1961 as chief...
manager of Bosch Ltd. in place of Mr. H. Thum, who is returning to Germany to take up a more senior job with the parent company.
Tozer Kemsley and Millbourn (Holdings) Ltd. Until recently Mr. Biggs, who joined TKM in 1935, was a managing director of the...
its Scottish subsidiary, VacuLug (Scotland) Ltd., whose board now comprises Mr. L. W. R. Morley (chairman), Mr. D. F. Parker...
and Mr. S. G. Stanton as members of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the East Midland area. Mr. Cutts is an...
of Byfieet, to be responsible for all technical liaison with British motor manufacturers on safety belt matters.
prize awarded annually by the British Electric Traction Co. Ltd. to the candidate who qualifies for the award of the "Diploma...
engineering for Caterpillar Tractor Co. Ltd., has been appointed president of the world-wide Society of Automotive Engineers...
D. Luetchford becomes assistant district manager for South London. Mr. D. McGinty becomes area manager for West London and...
Diesel Ltd., has returned from a sevenday tour of South Africa and Rhodesia. During this visit Lex Group Holdings (Pty.) Ltd....
of Stacatruc Ltd., of Birmingham, in succession to Mr. K. R. Townsend, who will take over the Midland branch. Mr. S. W. Baker...
Lansing Bagnall Ltd., of Basingstoke, Hants. He joined the company in 1951. Mr. E. D. Boundy has been appointed executive...
Company, has been elected world-wide co-ordinator of transportation by the Gulf Oil Corporation and will be transferred to the...
Transport for the past eight years, has been appointed general manager in succession to Mr. John Cooper who is taking up a...
Ltd. as technical representative in the north east for sales of Wanda Wash self-service vehicle wash equipment.
M regret to record the deaths of Mr. tanley Eades, Mr. Bertram Harrison, Mr. A. A. Holford, Mr. J. Millar and Mr. J. E....
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A HAULAGE firm would need an extra £12,500 worth of work a year to operate economically if its application to switch seven...
XT R A costs estimated at £305,000 are I the background to an application for increased fares by Ribble Motor Services Ltd. The...
7IGOROUS criticisms of the operaV tions of United Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd. in Bedfordshire were voiced at Cambridge last week...
T H E application of By-Pass Transport (St. Austell) Ltd. for a Bto A-licence conversion, with a change of base to Shepton...
new .1" 174 licence for six tippers of 3134 tons by John F. Peden (Edinburgh) Ltd. at Edinburgh last week, a short-term...
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A S a result of representations by the British Independent Air Transport Association Ltd. to the Air Transport Licensing Board,...
L AST week the Metropolitan Licensing LA Authority, Mr. D. L R. Muir, granted in part an application by B. A. Ward (Travel...
yJHEN Richard Aytoun (1963) Ltd., of Dalkeith, were called to a Section 178 inquiry at Edinburgh on Tuesday to show cause why...
T WO swingeing penalties were imposed by the Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. L. A. Wells, at Kirkcaldy recently....
A N appeal by Staffordshire County Council against grants made by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners to Walsall County...
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A N order for seven 39-seater semi-coach bodies has been received from Halifax Corporation Transport by Pennine Coachcraft...
I F corporation tax (the rate of which is to be announced in the April Budget) were fixed at 35 per cent it would cost East...
Y ORKSH1RE'S longest bus service— between Leeds and Whitby—is not to be truncated during January and February as has occurred...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TWENTY-THREE London bus routes had unplanned cuts in services on Boxing Day because of a "...
A STRIKE by crews at Birmingham Corporation Transport's Quinton bus garage may be averted by an offer of new overtime...
T HE period up to 1981 is likely to see considerable changes in bus services in Liverpool. Express buses are likely to be...
planning officer, Newcastle upon Tyne City Council is carrying out an experiment to speed up the entry of buses into the city....
CTANDARDLZAT1ON on Leyland Adult teans, subject to review, has been approved by Edinburgh Corporation, which has sanctioned the...
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CALES headquarters for the UK industrial '6- , and marine division of Slip Products Co. Ltd. have been moved to Hatfield Road,...
QPECIAL aluminium containers are employed by Ward and Goldstone Ltd., Frederick Road, Pendleton, Salford 6, Lanes, for the...
A S from tomorrow (January 1) the combined overall length of a motor vehicle and one drawbar trailer must not exceed 18 m. (59...
Scammell Bath-carrying Semis : Eleven Scammell 12-ton, 26-ft-long, fifth-wheelcoupling, semi-trailers ordered by distributors...
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Tyne Tunnel Charges : The new road tunnel being constructed under the Tyne between Jarrow and Howdon will be completed during...
C OMB1N1NG light weight with good grip for the tracked vehicles that it will be used to carry, the special centre-section...
More About Gears LTHOUGH great strength can be r - k built into the teeth of spuror parallel-cut gears, clearances are needed...
again, I Mr. D. V. Brown, of Tottenham, London. He points out that when it is necessary to advance the timing on BMC diesel...
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and Publications Repair and Maintenance Kit T HE Loctite Repair and Preventive Maintenance Kit is claimed by the makers to be...
output of 80,000 Btu per hr. is being marketed by Brown and Tawse Plant Ltd. The unit—called the Anderton Waste Oil Heater—...
from Progress Floor Treatments Ltd. is the Convertamatic 20E—a high-speed, heavy-duty floor maintenance machine. This, it is...
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Musical Trouble shooting Midland consultant pinpoints source of gear noise by tuning in with a harmonica WHEN Dr. Henry E....
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T RAFF1C congestion in holiday centres, at sports meetings and on routes to many places of interest is playing a large part in...
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ri E justifiable pressure being applied to road transport to raise maintenance standards, plus an ever-increasing demand on the...
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VIEW By the Hawk Say That Again The news item • in our December 10 issue that a Harrow MP wants private enterprise mini-buses...
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N EWS of the formation by the Government of an advisory council on road research was likely to leave the commercial vehicle...
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As the owner driver expands his fleet, adequate recording of collection and delivery becomes essential. I N recent weeks in...
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Dennis Bros. Gloom THERE was unpleasant pre-Christmas news for the 1 shareholders of DENNIS BROS. For the year that ended on...
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A reader asks for clarification as to the effect of speed limit regulations on the use of dual-purpose vehicles and whether...
By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London WHAT TO READ: Reports on Road Transport IN addition to...