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AULAGE companies will have to move quickly to replace the resent generation of managers, many of whom are fast-aproaching...
BIG CHANGES are due at the helm of the Road Haulage Association when its director-general, George Newman, retires at the end of...
AOBIL tanker drivers have aleady submitted a "substantial" Iay and conditions claim which s seen as a base for wage settlenents...
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1RITAIN will have a legal Citizens Band service by the autumn. The )ersonal two-way service will be authorised on 27MHz FM...
THE RATE at which new lor controls are being introduced England and Wales is tailing a according to the Freight Tran port...
VER 150 more Roadline jobs isappear this week, as the ompany's slim-down proramme takes its toll of two lore branches, and...
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ADICAL CHANGES are needed in the organisation of long-distance )ad haulage if drivers' conditions are to be improved. So says...
BRITISH industry could b , £1,300m better off by 1990 if th , Armitage Report is imple mented, Freight Transport Assc ciation...
TRANSPORT operators are beng consulted over wind probems on the reconstructed Bri:annia Bridge across the Menai Straits. Both...
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LORRIES of up to 10.5 tons can be carried on Seaspeed hovercraft between Dover and Boulogne and Calais. The British Rail...
ARMITAGE's increases weights proposals should be extended to rigid lorries, according to the Sand and Gravel Association...
Rail Express Parcels collection and delivery service in July could be filled by the Road Haulage Association's members claims...
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HE PRESENT allocation of reources, division of responsibil ty and administrative procelures means that progress on ondon's...
ROADLINE UK Ltd has linked t Barking-based internation freight forwarder, W. E. Dear Ltd with a deep sea operatic for LCL...
TOR LINE has moved into till UK-Spain container trade b+ launching a new weekly servici between Bristol and Bilbao vii Cork....
AFTER a dispute which followed on from the Ford drivers strike. Silcock and Colling's drivers returned to work last Friday....
A NEW-STYLE freight transport system conceived by British Rail Research is being shown at Rail Freight '81, the Private Wagon...
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FARMER and agricultural merchant has been granted a standard ational 0-licence on condition that he doesn't alter the nature of...
A COUNSELLING service to help companies and staff face redundancy problems has been launched by Career Change Ltd of...
Scotland Glasgow: The General Terminus Quay road is closed until April. , diversion and access to other quays is signposted....
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NEW general manager, John iitchie, has been named by Wilcinson Transport Ltd for its Scotish operation, based at Paisley. Or...
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HE VOLVO factory at Irvine has eceived an order from Switzerand for some eight-wheelers iased around the F12 (CM, Febuary 28)....
TWENTY-FIVE members of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers from the Carlisle area are to visit West Germany in April to...
A RANGE of Volvo-built pow( take-offs and pumps is no available for Volvo chassis in th UK. Made in conjunction wit Volvo...
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IWO NEW speed-control devices which were on display at Autoquip, the SMMT-organised parts and accessory exhibition, are...
ICTION to deal with the sale of poor-quality replacement light ulbs for vehicles has been proosed by Transport Secretary...
ALL-WHEEL-control has been made available for any petrolengined Bedford CF, and the designers, FF Developments Ltd of Siskin...
THE RIGHTS of the Dumplir range of low-load and tippir trailers have been acquired k Custom Steel Ltd of Mayth Road, Thornton...
THE PRICES of Volvo Hydraulics' V30 and V33 variable pumps havt been reduced by an overall 22 per cent. When added to quantip...
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RISCAN LTD has added a new licroprocessor-b ased system 3 its range of fuel security nd monitoring products. Designated the...
A NEW cv wheel washer, which is operated by the power of the moving wheels of the vehicle being cleaned, is being produced by...
A NUMBER of new de velopments have been incorpo rated in the Johnson MOTE since it was introduced tr Johnson Constructioi...
BROWN BROTHERS Ltd has opened its twelfth truck parts distribution branch. Situated in Mitcham, Surrey, Truckline is an...
A NEW MANUAL, claimed to the most comprehensive tech cal guide to V-Belts and spec purpose conveyor belting, now available from...
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DENYING allegations that British Coachways was losing traffic to the established National Express network, commercial manager...
ONE OF THE first independ bus routes to operate in Lonc for many years is expected to launched next month. The route, between...
dIUNICIPAL transport general nanagers will discuss the first ix months of the Transport Act 980 at the annual Association (f...
TELFORD-based Quest 80 has completed its first "Q-type" side-engined single deck bus chassis which is now being shipped to...
THE GOVERNMENT'S car-sharing scheme shows no signs of soh ing the major problems facing London Transport, maintained Oppc...
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FRESH ATTEMPTS to cut fares on Scottish Bus Group routes are to be made by Lothian region's ruling Labour group. After a...
INDEPENDENT operator Applebys Coaches have taken over Grimsby's Brighawgate Bus Station and plan to give it a more upmarket...
THE INSTITUTE of Traffic Ad ministration changes its name on May 1 to the Institute o Transport Administration. loTA spokesman...
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JOANNA HARRIS' dispute with the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council highlights the limitations of the 1980 Employment Actrs...
AT THE END of February, I shall be retiring from my job as motor underwriter. It would be remiss of me to do so without a word...
HAVING LOST my right eye in a car accident in 1975, I believed I was exempt from holding an hgv Class I licence owing to my...
I REFER to your Editorial of January 24, 1981. Whatever your personal opinions I do not think it helps industrial relations for...
I READ your detailed report c Seddon Atkinson (CM, Februa 14) with great interest. As a bodybuilding compan . we were also...
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VHAT to the insecure is a threat, a challenge to those who are ure they can win. F. James IcDonald, the new president of...
ENERAL MOTORS is a good lend to Britain. Ending specution among journalists that 3uxhall roots might be pulled ), the...
BECAUSE many buses have become surplus, the National Bus Co and Passenger Transport Executives are said to be selling some to...
ALTHOUGH times are hard, hauliers in the Midlands can still find money for good causes. Members of the RHA Coventry, Rugby and...
CHAIRMAN of the National Freight Co, Sir Robert Lawrence, and Sainsbury's director of distribution and president of the Freight...
IN THE WAKE of Harrod: memorable sale comes "th great Rentco spring draw". TI' draw is not of blood, as in th Knightsbridge...
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'URPOSE-BUILT for urban devery operations, Renault's fourylinder JK75 has a maximum ross weight of 7.38 tons, which leans it...
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OW DOES an operator go bout choosing the specification Ãa new vehicle? Is the horse or the cart more nportant to him? Each...
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Graham Montgomerie: How do you relate the vehicle you are marketing to the needs of the operator? I'm thinking in terms of...
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HEN CM moved offices last ovember it was Picicfords that id the moving. This choice was artly dictated by the sheer size f the...
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Industrial Relations by Douglas Ainley AFTER THE 1980 Employment Act, the Codes of Practice on Picketing, and the Closed...
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OPERATORS were not fully )pared for the unexpectedly )mpt parliamentary debate on Armitage Report, at least always have plenty...