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p IECES of old newspaper, oddly shaped bits of cardboard, and tin plates of varying size are a common adornment of radiator...
the small difference, reported by some operators, between the fuel consumptions of dieselpowered and petrol-engined vehicles...
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O UR cities at a standstill—choked by traffic, the sign and symbol of our prosperity; citizens for whom the cities were...
Hardly Hansard C YCLIST, cook . . and much else, our Minister of Transport was in real Marples form when he introduced the...
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'THE Common Market Commission, the ceiling organization of the six-country I trade bloc, is to present concrete and...
HE Government acted this week to speed up the passage of the Transport Bill. In applying the guillotine, they have ensured that...
the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition have now been announced in several further areas. Recently announced dates are as...
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From our Political Correspondent f HE Post Office is to make large-scale experiments involving the transport of parcels by...
SWEDEN'S production of cars and commercial vehicles reached a new peak of 134.000 units in 1961 as against 128,400 in 1960,...
THE Metropolitan Deputy Licensing I Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, criticized a customer who attempted to cancel a contract...
A REDUCTION of 4d. a lb. or more rA than £37 a ton, in the price of aluminium sheet made by the British Aluminium Co., Ltd.,...
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Mr. C. A. Vandervell has joined Polypeneo, Ltd., as general manager and Mr. P. E. Rook has been appointed manager of their...
Services were presented with 25 years' service awards by the chairman, Mr. R. P. Beddow, at a " veterans " dinner attended by...
SEMI-TRAILERS FOR B.R.S. : During the past three weeks British Road Services have ordered 85 10-Eon flat platform semi-trailers...
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THE Government is to introduce an 1 amendment to the Road Traffic Bill by which drivers of all C-licensed vehicles...
COMMENTING that "one of the 1 .--• fundamental usages of the licensing system is that the applicant ought to prove his case...
From Our Industrial Correspondent TROUBLE over the London busmen's claim is by no means over yet. A special delegate...
Q 11. associated weekly journal, The Aeroplane and Astronautics, will in future concentrate entirely on civil aviation and is...
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Deputy L.A. Adopted Dictatorial Attitude, Say Appellants T HE Transport Tribunal in London last week took the exceptional...
A N appeal by a Haywards Heath removals contractor was refused by the Transport Tribunal in London last week. The appeal, by...
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A N appeal by C. W. Harrison (Western), Ltd., of Taunton, and Cleansing Services (Southern Counties), Ltd., against a decision...
" IN our roads programme we are concentrating on the links between the most important centres of industry and the ports," said...
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From our Political Correspondent ( -0-OPERATION at a higher, not lower level should result from the proposed transfer of...
O NCE one of the richest of Britain' "little" unions, the Scottish Hors and Motormen's Association, is to rais the...
A FTER pleading guilty to a total of 41 charges concerning the use of a forged licence disc, the use of a C vehicle for general...
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THOUGHT to be the largest rubber'. tyred vehicle ever built, a 572-ft-long overland train has been constructed by R. G. Le...
F OLLOWING the adoption of the vacuum system for bulk milk tankers, the next step is the development of an accurate flow-meter...
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T HE Southdown Motor Services application for Hovercraft operating licences (revealed in The Commercial Motor last week) is now...
N OT unexpectedly, the transport committee at South Shields has followed up previous decisions to abandon portions of the...
From our Industrial Correspondent XPRESS bus drivers are to be instructed by their unions not to exceed the higher permitted...
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From Our Parliamentary Correspondent W E should clear our minds of cant about the position of professional drivers faced with...
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By JOHN F. MOON S O much interest has been created by the DAF 2600-series of heavy vehicles which were introduced at last...
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By A. A. TOWNSIN, A.M.I.Mech.E. T RAVELLING at 65 m.p.h. on an open chassis immediately after a period of heavy rain is more...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T. A S recorded in last week's issue, I conducted the first Press road test of one of the new Commer...
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by JANUS I T is almost possible to imagine a feeling of regret among some hauliers that there was not a different ending to...
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The advantages which supermarkets derive from bulk purchase, distribution and retailing, can be maintained only if the...
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interesting letter appeared from Mr. M. H. Heard, particularly regarding the compulsion of companies except the Scottish group...
F Bristol Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., is not allowed to compete on the open market then other manufacturers should not be...
Africa I found operators who were very sorry that they couldn't continue to get these vehicles_ One operator I spoke to in...
i HAVE noted the letter from Mr. M. H. Heard in your A issue of February 9, 1962, commenting upon the provisions in the...
The reason that the Society opposes these provisions is not, as surmised by Mr. Heard, because its members fear competition,...
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I OPERATE a forwarding business with trucking opera tions with my own vehicles, and I have at present eight English-built...
WE enjoyed readin g your correspondent's report in your issue of February 23 on Adrolic stabilizers used by the Stanton...
\/ VOUR correspondent "Trade Unionist" is rather biased OUR his letter (The Commercial Motor, January 26, 1962) against the...
WITH reference to your "Bird's Eye View" commen t V V about model kits for lorries; Wilson's used to advertise quite a lat in a...
WAS very interested in your comment on January 12, I 1962, referring to the Wilson model lorry kits. As a model maker, by...
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From Our Political Correspondent G OVERNMENT plansto prevent the chaotic anti. haphazard private development . of both trunk...
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THERE are available various sizes and capacities of a new collapsible box pallet made by Eccles Engineering, Ltd., Brook...
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Comparison of the Respective Merits of Rigids and Artics Involves Consideration of Many Factors, Including Costs, Capacities,...
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A SUSPENSION system g ivin g the ( -1 advantages of both steel and pneumatic springs is shown in patent No. 881,163. The scheme...