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9th May 1969
9th May 1969
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Page 1, 9th May 1969

Page 25

ommercial otor

If tipper operators fail to rise to the challenge of last weekend's Road Haulage Association convention they deserve whatever...

Page 26

Long-distance restrictions may never come

• One prominent Labour Member of Parliament who does not favour licensing restrictions is Privy Councillor Douglas Jay. He told...

Strachans/Superior surprise announcement

by Derek Moses • A surprise announcement made this week is that Mr. R. L. R. HUlme, joint managing director of Strachans...

Better cover foi oods in transit says RHA

• So many factors have arisen during the past two years to make goods-in-transit insurance more costly and more difficult to...

Page 27

Southampton says 'No'

• After "Container commentary" on page 60 had closed for press it was learned that the Southampton dock labour had refused to...

Independents threatened

• Mr. Richard Marsh told MPs this week that he had varied the conditions applying to a large number of past consents for bus...

CM index

• An index to Commercial Motor Volume 128 (August 1968 to January 19691 is now in print. Copies are available, at 1s each, post...

Page 28

' Fill her up' implied a contract

• A High Court judge was told on Tuesday that a 20-ton diesel lorry was given diesel fuel adulterated with petrol when the...

Problems of the poorly equipped driver

IL Speaking to the Industrial Transport Association's Forth division on Monday, Mr. A. Havard, deputy director of freight...

Meat men jib at dock store charges

• London meat carriers have stated that they cannot be expected to meet dock storage charges, no matter in what circumstances...

BR switch from road to rail

• An operation involving the carriage by road of 160,000 tons annually of limestone is being switched entirely to rail as one...

£62im for docks

• A total expenditure of £62.5m is planned by the British Transport Docks Board over the next five years on new developments...

Page 29

Scots/Notts fast haulage link

• McCall and Greenshields Ltd., Kilmarnock, one of Ayrshire's independent road transport companies, has purchased the haulage...

Hauliers' courses commence

• As Commercial Motor reported last month (April 4) a new training group has been started in the North West, On Monday the...

lnterworking for tipping groups

• Closer collaboration between local cooperative groups or units of tipping vehicle operators is planned and the RHA is to...

Overloading tolerance

• The recommendations made last month by the Freight Transport Association—they include an increased margin of tolerance for...

FTA re-elects G. Page

• Mr. Geoffrey Page was re-elected president of the FTA at its agm last week. Mr. Page, who has been with J. Lyons and Co. Ltd....

Pallet pool sub-committee

• A special sub-committee has been set up by the Freight Transport Association to consider the A. D. Little report,...

RHA essay competition

• Sir Reginald Wilson, chairman, National Freight Corporation, has agreed to chair the panel of judges for the essay...

Page 30

Test warning on hazard loads

• Goods vehicle operators applying for an appointment for plating and testing are reminded by the MoT of the importance of...

£2m Albion expansion plan

• Plans for spending £2m or, the expansion of production facilities for Albion trucks in Scotland were revealed by Mr. Ronald...

TRANSPORT ACT IN ACTION: one day seminars

In association w;th Commercial Motor, siness and Industrial Tralning Ltd is ganizing two one-day seminars w exPla , n the...

Page 33

Champion deposed

by Carolyn HyaMS • Liverpool has at last got a new champion driver. For the past four years J. C. Kendrick (Paraffin...

Training tells in Scotland

• Racehorses and professional sprinters are up at the crack of dawn for training sessions in order to hide their form until...

Page 34

Automatic Atlantean makes life simple

by R. D. Cater, AMInst BE • With the introduction of a fully automatic gear-changing version of the Atlantean double-decker,...

Teesside retains mixed fleet

• Orders pieced by Teesside Municipal Transport for 15 new buses have been split between Leyland and Daimler. Five Leyland...


• Free bus services were introduced by the Port of London Authority on Monday. April 28, serving the Royal Docks (two routes)...

Page 35

For PTA read PRTA

• To avoid confusion with Passenger Transport Authorities, frequently referred to as "PTAs", the Public Transport Association...

Council to sue LTB?

• London Transport's 36ft standee single-decker buses are in the news again. This time it is the Autofare buses running in...

New Government look at feeder services

• The Government is to look again at the limitations set on express feeder services in the Transport (London) Bill, promised...


• Government claims that the travelling public of London would determine—by their votes—whether they accepted the transport...

Closure of dock entrance

• Further congestion and waiting time for road transport in London docks would be caused by the proposed closure of the western...

Page 36

LA was too lenient

• In a written judgment the Transport Tribunal has allowed the appeal by Purle Waste Disposal (South Eastern) Ltd. against the...

Customer's prerogative

• D. L. Blake and Co. Ltd., of Merthyr Tydfil, was granted two additional artics on A licence at a public inquiry in Cardiff...

Increase refused due to PTA takeover

• Mr. C. R. Hodgson, chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, asked the general manager of Leigh Corporation...

Unplated vehicle must not operate

• The West Midland LA, Mr. J. Else, warned an operator in Birmingham last Friday: "Don't use this vehicle for another moment on...

Warehousemen's lunch

• The Silver Jubilee luncheon of the National Association of Warehouse Keepers will be held at the Savoy Hotel, London, on...

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Disregarded warning

• An operator who had been warned in March 1968 about operating from Learnington Spa when he was authorized from Leominster had...

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Coast Lines group transport chief

S. L. Stepley, 51, has been appointed General Manager of Coast Lines Group Road Transport. Mr. Stepley advises the managing...

Yorks firms seek long-distance trips

Two companies, A. and J. R. Davison Ltd., Brighouse, and its wholly owned subsidiary 11 miles away in Hipperholme, Charles Wood...

Coaches to carry railway enthusiasts

Illi Special express coach services will he operated by Crosville Motor Services Ltd. between Llandudno and Aberystwyth to...

Transport Tribunal 1968 report

• According to the Transport Tribunal's annual report for 1968, during that year 45 new appeals were lodged; eight were not...

Page 43


pressure piston engine by Paul Brockington • A piston engine having a gas-turbine-type combustion chamber external to the...

Dowty hydrodynamic oil seal

• A ring of corrugated rubber of minimal thickness is the special feature of a new hydrodynamic rotary oil seal announced last...

Stopmaster brake conversions

• Four new Albion Chieftain I 5-ton-gross four-wheelers ordered by Heavy Transport (ECC), Par, Cornwall, are to be equipped...

Page 44

Road and workshop by Handyman

Combustibles and spontaneous heating Safe and unsafe storage (5) • Spontaneous heat can also be generated by reactions other...

Book reviews

Maintenance Q and A • A great deal of interesting technical information, as well as useful guides to vehicle maintenance, is...

More for mechanics

BOOKS IV and V of the series "Related Subjects for Motor Vehicle Mechanics" by D. Keen, senior lecturer, Motor Trades...

Page 50

Transatlantic flavour at Eastbourne

REPORT BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM, AND PAUL MOODY Consultant slams Transport Act's obscurities A WIDE FIELD of topics was covered...

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Bird's eye view by the Hawk

*Racing back Due back in London on Sunday is T. J. Addis, the haulier from Lambeth, after having sprinted across the Atlantic...

• . . and forth

Also involved in racing, but in a different element at a different time, is South London haulier Ralph Hilton, who runs the...

*All at sea To judge from details given in Motor

Boat and Yachting, the July round-Britain race will in fact provide some interesting motor industry rivalry. As well as the...

*Something new

I was interested to learn last week of developments in high-speed brake testing which are expected to bear fruit next year. The...

* Diversification

Not having had much to do with Lex since the days when it simply owned garages in London, I was suitably impressed to learn...

* Party time

This seems a time for jubilees and celebrations. Last week K.J. Motors Group, of Bromley, Kent, held a very lively party to...

* A fair chop

Drivers and conductors from the Northern General Transport Co. Ltd. depot at Washington, Co. Durham, are taking karate lessons...

* By example

A member of the Merseyside PTA complained at the authority's first meeting that there was nowhere for him to park his car. The...

Page 58

question at the start of a discussion area) was soon on his feet to aSk a

W fvfcLucas (Scottish I Oliver ' tipper as Ks or more by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE, Assoc Inst T. NECESSARILY the third RHA...

Page 61


comparisons and recommendations Although co-ordination and integration of urban transport are themes to be studied at length...

Page 62

Wider containers

THERE IS considerable consternation among container men about the swing away from the standard ISO recommended cross section...

Switch to Southampton

THE CAT was certainly let out of the bag at the conference which ran in conjunction with the recent Ports and Terminals...

One more for Tilbury

NOT that Tilbury isn't busy, containerwise. US Lines are still loading and unloading containers from across the Atlantic, and a...

Others are waiting

IT IS NOT only PLA. OCL and ACT who are suffering because of the labour disputes at Tilbury. The National Freight Corporation...

York's brainchild

LAST MONTH, I disclosed the fact that a new hopper/tipper container was to be displayed at the Ports and Terminals Exhibition,...

Don't use ropes

THREE hearty cheers for the National Freight Federation (NFC) for supplying badly needed guidance for hauliers for securing...

Hauliers prominent at Felixstowe

A SIGN of the times in this new container age—hauliers figuring prominently in the affairs of a port. The port is Felixstowe...

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Janus comments

Uncertain future AFTER a long struggle many years ago Parliament agreed that its debates should be heard in public and later...

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A national strategy for tipper rates?

PERHAPS because of the nature of their job tipper operators seem to be more articulate—they are certainly more vociferous— than...

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The next seven days from May 9—May 15 FRIDAY Start of 10-day International Motor Exhibition. Helsinki. Start of two-day loTA...

Page 75

Aged 24, I have been in the motor industry since

completing a recognized apprenticeship and at present am employed as a design engineer in the commercial vehicle industry....

Q With several of my driver colleagues

have been doing some practicing and have been tested on the lines of the proposed heavy goods vehicle drivers' licence scheme....

Q I see from the "Know the Law" series

(CM April 4 1969) that police officers do not have powers to inspect commercial vehicles under Section 183 of the Road Traffic...

n I hope to make a short visit to Germany

46ff ' and Holland in order to take a look at road transport in general and distribution and vehicle maintenance in particular....

Can you tell me if it would be legal to

tax a Land-Rover as a private vehicle if the folding back seats are fixed and it is used to pull a trailer in which goods are...

Q have a Foden 50-ton drawbar vehicle taxed as a locomotive,

a Scammell 25ton tractive unit used with a drawbar trailer and an articulated semi-trailer also taxed as a locomotive. Will...

Q What is the maximum amount by which a normal load may overhang the side of the vehicle?

A The maximum permissible width for a 1– • normal load is 9ft 6in. but the load must not project more than 1 ft on either side...

As an engineering student lam particu larly interested in air-cooled

engines and have heard that it is possible to cool the cylinders with the exhaust gas. This sounds absurd. Can you enlighten...

Page 76

The loTA is making steady progress

TT IS PLEASING to report that the second year of the Institute of Traffic Administration's examination scheme shows encouraging...

Interpreting traffic laws

PEOPLE often say to me: "If I read traffic regulations I just cannot understand them," and I have to agree that the law is...