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The Effects of increasing Railwaymen's Wages Will Spread to all Branches of Land Transport T HE long-delayed decision to...
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N EVER has there been a British Government so prodigal in its dispensing of the millions wrung from the taxpayers as the...
Prize Scheme to En CLEANLINESS and neatcourage Factory l • - • ness in the factory are Cleanliness . . . . matters which help...
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Goodey, Goodey—how he will be missed! That someone should tell the readers of "The Times" to save, not burn, their...
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A N order, .prohibiting the , South Wales Licensing Authority from hearing an application for increased fares lodged by Red and...
S HARE capitals of Thomas Brothers (Port Talbot). Ltd., and the Afan Transport Co., Ltd.. operating bus services in the Port...
W HAT will probably be the largest trailer in the world is to be built isi Sweden for operation by the Royal vedish...
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IF 8,800,000 service miles operated Jby the Midland General Omnibus o., Ltd., only 700,000 were showing a -oft, said Mr, F. A....
who, between trips, wish to leave their vehicles at French ferry ports, have to 'apply to the Ministere des Travaux Publics,...
A CONTRACT for 188' double decker chassis brings the number of Leyland chassis ordered by the London Transport Executive since...
A CIRCULAR containing questions on transport facilities, and intended to provide a picture of how services are operating under...
A FREE-ENTER PRISE haulier, Thomas Rowe (Carriers), Ltd., Penzance, recently delivered a load of furniture from Hugh Town, St....
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ADEMAND that purchase tax should be removed from goodsvehicle chassis is contained in a memorandum which the Federation of...
H EARING of the Annis appeal ended last week in its 18th day. The decision of the Appeal Tribunal will be announced later in...
F OLLOWING-the increases in the prices of Fordson vehicles which became effective on January 20. the revised amounts of...
T O replace the company's existing southern England depot at Kingston, Leyland Motors, Ltd., is to open a new service depot at...
for the benefit of tourists from overseas and the all-in cost of a fortnight's tour will be £68. Englishspeaking couriers will...
MR. A. W. EDLIN, secretary of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., was erroneously referred to last week as Mr. Adli n....
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NDER the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control) , 1948, suggestions have been made the Board of Trade that...
STORY of steady progress by the . Institute of British Carriage and tomobile Manufacturers was related Mr. Edwin Fox ‘...
RECENT B.B.C. programme, "By 6 Road," broadcast in the Midland me Service, has antagonized free :tiers in the Midlands. dr. G....
MEASURE to regulate the weights 6 and dimensions of heavy vehicles . been given a second reading in the ebec Legislative...
been raised as from Lrch 5. The four-wheeled model ng vaporizing oil now costs £547 10s., 1 with oil engine £727 10s. The...
L AST year, Canadians bought 103,694 goods veh i c le s, valued at 207,634,000 dollars, compared with 83,450 vehicles...
MATIONALIZATION of Lowestoft's transport undertaking would mean the loss of £50,000 and the equivalent of a 6d. rate, said...
upon by the pressed-brick makers. Respective rates per 1,000 for 2i-in. and 3-in, bricks are based on radial miles as follows:...
The Royal Agricultural Society of England is to hold its 1953 Show in Blackpool. Fremantle Harbour Trust has ordered Coventry...
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R EFUSING an application from Mr. J. Procter, cattle haulier, of Great Eceleston, for an extension of his radius from 25 to 150...
T RADERS have been warned by It Liverpool Chamber of Commerce transport committee about the general use of vehicles under...
A TTENT1ON has been drawn by the .1 - 1national rates and carrier's liability committee of the Road Haulage Association to an...
n NE difficulty which was driving the 1, —/motor industry distracted was the shipping problem, said Sir William Rootes at the...
G RANTS made by the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund last year totalled £25,583, compared with £22,382 in 1949....
A S the figures below show, registrations of new vehicles, other than cars and motorcycles, dropped by over 20,000 during 1950....
WHEN there was an emergency in YV coal transport, the authoritieS had to ask free hauliers to do the job, said Major F. S....
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ICE the end of the war, 10,000 udents from Ford dealers throughBritain have passed through setional courses at the service 31...
the Road Haulage Association decided against increasing their s at the moment. Mr. J. S. ,achIan, secretary, stated that the I...
be held at the local iches of Brown Brothers, Ltd., and mson and Brown Brothers, Ltd., ollows:—Cardiff. April 9-13;...
Corporation a rejected a proposal that they uld work an extra four hours' over: during the, peak period between a and...
been submitted to the Minister of Transport by the British Transport Commission, The Minister made this announcement in the...
no " when he was asked in the House of Commons on Monday whether hauliers' permits would be continued until the Transport...
A T the spring meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansing from March 29-30, Mr. R. G. Totty, cleansing superintendent and...
D ETAILS of heavy-duty vehicles of British manufacture are required by Electrieite de France, Service Central Automobile et...
P RODUCTS of six British industrialtruck manufacturers will be displayed at the 1951 Canadian International Trade Fair at...
T HE annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers is to be held at Cheltenham from May...
in Customs procedures have been signed in Brussels. Britain and six other European countries are signatories. One convention...
D ES1GNED to charge one or two sixvolt batteries, or one 12-volt battery at 25 amps., a new portable booster has been produced...
S PONSORED by the Shell and Angloh./Iranian oil concerns, an exhibition of the petroleum industry will be held at the Imperial...
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THREE uses of vehicles are to be I added to those already exempt from licensing under the Road and Rail Traffic Act. They refer...
R EVISED prices of some Morris 1 products have been announced. The prices, with purchase tax, of the following vehicles...
THREE papers will be read at the 1 biennial conference of the International Union of Public Transport at Edinburgh from June...
T HE process of changing over from trams to motorbuses in Gateshead and Newcastle-on-Tyne will be completed soon by the...
1 N the interests of the Motor and Cycle T r a des Benevolent Fund, the Dramatic Section of the S.M.M.T. Players, in...
IN a statement issued last Friday, Mr. Peter Yorke, director of the British Omnibus Companies Public' Relations Committee,...
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W1TZERLAND as a market for 'commercial vehicles is surrounded Ir by keen competitors—Germany, .nee, Italy and Belgium—and is...
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Bridlington firm of coach operators, Messrs. Anfields, were accused of running express carriages without licences. For the...
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How a Canadian Haulage Company having Over 450 Vehicles Keeps Down Accidents and Maintains Good Relations with its Staff EW...
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DFORD AVERAGES nipig. O NE of the biggest attractions at Earls Court last year was the Big Bedford 7-tonner, a...
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%URING the past few years the tyre industry, recognizing • the need for the simplification of giant-tyre size mark 3s, has...
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a market t( ftiv a te says Harold Champion T HE Federation of Malaya is fortunate in one thing at least : she has an enormous...
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By JAN US A L IHOUGH one hesitates to disturb the shouts of triumph and joy with which the free-enterprise hauliers have quite...
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By T. C. Reilly k COLLEAGUE and I recently delivered a Commer R74I tanker, carrying 1,650 gallons of .trol, from Santiago to La...
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Modified Stage Lengths, Elimination of Some Unprofitable Services and Increased Rates for Schoolchildren are Amongst Operators'...
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■ 1 a recent debate in the House of 2ommons on road haulage delays, r. York, M.P. (Harrogate), in the urse of his statement,...
WITH regard to your leader, "The Great Day," in " your issue dated February 23, I notice that Lord Lucas made a great show of...
THERE are many of the older-established operators I who, I think, will agree with Mr. D. Moore Heppleston's observations in...
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Our Costs Expert Takes the Haulier Step by Step Through the Calculations Necessary in Arriving at Rates for Municipal Work T...
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A VEHICLE fitted with a powered loading shovel is described in patent No. 649,935, which comes from Dempster Brothers...