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4th September 1959
4th September 1959
Page 1
Page 1, 4th September 1959

Page 37

Blow Your Own Trumpet

contrast to the high esteem which turbocharged oil igines stand with certain ators, the majority view is the turbocharger is an...

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Look Back in Anguish

R EAR-VIEW mirrors seem to receive less attention from manufacturers than any other part of a vehicle. A new lorry or van with...

Passing Comments

Factors in U.S. Road Transport S OME interesting points on the transport of goods by road are referred to in a study made by...

Page 39

One Hears— at in vehicle maintenance neglect of an apparently tg defect may eventually result in a serious break

an American claim that the average octane number of spirit will rise by 3-5 points during the next five at in premium grades...

Page 40

Austin to Make Van Version of Seven ?

INVESTIGATIONS are being made by I the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., into the application of the basic design of the new Austin 7...


C OUNTEIUNG complaints, voiced by Mr. Jim Simmons, Ml'. for Brierley Hill, that bus services from the Wornbourn housing estate...

Grant Without Evidence for Scrap A NEW B licence for two

vehicles was granted, without the production of any supporting evidence, to a Sunderland scrap metal merchant and carter by the...


L.T.E. Report Warns About Growing Car Traffic : No Full Recovery from Strike UCH of the report of Mr. A. B. B. Valentine....

Page 41

Transcontinental Bus Operation Now a Competitive Field

By a Special Correspondent 'HE first passenger-carrying bus from London to Calcutta was pioneered by Paddy Garrow-Fisher in...

Motorway Coach Tests Highly Successful: 85 m.p.h. with Economy

EE XTENSIVE tests of the modified C.5 high-speed coach that Midland " Red " intend to use on the LondonBirmingham motorway...


T HE Central London Busmen's committee at their meeting last week decided to make a triple claim to the London Transport...


T HE difficulties of providing A.C. power supplies for fluorescent lighting from a D.C. bus battery are well known. The problem...

Page 42

Dual-purpose Rim For Tubed and Tubeless

A SEALED rim specifically designed 1 – X for both tubed and tubeless truck tyres has been introduced by the Goodyear company....

Men in the News

MR. H. P. OLDHAM has resigned his position as director of manufacturing of Hardy Spicer, Ltd., to return to the USA MR. H. 0....


.CONDUCTORS of Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., have been asked to take on the additional role of salesmen, by the chairman of the...

Ribble Fight Proposals to Ban Lower-deck Smoking

A T Blackpool last week Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.. contended-that the provisions of Section 72 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930,...

Page 43

R.S. Drop Objection To A-B Transfer

EN an application came before the Vestern Licensing Authority, Mr. Nelson, at Bristol last week, he :el out that the Transport...


Haller bulk cement lorry has started in the workshops of J. house, South Africa, Ltd., Jupiter, land, Transvaal. The vehicle...

Fines For Radius And Conditions Breach

A VEHICLE carrying nine tons of rA carrots between Liverpool and Glasgow when its restricted B licence allowed only the...

LATER BUSES FOR HULL FOLLOWING complaints that people

living in some villages had to leave Hull cinemas and theatres before the end of shows to catch last buses home. East Yorkshire...

Page 44

No Standard Penalty for Weight Increases : Metcalfe Decision

IN their written judgment on the Metcalfe case, which concerned the I revocation of special A licences by the Northern...


A LTHOUGH the total number of commercial vehicles newly registered in 'May was slightly lower than in March or April, the...

Reorganization Gives Bedford Increase A S a result of major

reorganization— which has gathered all light van body production and final assembly operations under one roof—Bedford light Nan...

Page 45

London Tours Lose Popularity

CAUSE" many of their customers wanted to go to Clacton in preference ondon. W. Robinson and Sons (Great wood), Ltd., applied to...


an inquiry at Leicester last week that he had to leave his vehicles on open ground, where teddy boys got at them and where...

New Dodge 10and 12-ton Tractor Units

TW 0 new prime-movers for use with articulated units have been introduced by Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., Kew Gardens, Surrey....

Page 46

North London Exit for Motorway

A FOUR-MILE motorway is planned. for Hendon, to cope with the greatly increased traffic expected to pass throu g h the borou g...

Auditor " Fails " C.T.B. Records

fi ATERIALS stated to have been consumed on repairs and maintenance— worth £l,319,625—could not,be verified because of the...

DONCASTER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS nONCASTER Council are to be recomL./ mended

to accept a £43,000 road maintenance scheme between Punch's Hotel and the town boundary, as part of its programme to improve...


AN rate of fuel consumption of improvement of 1 m.p. g . in the 60-seat double-deckers has been achieved by co-operation...

Maintenance Group for London and S.E. ?

HE settin g -up of a vehicle main tenance advisory committee is bein g considered by the Metropolitan and south eastern area of...


H AVY demands for the " Cornettc " ice cream sales vehicle, made by Smith's Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne, 11, and...

MINI-BUS OWNERS WARNED ]MINT-BUS owners who ran vehicles 'VI without

the permission of the Traffic Commissioners—and carried more than seven passen g ers—were warned by the Chairman or the Keswick...

EXCESS WEIGHT-150 FINES F OR five offences of allowing vehicles

nc EXCESS WEIGHT-150 FINES F OR five offences of allowing vehicles to be on the road when the combined wei g ht of vehicle and...

Page 51

Public Want Coach-air Travel

IR travel was becoming an important factor in holiday travel, said Mr. ). Walker, when the North • Western tic Commissioners...

BEDFORD CLUTCH ENLARGED P r o COPE with the rigours of stage].

carriage operation, a 14-in.-diameter clutch is now available as optional equipment on Leyland 0.350 oil engines fitted into...

"Ask Permission for Theatre Work"

S theatre traffic was not of a general nature and only arose from block bookings of seats, operators who wanted CO run...

ew Coach Station for Great Yarmouth?

+.TCE the Beach Station and other ailway property in Great Yarmouth into disuse on the closing of the land and Great Yarmouth...

ENERAL MOTORS EXPANSION PROPOSMON. to invest a further £7,142,500, has

been submitted by General Motors Corporation to the 'ntina authorities. It would be for nsion of present installations and an...

Low-cost Blower Development

C ',AIMED to be less costly to manufacture than a conventional turboblower. a positive-displacement exhaust-driven turbine,...

THORNYCROFT-BASED DRILL RIG A NEW mobile drilling rig, based on

a Thornycroft Big Ben 21-ft.-wheelbase six-wheeled chassis, has been shipped to Libya for use by the B.P. Exploration Co. The...

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Independents Merge to Servc id -Wales

By C. Duncan Jewell C ENTRAL WALES, with a population of approximately six to a square mile, is an area in which there can be...

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Dutch Operators Welcome Turbocharged Units

By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. RE directors of Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek, N.V., Eindhoven, Holland, have no...

Page 56

Blown Engines Need Strict Attention

G IVEN a continuous supply of clean oil at a high enough pressure, the bearings of a turbocharger should last indefinitely, but...

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Foiling Theft

+1 anti-theft device which immobilizes the engine and sounds a horn should a vehicle be tampered with has been devised by rity...

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Turbochargii yes Vivid Performance

rscale Road Test of Turbocharged Heavy Shows Gains in Speed, Fuel Economy flew Performance : Outstanding Braking .es Achieved...

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Inside Information

A REWARDING sight was presented at Leyland last week when two financial experts in neat, dark suits crawled under a bus to see...

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1-prepared Applications WASTE MONEY

Filling in Forms for the Renewal or Variation of Licences Is More Than a Matter of Routine : Many Things Have to Be Done Before...

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Bulk-container Design Improved

T HE blown-discharge bulk container introduced by Bonallack and Sons, Ltd., Basildon. last year as a detachable container for...

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Quality of Mercy

40RANCE is no excuse for breaking the law, but may soften the severity of the punishment. This nciple has several times been...

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60,000 Miles with Air Suspension

Better Ride in E-ton Van D EVELOPMENTS in this country and overseas with the application of air suspension to...

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An Early Oxy-hydro Fuel Unit

T HE details of the Bacon Hydrox fuel cell which were given in your issue dated August 28, and which, incidentally, were far...

Page 77

New Workshops Save Dead Bus Mileage

entral works for the vehicles based ield from Lincoln. original workshops operated by )mpany consisted of two large...

Hydraulic Tower Wagon at A.P.L.E. Show

A HYDRAULICALLY opera ted I - % Bedford-Eagle three-stage tower wagon is to be displayed by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at the...

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Replace Staff Cars Yearly

Many Difficulties, Largely Involving Personal Relations Between a Transport Manager and His Colleagues, Are Removed if There Is...

Page 81

bber Springing on New Principle

EMARKABLE feature of the new Austin 7 and Morris ii-Minor front-wheel-drive cars is that ample accommodation ur adults is...

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Self-adjusting Rubber Springs

A N independent suspension system with rubber as the resilient medium is shown in patent No. 814,290. Although illustrated as...