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Haulier Did Not Heed Licence Warning
ra A MAN who gave up his job as a water inspector to start a haulage business was told by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. E. Randolph, last week: " If......
Haulier Fights County Council Restriction
C ONDIT1ONS imposed by Cumberland County Council on business premises used by a haulier and garage proprietor were the subject of an appeal at Millorn, last week. Mr. Edward......
Biggest Duple Show
T HE range of bodywork to be exhibited at the Duple Show, to be held by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., Edgware. Road, The Hyde, London, N.W.9, from October 21-25, will be greater......
Last G.n.r. Services In Ulster Mext Monday Trains Will Run
on about 90 miles of the Great Northern Railway Board's system in Ulster for the last time. It is hoped that the G.N.R. and the Ulster Transport Authority will be able to find......
Minister's Warning On Wages
W E hope that demands for increased wages will not be made where they are not covered, and more than covered, by increases in productivity and efficiency. Such a hope may seem......
Horticultural Co-operatives To Expand Rin Monday, The...
Co-operative Association announced that they had decided to help societies to improve standards of packing and to encourage the use of standard containers, and experiment with......
First Bus Profit For 17 Years
F OR the first time for 17 years New York City bus services have shown a profit. The amount is £2,470, compared with last year's deficit of £1.46m. and £2m. the year before.......
Harbours Scheme Dropped
T HE British Transport Commission's harbours charges scheme, to which the Road Haulage Association and others objected, has been dropped. A new interim draft scheme has been......
New Simms Deal
A N offer to acquire the issued ordinary capital of £250,000 of Motor and Electronics Corporation is to be made by Simms Motor Units, Ltd.......