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New Factory For. Torque Converters
A FACTORYhas been built by rockhouse Engineering, Ltd., West Bromwich, for the manufacture of torque-converter transmission systems of various types.. The company'sr10/14 unit,......
Aluminium Group's Plan
A N agreement has been reached between Tube Investments, Ltd., and the Reynolds Metals Group. U.S.A., to cot/Thine the interests and activities of both groups in the aluminium......
Reed's Date Changed
T HE opening of the new maintenance depot built by Reed Transport, Ltd., at Aylesford, Kent (The Commercial Motor, last week), has been postponed from October 25 to November 15,......
No Complaints
THREE vans with musical horns had I been operated in Lincolnshire for 3+ years without complaint, a director of an ice-cream company told Boston magistrates when an employee was......
Longer Vehicle For Safer Loading ?
A N A N• application by an East Cumberland haulier for a larger vehicle, which came before the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, was adjourned at the haulier's own......
Road Section In Finals
U FINLIKE the English contest, the 1 4-. 1 finals of the Sottish Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year Competition, to be held at Stockbridge, Linlithgow, tomorrow will include......
Villagers Ask To Use Express Service
T HE express service between Glasgow and Campbeitown, operated by David NacBrayne; Ltd., could solve a transport problem for eight villages, the Scottish Traffic Commissioners......
Coke Rates Fixed
R ATES for the transport of coke in bulk have been agreed between the North-Western (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage Association with the Manchester group of the North Western......