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MOTOR Rates: Where Now? TN this column last week The Commercial Motor had some comments - Ito make about the way in which the...
The next seven days, juiy 9-15 Sat. Portsmouth round, Lorry Driver Competition. Start at Hilsea Gas Works, Portsmouth, 7.30...
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What did the .Geddes and Aubrey Jones reports say about efficiency in road transport? S. Buckley examines the two reports on...
IN last week's leader "The Commercial Motor commented that the Road 1 Haulage Association seemed, on the face of things, to...
r I NE of Hull's leading haulage con cern's—Key Warehousing and Transport Co. Ltd.--has withdrawn from the Road Haulage...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ispilLE the Road Haulage Association and their heart-searching took most of the VI' limelight...
THE three Yorkshire divisions of I the Traders Road Transport Association—Hull and East Riding, South Yorkshire and West...
have now formed themselves into a group to be officially known as the Yorkshire Tipping Group. As exclusively forecast in The...
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A S forecast in "The Commercial Motor" of June 11, major plans are now progressing for the establishment of a UK consortium to...
Castle Donnington (Leicester)—have indicated to the RHA that they are prepared to provide inland clearance facilities for...
THE offers made by Transport Development Group Ltd. last month (see The Commercial Motor, June 4) to acquire the issued...
T HE first of five new Gardner-engined Fodens with Dempster Dumpmaster refuse disposal bodies was handed over to the new London...
A PRELIMINARY study of road pricing or congestion tax was made by the highways and traffic committee of the Traders Road...
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and much more -LA efficient use of vehicles will result from a two-way road freight agreement which is expected to he concluded...
rrHE imernational group of the Road 1 Haulage Association is making representations ta ItIM Customs and Excise for the renloval...
HE European Agreement on the Inter1 national Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is not now likely to come into effect...
Glasgow with a fleet of 20 vehicles, have been acquired by Picks fords Ltd. The new board is to consist of Mr. J. N. Drummond,...
the ear transporter company, Motor Vehicle Collections Ltd., acquired last March, to Progressive Deliveries Ltd. of Coventry....
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M ORE than 90 per cent of all timber imports to this country are distributed by road. In terms of tonnage (4 to 5 m. tons),...
for improving traffic standards in the county. Speaking to 60 members of the Association from Bournemouth, Portsmouth and...
U NDER an agreement with British Railways, Tartan Arrow Service Ltd. is to charter two trains to carry its LondonGlasgow trunk...
be reported on the long-drawn-out dispute over liner trains and there is now a good chance that the first service between...
has been re-elected chairman of the highways, and traffic committee of the TRTA. Mr. L. M. Parker, chief engineer for the past...
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T HE Bill enabling this country to accede to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road,...
checks on 13,837 heavy goods vehicles during May at roadside sites and at the premises of firms concerned. Of these, 6,438 (46...
THE Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders were "not falling over themselves with enthusiasm" about improving mudfiaps on...
-rut: Army is to form a new specialist branch—the Royal Corps of Transport. It will come into being at a ceremony at Aldershot...
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O N Tuesday. before the Transport Tribunal. Mr. K. Schiemann, for respondents, Deamer Bros. Ltd., Hitchin, submitted that an...
A TRANSPORT manager told the South Wales Licensing Authority in Cardiff on Tuesday that the granting of A licences could...
Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner Refuses Application " IF we cannot recruit female immigrant we in Luton. and convey them to...
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NA 0 R E vehicles will be run by ,LY- 1 Cawthorn and Sinclair Ltd.. of North Road Garage, Birtley (Co. Durham) direct to Paris...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW tougher policy towards fares increases in line with the Government's policy of holding...
Scottish Bus Group passenger services were granted last week by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners. The only exception to the...
A DECISION was reserved by the rl•South Eastern Licensing Authority, Maj. - Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie. at the end of a resumed...
A LEGAL point of interest to all local authority transport undertakings was discussed before the Northern Traffic Commissioners...
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Requests in Ten Areas SCOTLAND (NORTH) APPLICATIONS (July 3, 1965) Aloe Eyre Lid., Fraserburg. new A tic., 2 veh. (160...
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r,arlsPort Sunderland's 'Yes for One-man System O NE-MAN buses and fiat fares for all routes were approved—in principle —by...
loan 1 - 1 charges, of £282,894 (or VP per vehicle operated) was achieved by Nottingham City Transport for the year ended March...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT MEW claims for higher pay for provincial busmen are on the way— only weeks after receiving...
A N application to increase fares follow ing the latest awards to company bus crews, costing the Southdown bus company (with...
i k WARNING that there may have to P% be pruning of bus services operated by Ribble Motor Services Ltd., was issued by the...
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Hours QTAGGERED hours would help the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co. Ltd. to provide much better services, but the...
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THIS month Albion Motors Ltd. is introducing a new series I of Clydesdale haulage and tipper chassis plated for operation at 15...
T HE statement by Lord Lindgren. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, that compulsory provision of direction...
T HE most effective means of reducing road accidents would be to increase the number of uniformed police mobile patrols,...
dr — , OPIES are still available of "The Commercial Motor" 24-hour and emergency service guide which, for only 2s. 6d.,...
M ORE than £350,000 worth of contracts have been secured by Leyland Motors Ltd. from eight bus companies in England and Wales....
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THOMPSON RETARDER : LONG STEEL CARRIER WHILE at Fodens Ltd., Sandbach, last week 1 learned details of VV three interesting...
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Syndromie Fitting Station: Tecalemit (Engineering) Ltd. has appointed H. Woodward and Sons Ltd., Bolton Road, Salford 6, Lanes,...
IN 1963, 69 per cent of freight ton-miles 1 in Britain was carried by road transport and only 31 per cent by rail; in 1964...
O N January 21 this year 30 librarians working in the field of transport and allied subjects met at the Institute of Transport...
Accident Investigation Failure to Stop F A1LURE to stop before hitting something is not always caused by speed. Although such...
Have you an idea that is worth passing on to other readers 7 It must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which...
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and Publications Brake Bleed and Test Kit C1NE man can carry out the full operation of bleeding brakes IL , (he can bleed two...
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D ISPLAYED at the recent Essex Show was this outfit of 20 tons payload and 32 Cu. yd. capacity. Hauled by a Guy Invincible, the...
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)UTFIT FOR DERBYSHIRE HAULIER legs. When the trailer is tipped, it is moved forward towards the tractive unit (which in this...
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S TEERING his 4,000-gal. Scammell tanker triumphantly through an opening of 135 in. to win by the narrowest margin in a day of...
Class A—op to 16 ft and from 201 cwt.: I. R. Adams (Fred Dawes Ltd.). Austin, 851 penalty Points; 2. D. Haines (Louis C....
FF LEETWOOD has always been one of the smaller lorry driver competition eliminating rounds (there were 55 entries in 1964)....
Class A—up to 16 ft. and 201 cwt.: 1, B. Caddick (D. Caddick and Son), Morris, 100 penalty points; 2, W. Stott (Lancashire...
Claw A — up to 16 ft. and from 204 cwt.: 1, T. Inca (Express Dairy Co. (London) Ltd.), Morris, 93 Penalty points: 2, M. Pittam...
nESPITE the loss of half an hour in the early stages of the Northampton round on Sunday, when a parade of " old soldiers" held...
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By The Hawk VIEW Fighting Spirit It was a proud moment for Hugh Fellows of Greet's Green, West Bromwich (seen above) when he...
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BY ALAN HAVARD M INSTT Japanese manufacturers could do a 'camera' on us PART I OF A NEW SERIES IVE me, in about half a page...
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N ow that the dust of battle has cleared a little it is possible to assess more clearly the permanent effects of the report of...
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By R. 0. CATER AM instBE • F OR as long as there have been commercial vehicles there has been a tendency on the part of...
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The editor is always pleased to receive letters on all aspects of the road transport industry. Contributors must include their...
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• • S • • • • • • • • • • • • • Efficiency in Transport By S. Buckley Assoc Inst T F VERY transport operator is daily...
asks where he can obtain a statement of the regulations defining the dividing line between small vans and passenger vehicles...
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United Carriers 'Rights' 'THE " rights " issue foreshadowed by UNITED 1 CARRIERS is to be on the basis of two-for-one at par...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London THE TRANSPORT EXAMINER'S NOTEBOOK Aids to Examination...
B. H. Lay (Transport) Ltd. Cap, 8500. Dirs.: P. R. Hazen, 13 The Barn, Woolton Hill, Newbury. Birks; 1. A. King. Bradfield...