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Maintenance Committee Backed By B.r.s.
'FULL support for the workin g of the I West Midland Maintenanee Committee was promised by Mr. C. N Christensen, Midland divisional manag er of British Road Services, and Mr, H.......
Direct To Holland
T ARRYING 7 tons of metal windows . Is- , a lorry belon g in g to Henry Hope and Sons, Ltd., Halford Lane. Smethwick, made its first of several cross-channel deliveries to a......
Tribunal Resume Hearings
A FTER the summer recess, the Transport Tribunal, will resume hearings next Thursday, when the appellants will he Wri g ht Bros. (Wolverhampton), Ltd. Other hearin g s are......
Skid Tests Follow. Death
S KID tests, usin g a decelerorneter, have been made by West Ridin g County Council, on the moorland road at Spa Clou g h, near Rishworth. This action has • been taken on the......
Thames Production Change
P RODUCTION of the Thames van is likely to be transferred wholly or partly from Da g enham to the Don : caster works of Bri gg s Motor Bodies, Ltd.......
First British Coaches Off To Moscow
T WO A.E.C. Reliance coaches will set out, one on Sunday and the other on Monday, on a 20-day tour to Moscow. The vehicles are owned by Excelsior European Motorways, of......
No Figures: Lapsed Licence .withdrawn
A HAULIER, who allowed an A i — k licence to lapse a n d then failed to produce satisfactory fi g ures of need. althou g h supported by many of his customers, was refused a new......
A Namal G Amation Between Wells 1 - 71. Motor Services,...
parent company, Potteries Motor-Traction Co., Lld.,-will take place next' year. Plans for. the Mer g er -were disclosed when, thetrier) cOne e rris :applied to the West Midland......