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A CASUAL look through any copy of Applications and Decisions will confirm the now well-accepted fact that more and more...
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B RITISH RAILWAYS are to start a new drive to encourage greater use of their "export express " rail services to the ports....
lICIROTECTED parks are the greatest I deterrent to lorry thieves, and more of them should be provided, says a report which a...
T WO important steps in the development of road/rail techniques concerning the trans-shipment of traffic between the United...
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RECOMRECOM MENDED charges for undue delays to road vehicles were approved last MENDED by the national council of the Road...
MORTH-WESTERN, Manchester, Mid i lands and Yorkshire area officials of the Road Haulage Association have received an invitation...
and Smith Ltd. and Suffolk Plant Hire Co. Ltd., of Ipswich, has been acquired by Pickfords Ltd. The companies deal in heavy...
N increase of b per cent on basic rates for haulage employees outside the London area, with the London differential maintained,...
A COMPREHENSIVE survey of the rA transport of bulk liquids was given in papers presented to the Southampton centre of the...
THE Scottish Aviation Minatic—of which an I example just placed in service by the Southern Gas Board is seen on the left—will...
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Q N Tuesday, representatives of the transport trade unions met Ministry of Labour officials concerned with the establishment of...
A T an inquest in York last week a rider urging that new regulations should be introduced to cover the transport of dangerous...
'THE smart new outfit seen above is 1 used to carry frozen fish r fillets between Hull and Cuxhaven. Germany, for Bogg...
A N infinitely adjustable intermediate floor and a one-piece translucent glassfibre plastics roof are features of this - new...
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" IT would be wrong to take Geddes in !• isolation", commented Mr. Tom Fraser, the Minister of Transport, when addressing 600...
guineas costs, was imposed on Bill Wood Ltd,, Garforth, Yorks, and a further fine of £1,000 on William John Wood, a director,...
rOLLOWING a study of the operating conditions of vehicle-mounted concrete mixers, using ergonomic and systematic work-study...
F URTHER discussion—especially within the R.H.A. itself, including the area I organizations — is needed before a decision can...
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.1--) R.S. PARCELS LTD. has agreed to • purchase the entire issued share capital of James Express Carriers Ltd. This...
Michelin Tyre Co. that the D.20 " X " tyre has been permitted to carry 60 cwt. for some applications, but not the 10-00-20 "X"...
A T the A.G.M. of the London area of Ca the Transport Managers' Club last week, Mr. C. EL Massey, a director of the CyprienFox...
A N influential group of Conservative M.P.s is hoping to get the recognition by Britain of standard international conditions of...
From our Political Correspondent PI. A MASSIVE list of objections is building up against the Covent Garden Bill, which...
prosecutions under the Construction and Use Regulations was not separately available, said Mr. George Thomas, Under Secretary...
From our Political Correspondent CIR ALEXANDER SPEARMAN, kJ Tory M.P. for Scarborough and Whitby, is to seek leave in the...
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of the Herbert Crow Prize is Mr. Eric F. J. Dixson, of Barnsley, traffic movement clerk at the Sheffield branch of British Road...
T HE following have been admitted to the Industrial Transport Association as associate members : Mr. P. F. Bunning (A. H....
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,rHARLES ALEXANDER AND k.d . PARTNERS (TRANSPORT) LTD. have been granted the additional 46 vehicles applied for to put into...
allowed part of an appeal by Lowestoft Coaling Co. Ltd., permitting two B-licensed vehicles to carry pea haulm, but the...
T HEQueen's Bench Divisional Court ruled last Fricfay.that magistrates who convicted Mr. Maurice Beighton of using a lorry with...
l‘AAGISTRATES sitting at Prescot. al Lanes, on February 5. 1964, were wrong to convict a firm of quarry owners of aiding and...
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T HE Western Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, decided to take no action under Section 178 of the Road Traffic...
W TH the granting of a series of applications last week by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Hatter...
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BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY T HE stepping up of Section 178 (revocation, suspension or curtailment) hearings throughout the...
WONDER just how much effect the 1 remarks of the chairman of the London Sessions Appeals Committee concerning laxness within...
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Newcastle Concessions, Bonus, and Fares Up P rONSIDERATION is to be given by Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation transport...
A COMPENSATION scheme for bus crews who are attacked while on duty is to be introduced by United Automobile Services Ltd.,...
A N order for 10 48-scat diesel buses has been received by the Japanese firm Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., of Tokyo, from the city of...
BY F. K. MOSES IT is not beyond the bounds of pos1 sibility that a rear-engined version of the familiar London Transport...
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Transport bus at the Commercial Motor Show is revived next year, it might well be a rear - engined version of the familiar...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT FADING members of the employers' J—■ side of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry...
'THERE had recently been a great surge I of analysis, thought and study of transport problems, but at the moment they had a...
L ONDON TRANSPORT faces new . 1 --f trouble with its busmen as a result of the refusal of the busmen's negotiating committee to...
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'Eee, yer don't see 'ossilesh now like what yer once did.' The old blacksmith spat angily into the blazing coals as he selected...
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. -- r'HE Institute of Transport invites I applications for the following:— ELMO C.M.U.A. Road Transport Research Fellowship....
T HE Duramin Engineering Co. Ltd. is to produce a range of standard semi-trailers I and aluminium chassisless vans. The...
THE assembly of Leyland lorry chassis will start in Turkey about the middle of this year, it was announced by the Leyland...
"Pp ECENTLY shipped to the Middle IN East by R, A. Dyson and Co. Ltd., the multi-purpose oilfield semi-trailer, illustrated...
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A £150,000 fleet of Leyland vehicles is to be used in the building of India's capital city, Gandhinagar, which will rise on the...
of single-decker p.s.v. at the top of pages 58 arid 60 in last week's issue were, unfortunately, transposed. That on page 58 is...
E XPANSION in', many companies 1 -1 within the group is reported by Sir William Black in his annual statement as chairman of...
Misuse of Trailer Air-brake Hand Control IN a previous article we described how . 1 . a 10-ton semi-trailer, equipped with...
nUR prizewinner this week is Mr. N. A. Rowlands, of Astley Abbotts, nr. Bridgnorth, Staffs. Over the past two years he has been...
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and Publications Self-retracting Air or Fluid Line A SELF-RETRACTING air or fluid line made in plastics material and suitable...
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By The Hawk VIEW Penalty of Speed Nobody, commercial drivers least of all, will begrudge the authorities their success in...
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interviewed by Ashley Taylor, suggests university Chairs of Transport as a means of elevating transport's status, visualizes...
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I–V A SPECIAL design employed for a fleet of seven 30-cwt. Austins recently introduced by the Cambridge division of the Eastern...
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A FTER all it would appear that the employers and the unions in the road haulage industry have not made quite as much progress...
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T HE man who says "There's nothing to a semi-trailer; it's just a platform and some wheels" wants his head examined. Yet you do...
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a tug with the tractor to ensure a safe couple up. The very fact that the trailer does not move will confirm the security of...
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Investigating the facilities for driver conversion courses in Britain by E. JAMES MILLEN W HEN an operator has a driver that he...
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ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS by S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. INST. T. A SUBSTANTIAL proportion of road transport operation is undertaken...
A reader inquires what type of licence is required for a tractor and trailer to transport baled hay on the public highway. If...
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Tayforth Expands DROV1DED shareholders give their approval (and it seems hardly likely that they won't) the acquisition by...
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liesels Mean Dollars and Sense 7 NOWING your interest in the experience of American truck lines with the new breed of...