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J UDGING by the cordial reception given by Lord Leathers, Secretary of State for the Co-ordination of Transport. Fuel and...
Guy Touring Show L AST week, Mr. Sydney S. Guy, chairman and managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd., left by ship for South...
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That the U.S. produced 57,500 semi-trailers in 1952. A warning to hauliers that the railway bogie-van may become their...
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TUDGMENT was reserved by the House of Lords, last week, on the .) question whether, in assessing compensation to be paid for a...
A FINANCE company to provide money for the purchase of trans-c port units is to be set up by the Road Haulage Association and...
rOLLOWING price reductions for I export models, cuts in the prices of most vehicles in the Morris-Commercial range for the home...
T WENTY - EIG HT lorries of the Midland Division of the Road Haulage Executive were detailed at 10 p.m. on Sunday night to...
among the products to be displayed at the first National Factory Equipment Exhibition at the Royal Horticultural Hall, London,...
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THE first two days of the three-day report stage of the Transport Bill I in the House of Commons were taken on Wednesday and...
A PPEALS by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., against restrictions on duplication imposed by the...
A BOUT 35 men of the depot of British Road Services at Dock Road, London, E.I6, last Sunday towed some 70 laden vehicles out of...
A N allegation that two caravans presented to the British Red Cross after the Lynmouth disaster took three weeks to reach...
A PPLICATIONS regarding revised motorbus services following the abandonment of trolleybuses have been lodged with the East...
A CERTIFICATE for skilful driving in an emergency was presented recently to Mr. D. J. Hacker, a driver employed by the...
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MR. V. A. HIGGS has succeeded MR. E. SAYERS as manager of the aero and auto equipment sales department of the British...
A N indication that the Government was not opposed to abolishing the 20 m.p.h. speed limit on heavy goods vehicles was given by...
WHAT is described as a future policy YY sub-committee of Southport Transport Committee has been set up to investigate economies...
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I-7 distribution of the company's w premier-grade spirits from the efineries to garages all over the country a readiness for...
to adopt towards applictions by )ach owners in the London Transport . en for consent to run tours of the oronation decorations....
the Minister of Supply refused introduce legislation to enable him supervise amalgamations of motor anufacturers. Mr. EAlelman...
proprietor was Y summoned at Watford last week r carrying passengers back from acton-on-Sea on a date later than that I which...
TWENTY-THREE county councils, 1 the City of London Corporation, five borough councils, trade unions and chambers of commerce...
THERE was a difference of opinion at I a meeting, last week-end, between officials of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and...
O VER 70 per cent. of the total vehicle sales of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., were made overseas last year. A record total of 56,742...
A NEW edition of the Directory of Road Transport Cafés has been published by the Road Transport Catering and Accommodation...
Department will show a credit of £2,123 for the year ending March 31. The motorbuses may make £26,822 profit, but the trams are...
P ROPOSING the toast of the Central London Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association at its annual luncheon on Tuesday, Lady...
S INCE February, 1949, when native bus drivers were introduced in Bulawayo, 2,522,610 miles have been covered by the vehicles...
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A LTHOUGH. permission had been tt sought to .advance by id. all existing single and scholars' special.return fares, West...
. -A N appeal by .McGill's lIns Service, t7i . Ltd.; Bai:rhead, against the refusal Of the Scottish Licensing Authority to...
D ECLARING that the Licensing Authority was right in saying that the traffic offering would not support the operation of even...
WE regret to record the deaths of W Ma. H Joyce and Mn. E. 0. DANIELS. Mr. Joyce was the chairman of Mulliners (Holdings),...
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N inquiry opened in Glasgow last week before tho Sheriff of Lanarke at which confirmation to the tor Hackney Carriage By-laws...
launching of Leyland Holland, N.V.i.o., which will ndle sales and service of Leyland hicks in the Netherlands, an order is...
with itting-down points at Bridlington and iley, was applied for by Hudson's Bus o., Lincoln, and the Lincolnshire Road ar Co.,...
Haulage Association has denied any connection with a scheme alleged by Mr David T. Jones, M.P., to have been prepared by a...
D 1FFICULTY in obtaining licences for additional goods vehicles is mentioned in the 1952 report of Blackburn Sub-area of the...
TR fourth post-war edition of the "Register of the Motor Industry" has been published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and...
T HE use of ice to maintain loads of vegetables in good condition in transit is referred to in the report of a team which...
T HE East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority reserved his decision, last week, upon an application by Purley and Co., inland...
N 'plans have been made for replacing the Widncs-Runcorn transporter bridge. A recent meeting of the joint bridge committee...
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A WARNING that a large number of laid-up vehicles would be put into operation with A licences by the purchasers of the Road...
A Rhodesian Road Federation has • been formed. A. C. Penman, Ltd., Dumfries, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary....
THREE State-owned bus companies • L appealed in Glasgow, last Friday, against the grant of a licence by the Scottish Licensing...
A NOVEL feature of an airfield crash tender recently shipped to Australia is a swivelling multi-jet monitor mounted at the...
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application has been made to the astern Licensing Authority by ta' Coaches (Leigh-on-Sea), Ltd., ; a service between Southend...
xecutive had asked him 10 do to the decision on an appeal by ern Roadways, Ltd„ concerning la.r facility had been announced,...
p AYMENTS of compensation to 26 hauliers by the Road Haulage Executive were confirmed by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal...
MPTY running associated with many housing-estate bus services has been practically eliminated on the Bilborough routes of...
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>erator? — The Stuff to Give the Troops — Part 2 By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher I N competition for the right to run Forces leave...
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By Ashley Taylor THROUGHOUT the early hours ot 1 each Monday, scores of coaches, working from points all over the north,...
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battery-electric vehicle could be igneci to operate at 30 m.p.h. and range of 60 miles or more, it receive more favourable...
L AST Monday, a Commer 7-tanner drawing a Hands BST: 3-ton trailer began a trunk service three times a week from London to...
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for Oil Filtering Plant rt A ,MULTIWHEELER two - wheeled trailer, designed for the Eastern Electricity Board, has proved to be...
r - L A SCHEME whereby a person in London requiring a taxi need only dial TAX on the telephone is being sponsored by the London...
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Happy Ship By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I. Mech. E. A NEW canteen and centre of the social club was built by the employees...
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5s. per lb.! M ANY commercial vehicles of the Albion, Leyland and A.E.C. types, ranging from 6 tons to 15 tons in loadcarrying...
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T HE obligation to prove need for goods motor vehicles carryin g for hire or reward became statutory solely b ec ause the...
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Political Commentary By JANUS F ABIUS won his reputation by the use of waiting tactics, and his policy often gets the best...
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with Obsolescence Some Vehicles, Like Luxury Coaches, are Obsolete Before They are Worn Out, whereas Others, Such as Those of...
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684,366, is claimed to have 'a power output of 1.9 times that of an equivalently sized four-stroke. This high value is...