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Union To Consider Pay Claim By Busmen
A DELEGATE conference of the In. Transport and General Workers' Union is to be called shortly to discuss the London busmen's claim for a pay increase of 25s. a week. Endorsement......
Hebble And Yelloway Seek Torquay Service
J TONT applications for a Halifax-Torquay express service are to be made by Hebble Motor Services, Ltd., Halifax, and Yelloway Motor Services, Ltd.. Rochdale. Coaches would run......
165 " Mercs" For Ceylon
A N order for 165 Mercedes-Benz buses has been placed by the Ceylon Transport Board. They are to cost Rs.3m. and delivery is expected to be completed by early January. An......
New Pakistan Board The Government Of West Pakistan
have been authorized by the President of Pakistan, under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1957, to form a road transport board to replace the existing boards. All the assets and......