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T HE cavalier attitude displayed by many. hauliers towards the licensing system after 25 years of its existence is remarkable....
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1\4 UCH arrant nonsense has been talked both inside and outside Parliament about the dangers of allowing heavy vehicles to...
Canada as a Vital Market W ITH Canada much in the picture at present in respect of reciprocal trade, a letter received from...
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S EVERAL spectacular orders for vehicles valued at some Om. had been booked at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court by...
R EPEATED adjournments of three goods applications at Liverpool brought protests from the objectors, last week, when they heard...
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1 - 1. A CIRCULAR bus route covering Carlisle's Harraby Estate is to he given a three months' trial by Ribble Motor Services,...
there was no indication that 1 - 1 12-seaters were being legitimately used to solve the problem of rural services, Mr. F. J....
Arrives THE Atkinson S-ton four-wheeler with 1 air suspension for both axles, of which advance information was given •...
transport matters was tabled for discussion at this week's Labour Party conference. One of them—by the Scottish Horse and...
W HEN traffic returns were discussed by Hull Transport Committee, last week, one member commented that figures for the 10 weeks...
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MR. JOHN N. RABBIDGE has been made a 'director of Stewart and Ardem, Ltd., • after several years as general service manager....
suggestions by the Transport Tribunal that all commodities carried under in A licence must be specified in the normal user....
NV I-IEN Mr. A. J. Middleton, Aberdeen, applied for a new B licence, the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. Alex...
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A BATTLE between the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., and two smaller operators, McGill's Bus Service, Ltd., and Graham's Bus Service,...
IGHT nurses appeared as witnesses La for York Motors (Manchester), Ltd., when they applied to the North Western Traffic...
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Nottingham Loadtng Ban Brings Protests DROTESTS against Nottingham's pro posals for banning loading and unloading in certain...
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A COACH service from London to Calcutta and Bombay will be inaugurated by Garrow-Fisher Tours, Ltd., on October 17. The vehicle...
deterioration of public transport services in Yorkshire" is to be conducted by Yorkshire Rural Community Council. This decision...
A RESOLUTION urging the Minister L"A of Transport to remove the 30 m.p.h.. speed limit from vans of up to 1 ton carrying...
nETAILS. of two competitions—one for essays and the other for drawings— were annouticed this week. The eSsay competition is a...
THROUGH holding a "best kept I vehicle" competition . each year, Manchester Cleansing Department save thottsands of pounds,...
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1 OADING bays and shelters are the 1-1 main items to be taken into account when bus stations are assessed for ratin g purposes....
W 0 tyre developments were 1 announced at the openin g of the Commercial Motor Show. Tbd Super Tufway cover with a nylon casin...
dollarrik import control from a wide ran g e of g oods "last Week does not affect road vehieles , . many types of...
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L ONDON TRANSPORT are entitled to some protection against the LONDON of traffic caused by the increase of picking-up points on...
A MBULANCES with purpose-built bodies have been found to be more durable than the all-steel standard production counterpart,...
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THE question of whether a Bedford Dormobile is subject to the 30 m.p.h. speed limit at all times revolved round the seating...
B ELOW are the names of the 51 winners of The Commercial Motor Diploma of Merit in the final of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
T O meet increasing demands for the carriage of cattle and sheep between Bolton railway station and the town's slaughterhouse,...
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GETS A LIFT Bodybuilders Meet Demand for Bigger Vehicles to Carry Heavier Loads : Design Related to Current Labour Problems...
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Hardening Markets Encourage Manufacturers to Adopt New Ideas to Stimulate Sales Air Suspension and Disc Brakes Exhibited for...
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Entered by Sir Henry Spurrier, a 1908 Leyland X-type 3-tonner . had a total mileage of 379,873 when presented to Leyland. With...
T HE suggestion that all the railways should be scrapped and converted into trunk roads is not a new one. So sweeping a change...
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Li the ndustry Air Suspension to the Fore in Trailers and Semi-trailers : Disc Brakes Shown by: One Manufacturer : Improved...
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D o the public at large want to know the shape of the newest things in road transport? Speaking at the opening of the...
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Bodybuilders Help Passenger Operators to Cut Costs: Light Metals and Plastics Widely Used: 12-seaters in Great Variety By Tom...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. I N addition to producing several new designs, the ambulance section of the bodybuilding...
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MEW from M. G. Rowe (Motors) ' 41 Doublebois, Ltd., Liskeard, Corn wall, is a 20-ton-gross six-wheeler. It has a double-drive...
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Accessory Makers' Aim A LTHOUGH the display of equipment in the accessories and components section of the Show covers exhibits...
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datest Equipment Modern Servicing and Repair Appliances Redu c e Periods Which Vehicles Need Spend Off the Road T Ct reduce...
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CAUSE the new roads have been so long in coming, we can forgive .the strident note in some of the publications put out by the...
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S UPPLY and demand are two of the most powerful factors in determining a vehicle's specification and price. The extent to which...
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cONTINUING some 30 years' association with the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., . County Commercial •Cars, Ltd.; Fleet, Hants, are now...