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T HE paper presented last week-end by Mr. T. J. D. Morris to the annual conference of the Institute of Traffic Administration...
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. W. A. Nell, chair‘-'man of the Express Dairy Co., Ltd., and any others responsible, on the production of...
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That apparently there are no ifs about the pet lot mance of the bus with i.f.s. From local authorities that higher fuel costs...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent WHILE the House of Commons debated a motion of censure on the " Government, arising out of...
in six months. It was introduced to the House of Commons on November 5, and the Second Reading on November 17-18 was carried by...
During the committee stage in the House of Lords, 133 amendments were put down and 48 accepted. On the report stage. 71...
United Dominions Trust, Ltd., and the Road Haulage Association to finance the purchase of transport units has now been...
substantially reduced. They are now as follows: Mammoth six-wheeler, £3.672; Mammoth Major eight-wheeler, £3,992; Mandator...
vehicles are being reduced. Hepworth and Grandage Ltd., St.. John's Works, Bradford, have abolished the 10 per cent, surcharge...
of the major oil-distributing companies that the maximum capacity of each compartment of a road tanker should be limited to 800...
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Transport Arbitration Tribunal ruled that a staff superannuation and assurance scheme set up by T. M. Fairclough and Sons,...
Z .- I A NEW Dennis Centaur for 7-8-ton loads is now being produced with a 51-litre oil engine and five-speed constant-mesh...
was announced at a meeting of Glasgow Transport Committee on Monday. For the 10-month period to April 4. the surplus was...
" G AS turbines are on their way into road transport. They can and will beat the Diesel engine in many important respects," Mr....
MO reply has been received from the Home Office in response to the request of the National Association of Furniture...
r - IL A WRIT against Birmingham Cor poration to prevent the city treasurer from transferring 190,000 from the general rate...
T HE agency in Irak for Leyland passenger vehicles has been taken over by the Middle East Development Co., Ltd., 442-A-1 Rashid...
on Monday, the Minister of Transport said that he hoped shortly to announce the names of the chairman and members of the...
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MR, D. P. M. CLARKE, sales superintendent of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., has become lubricants manager of the Northern Oil Co.,...
IN 1938, there were 8m. commercial 1 vehicle's in the world, and in 1952 over 17m. In comparison, the number of private cars...
A NEW transport officer, to he responsible for the maintenance and repair of all corporation vehicles except those of the fire...
E VEN though similar action is not taken by other local authorities. Swansea Corporation will appeal against the South Wales...
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S PEAKING at the annual meeting of the Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd., on Tuesday, Mr. Raymond W. Birch, chairman, strongly...
j_lEARING began at Southend, last 1 week, of an application by Victoria Coaches (Leigh-on-Sea), Ltd., to run a daily express...
" T HE use of farmers' goods vehicles 1 under F licences is restricted to the conveyance of agricultural produce and articles...
A SYSTEM of air-pressure-hydraulic braking, known as the Airhydro, has been developed by Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic...
RR EGISTRATIONS of new vehicles, other than cars and motorcycles, felt by 3,389 in February, as compared with the previous...
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QOME 20,700 more goods vehicles, 'L./ general haulage and showmen's tractors and hackneys were in use last year than in 1951....
measures against drivers who leave their lorries outside cafés on main roads. The town police superintendent has stated that...
WHEN glass is used in mobile shops. VV it should not be obliterated by an unnecessary amount of colourful advertising matter....
QUFFERING a weekly loss of £1.000, 1.-. ) Birmingham Transport Department have applied to the West Midland Licensing Authority...
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DRITISH small commercial vehicles, such as vans, pick-ups and station wagons, have gained a good reputation in Venezuela,...
WHEN the Northern Licensing VI' Authority last week sanctioned the operation of threeand four-day tours to London during the...
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A NEW four-speed gearbox is to replace the five-speed gearbox in the Leyland Comet 90 cruiser-weight range of goods vehicles....
QUBSTANTIAL meals for 500 people can be supplied by a new Leyland Beaver four-wheeled mobile kitchen which has been developed...
A BIGGER share of the traffic in 1 - 1 gypsum being freely delivered to farms devastated in the recent floods should be given...
A N application has been made by Sunderland Corporation to the Northern Licensing Authority to operate tours of the town to...
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N OW that the Daimler lightweight double-decker has been in service and has proved its ability to maintain a normal schedule,...
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I N discussing modern trends in hand ling freight, Mr. Morris placed on the user a fair share of the responsibility for...
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reducing costs in passenger transport were suggested by Mr. Moore. these were:— (1) to stagger working hours to reduce peaks....
A GREAT burden would be thrown on transport administrators within the next five years, said Lord Lucas at the Institute's...
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A NEW ),ehicle and trailer embody ing novel features to increase capacity and facilitate loading and unloading have been added...
A NEW approach to the gauging of correct tyre inflation is found in the Pneumoskop, an instrument which takes a contour reading...
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B ULK transport of solids and powdered materials often involves terminal handling problems of a more individual character than...
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an Assembler By the Technical Editor A LTHOUGH previously Holland has been considered a market for complete vehicles, the...
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A SUGGESTION that a training 1 — k school for employees of removers should be established was made by Mr. E. B. Haynes at the...
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NAY reply to C. S. Dunbar's criticism of my article, The Price of 30 m.p.h.," which was published on February 13, seems to...
A S an ambulance driver whose chief source of 1-- t accidents is the A5 road between St. Albans and Markyate, I have often been...
" drivers referred to in recent issues of your journal. I agree with both H. E. Oxnard and D. T. Forrest that when two vehicles...
your issue dated February 20, and that from Michael Joyce of February 27, there appears to be a certain degree of confusion...
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IT is distasteful to . debunk anyone's boast of achieve1 ment, but Mr. H. H. Crow, chairman, Road Haulage Association,...
I READ the letter "Freedom of Transport," in your I issue of April 17 with considerable interest, knowing Liverpool and the...
D RIVING buses on busy routes is not an easy job, but the men in charge of them experience much adverse criticism from...
U NDERLINING the current trend in coachwork design towards the truly all-purpose maximum-capacity vehicle, a new coach body...
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S ELDOM does one find the recommendations of an official committee accepted so promptly as those of the Runciman Committee...
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/ AM going to describe a method of providing for the payment ofinstalments on hire purchase so that the haulier can pass...
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I N the modern commercial vehicle, glass, in addition to its basic function. serves as a decorative and structural material. A...
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D ISC brakes,once confined to aircraft, are now spreading into the sphere of road vehicles, and patent No. 687,254, shows a...