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A GAIN a demand for the co-ordination of all forms Road Transport Must Not Lose of road transport under Its Birthright by...
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T HE British system of law making undoubtedly possesses many advantages, but one of the difficulties presented by it is that in...
Calling-up of Drivers r r'HERE are still too many Reduces Transport L cases of transfers of vehicle Efficiency drivers which do...
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That adjustments with care save wear and tear. That a marriage certificate is not required for a trailer attachment The...
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CHARTERED FLEET.—At the end of May, vehicles on charter numbered 358. New offers for charter are still coming in steadily and...
K NOWN as Chester Mutual Delivery Ps.Service, Ltd., is an organization which comprises an interesting experiment in locally...
U NDER the ContrOl of Rubber Tyres (No. 5) Order, which came into force on May 28, vehicle owners are prohibited, without the...
rrITE next meeting of the executive 1 committee of the Standing Joint Committee will be held on July 15, ac which members of...
Devon and Cornwall Area T i l l /S E A.R.O. has arranged a spare-parts exchange bureau for its members, so that these can...
rrHE Road Transport Section of the 1 Liverpool. Chamber of Commerce has had under consideration the question of the...
A DDRESSING Middlesbrough Rotary . Club, Sir John Maxwell, Northern Regional Transport Commissioner, said that the plan for...
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I N a circular to stockholders of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., the secretary refers to the intimation in the annual...
S OME days ago the haulage business of Messrs. S. W. Hedges, at Bushey Heath, Herts, was put up for sale by Messrs. Goddard and...
of a delivery pool by many of the leading Glasgow and Edinburgh stores, seven of the leading Edinburgh food concerns have...
Cadwallader, hon. secretary, the "Henry Spurner" Memorial Fund, information that the Institute of Transport, having been...
MR, D. J, MORT has been appointed chief administrative officer of the civil defence transport service at Swansea. MR, 3. H....
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L AST Tuesday, a demonstration was held of an L.P.T.I3. bus equipped to run on producer gas. It is the forerunner of a fleet of...
L ECTURING recently before the Royal Society of Arts on "Making Use of Waste Products," Mr. J. C. Dawes, 0.13.E., Controller of...
A MAINTENANCE engineer of con1 — ksiderable experience in the servicing of commercial vehicles, both for goods and passengers,...
Scottish meat-trade circles of the " scandalous " waste of transport involved in the present system of sending live sheep into...
B AD feeling amongst the drivers at the Stewartly depot of the London Brick Co., Ltd., is being engendered by what appears to...
Wi AT he termed surprising results f - i i- om tests of the rates schedule formulated by the Nottingham Area Management...
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A MINISTRY OF SUPPLY ad ver/ - t tisement in this issue draws attention to the country's urgent need of rubber, and an appeal...
D URHAM County and North YorkL./shire Coal Merchants Association has decided to oppose any coal-ration ing plan. It is asserted...
of producer-gas equipment for commercial vehicles has been introduced by Messrs. Industrial Producer Gas, 35, Paradise Street,...
A GREEMENTS have recently been reached in North Wales, Northumberland and Durham on rates which should be charged for the...
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A Fleet of .to Machines of Five Types Performs a Variety of Useful Agricultural Operations on South Downs Work I T is not only...
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WHY NOT ENCOURAGE GOOD GAS-PRODUCER FUELS? IN view of the activities which are now taking place in the producer-gas world for...
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liquid motor fuel has prompted an extensive use of producer-gas traction in Sweden. Long before the war Swedish engineers had...
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E VEN id the best arranged wars aircraft make entirely_ unlockedfor descents on any part of the countryside and the possibility...
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Useful Advice to Operators and Men on• Essential Work Who Have Little Free Time D RIVERS of road vehicles-1n common with...
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According to the Writer Designers Are Often Blamed Unfairly for Lack of Accessibility and Other Alleged Faults for Many of...
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Whilst Accepting the Principle of a Country-wide Scale of Rates, There Seems to be Room for Criticism of the Figures in the...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published I N an injection pump for a multi' cylindered engine, all...