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rf large and important HE nationalization of sections of road transport would probably have repercussiOns on many industries,...
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CELICITATIONS must be expressed towards the reconstituted Appeal Tribunal. Sir Archibald McKinstry and Mr. E. S....
The Power of Words WHEN searching for for Good or Bad " explanations of the present in our Life , upheavals in our national,...
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That the Archbishop of Canterbury has joined the fight against nationalization. That 20-cwt. and 2-2i-ton commercial vehicles...
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INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence of 1 the widespread opposition to the Transport Bill Is provided by the great number of amendments...
/FEANS for relieving the congestion 1U1 of London's streets are under consideration by the London and Home Counties Traffic...
by the National Fede1 ration of Fruit and Potato Trades, Ltd., that the prospect of State control of transport continues to be...
T "plea that the machinery to be set up under the Transport Bill should have regard to the special needs of Scotland, was made...
A STRIKE of 197 members of the 1 - 1National Union of Vehicle Builders employed at Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, started on...
opposed the 1 granting of 200 B licences to Associated Deliveries, Ltd., Reading, the vehicles of which would operate from...
wasted and 1 congestion is occurring because collections and deliveries cannot be made on Saturday mornings at the premises of...
opposition 1 to the Transport Bill, Bradford Chamber of Commerce states: "The trade and industry of Bradford depend to a large...
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THE Minister of Transport has appoffited a committee, under the chairmanship of Lord Waleran, to inquire into technical...
D AGENAAM'S contribution to Britain's export trade in motor vehicles in 1946 amounted to £8,810,000. The value of exports of...
L, W. J. Hancock, of F. Perkins, Ltd., will speak on " Economies of Operation in Relation to Petrol and Heavy Oil Vehicles,"...
It/IANY guests attended the annual IVI dinner and dance of the Metropolitan Eastern Sub-area of the 12.H.A.,.at Buckhurst Hill,...
" n UR lengthy experience has taught \- 1 us to abandon rail transport for almost all building materials for distances up to...
A T a dinner held by the Birmingham Spb-area of the Road : Haulage Association on January 31, Mr. R.. Stuart Pitcher, C.B.E.,...
T HE eighth International Manage' ment Congress is to be held in Stockholm from July 3 to 8 under the auspices of the...
friends of Manton Motors, Ltd., Croydon, main distributor for Commer and Karrier, and service agent for Perkins oil engines,...
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BE FILCHED QPEAK1NG at the annual meeting of 6.-) the East Lancashire Road Transport Association, at Blackburn, on January 31,...
-rifor close co-operation. in Great Britain between the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., and the United States Rubber Co. Under...
National Standing Joint Committee on Road Transport Education, which was formally constituted on . March 12, 1945, has. just...
D EVELOPMENT Councils may be established in various industries under the Industrial Organization Bill, which has been...
T HE whole of the capital of Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., and Simmonds Products, Ltd., has been acquired by Electric and...
MR. W, L. SAUNDERS has been appointed sales representative of Homo, Ltd. MR, W. THOMAS, who was a wing commander in the...
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O N Monday, the Austin Motor Go., Ltd., dosed its Longbridge factory because of lack of coal. Some 15,000 workers were stood...
A WARDS totalling £50,000 will be made to successful competitors in the third competition to be held by the James F. Lincoln...
A N exhibition designed to illustrate the methods by which German scientific and technical intelligence is gathered, how it is...
A NY operator who finds that he will have to withdraw vehicles from service because of a shortage of tyres should approach the...
T HE Minister Of Transport is to give traders ample opportunity to apply for permits to operate beyond The 40-mile limit before...
A T an inquiry in Sheffield, on. Janua ry 30, local municipal authorities and trade unions opposed recent increases in...
is buying 10,000 American 20 h.p. petrol engines to be fitted to agricultural machines built in this country. Data sheets on...
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D URING 1946, the British motor industry exported cars, commercial vehicles, and accessories to the value of 111,000,000 a...
T HE report of the Court of inquiry set up by the Minister of Labour to investigate the grievances of roadhaulage workers, has...
WHENEVER the present Government VY had had a hand in buying anything for the country, the Nation had been called upon to meet a...
A N unusual example of the extraordinary ductility of copper was cited by Mr. B. H. Thorp, M.Sc.. A.M.I.Mech.E., mechanical...
the death of IN Mr. Joseph Alfred Oldbury, J.P., who was for 25 years Midland manager of Temple Press Ltd. He joined the...
in the East Midland Traffic Area, has been submitted to the House of Commons in opposition to the Transport Bill.
R EPRESENTATIVES of the National Conference of Trade and Industry on Transport (Liverpool District and North Wales Section)...
G OODS transport by road was con%—. 1 trolled as far back as the 13th century, said Mr. Percy Sharman, Master of the Worshipful...
k./ ( — IN February 12-13, the Appeal iri bunal will hear an appeal by Messrs. J. F. Lloyd against a decision of the...
UTEETINGS to discuss the nationalizaaltion of transport have been arranged as follow: February 17: Lincoln Rotary Club;...
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BALLAST HAULAGE T HE conditions under which sand.and ballast haulage is carried out vary, and whilst it is practicable and...
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Securing Plate Which Unlocks When Lifted. Removal a 5 minute Operation A VISIT to Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley,...
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BROKENGLASS Half a Century . of Research has Brought Glass " Under Control," and Seen Attempts —so far not Successful—to...
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1 IN our issue dated December 14, 1945. we dealt with the new C.A.V. fluorescent lighting system for passenger vehicles, and...
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A SPECIAL technique is required to combat aircraft fires. Time is a predominating factor, whilst of great importance is the...
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HASTINGS 7RANSPORT By J. D. McLintock S TEADFAST service to the 65,000 population of Hastings and 23,000 of Bexhill, in war as...
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A MEANS for finding out the compression or combustion pressure in the cylinders of a petrol or oil engine is found in the Okill...
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Commercial Motor " • dated / January 10, page 559, you refer to the appointment of Alderman F. J. Carr. as a .Licensing...
just noted the, report (page 525., your issue of A December 27, 1946) of the .paper given by Mr. Thursby to the North-Eastern...
great privilege to know Mr. A. L. ICastleman during the whole time we have jointly worked on the Metropolitan Road Rail...
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By a Solicitor , A Quick Survey of die Nationalization Race and an Explanation of the Procedure to be Adopted with the...
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Tribunal Reserves Decision on One Appeal and Allows Another. Clicensee Granted B Licences IN a case where it is possible 1 for...
Q UESTIONS were asked in the House of Commons last week about the decision of the General Post Office to terminate its contract...
I N a slashing attack on Government policy, Mr. Leslie Gamage, M.C., president of the Institute of Export, told the Liverpool...
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Thornycroft Tractor Outfit . Puts Up a Sound Performance With a Gross Load of Nearly Io Tons W HILST most of our readers are,...
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GENERAL INCREASE IN FARES COMING? "POSSIBILITY of a further increase of fares throughout the country was suggested by Mr. E....
" D O not be deceived by those opponents of unification who tell you that a great measure of co-ordination between road and...
A S a first step in the co-ordination of the services of Exeter Corporation and the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co.,...
DETITIONS against the Provisional Order promoted by Paisley Town Council, which is seeking authority to run a bus service,...
A TOTAL of 3,137 chassis and 1,897 Pt bodies was produced for doubledeck motorbuses in 1946. Of these, 574 chassis and 152...
A N excellent example of the severe stress that is being placed on bus companies is afforded by statistics which have just been...
T HE trade union closed shop now applies to the traffic employees of Huddersfield Corporation's passenger transport department....
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41 Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications S OME vehicles ate equipped with compressed air braking systems, whilst...