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AULIERS are operating a )orn period for Dover docks: per cent more vehicles used Le port during the first half of is year than...
LABOUR Party chiefs face a Party revolt over Transport Minister William Rodgers' White Paper, informed sources revealed this...
permits plan A PROPOSAL to double the number of international haulage permits that allow hauliers to travel between EEC...
TRANSPORT minister William Rodgers has urged the Prices Commission to carry out an inquiry into the running of motorway service...
L1CCESSFUL talks between Le Road Haulage Association id the Transport and General 7 orkers Union and the United oad Transport...
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A NEW system of motorway diversion symbols has been introduced by the DTp. The signs will lead drivers off the motorway if a...
COMMERCIAL vehicle production in the first half of the year rose by seven per cent over the same period last year — but...
rs hold up hauliers HAULIERS using the port Southampton are faci delays because of non-i operation by dockers. The port's...
LEYLAND grabbed the lion's share of the eight-wheeler in the first six months of the year with a penetration of 28 per cent....
DENMARK has introduc( the provisions of the agre ment on international carriaj of perishable foodstuffs, th week. But they will...
LEYLAND is to invest £32 million in a new plant to build its heavy range of vehicles — expected to include the new heavy T45...
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THE reservation list for the 1977 CM Fleet Management Conference to be held on September 21 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel,...
DRIVERS' hours regulations that could decimate pte bus services are expected to be modified before Britain accepts the new...
HAUL IT used to be said that the lowliest Ministerial job was Assistant Postmaster General. There is no general agreement...
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hgv trainee driver alleged t an excessive amount of e was wasted on a training irse run by the Birmingham Lining Group, when he...
INDUSTRIAL disputes in the coal and steel industries in South Wales have hit Welsh hauliers so badly many are going out of...
The company pleaded guilty to using a 32-ton gvw artic overloaded by 2 tons 4 cwt. It was stopped and checkweighed by Kent...
YUGOSLAVIA is to stop issuing taxed transit permits at the borders and will turn back all traffic that does not have the...
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FORMER National Freight Corporation executive director George Gibb has joined Kwikasair as a member of the board. Mr Gibb was...
A FURTHER section of M18 Rotherham-Goole torway, between Amth and Hatfield, near Donca together with the West P Link trunk...
IN A desperate attempt to in business small opera around Sheerness docks i banded together to f Sheerness Haulage Ass( tion....
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'HE Government is backing dans to improve road access o London's dockland in order o stimulate industry in the rea. A...
Eventually, the aim is to Lave a membership of about 80 iauliers, totalling about 250 ehicles. Membership is resricted to...
RESIDENTIAL training courses on Management in Transport and Distribution (September 18-23) and Labour Relations Aspects of...
Quick as a flash A new London-Malta container service is to be launched by international freight forwarders, Transflash...
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COACH operators and drivers are strongly praised by two highly respected international bodies in a report just published. And...
NATIONAL Bus Company has announced a new regional structure, which, chief executive Robert Brook says, will conform more to...
RUSSIAN operator Sovtran savto of Moscow, Varan Tur izm Ve Seyahat of Istanbul and Austrobus, Oesterrei chische...
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). G. Overseas Truck Sales ind Development — a new ompany, formed by the Dawon Group to handle the rexport of Volvo vehicles to...
OPERATING costs of an lpg-fuelled lorry compared with a diesel, are approximately the same — but only when top price is paid...
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Designed specifically for the British 32-tonner market, the Mercedes-Benz 1619S tractive unit has been announced — officially —...
Adjustable 'fop hat' AN adjustable 'top hat' regulating system has been introduced by Cranford Engineer ing Company, of Mere...
KING Truck Equipment has modular hydraulic platform abnormal loads with great flex By removing the neck and deck sections and...
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3ILVER Jubilee bonfires :tonsumed hundreds of Nooden pallets, but the Nastage from this celebration is multiplied many times in...
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IN fluid . • I have just read the report (CM July 1) that Dr T. J. Hunt claims driver fatigue is mainly "pure hypothesis". He...
In 'Bird's Eye View' (CM July 15) The Hawk is obviously blinkered to refer to trams in the past tense, and biased to describe...
July 8) and have since thought about this a great deal, and agree whole-heartedly with The Hawk's observations. It really is...
In the test drive report on the AEC Leyland coach (CM June 24), I was interested to note the adverse comments on the...
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NE of the many side facts of joining the EEC is been the attempt at trmonisation of existing id future legislation and ; effect...
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r HE electric retarder has men in use with British :oach operators for many fears, but the haulage conrector has been less...
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he Duke of Edinburgh has visited the Melton Mowbray branch of Eastern British - Road ervices Ltd, one of the 20 operating...
The American truckers' "favourite" government regulation is the 55 mph speed limit, according to Robert A. Kaye, director,...
I like the story from Western World about the BRS involvement in a slow-moving lump-load. In 1971 a 16-ton steel cabin, 23ft x...
erkshire over a four-year eriod and concluded that there was no significant Ifference in the level of isponsibility for the...
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FRONT-WHEEL disc brakes have been common on carderived light vans and pickups for some time, but it's only recently that...
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)NE should never ignore 'yarning signs. Operating orries is not a mysterious Jusiness and all the signs are easy to see and...
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WHEN talking to heavy vehicle operators and, more particularly, workshop staff, it is surprising to discover how many myths and...
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How Giltspur Bullens played their cards to win a £50,000 contract AMERICAN EXPRESS? Moving to Amex House, Brighton? £50,000...
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VHITE PAPERS and statements of policy in general tend to :onform to the spirit of the times. Perhaps there circulates hrough...
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RETARDERS on coaches effective and perform necessary supporting fur tion for a coach's foundati brakes. Almost any British coa...
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THE formidable array of pipes, valves and ancillary components associated with air brake systems tend to make people think air...