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R.h.a. Call For Political Compromise
EADERS of the Road Haulage Association are to be urged at the " Association's Conference at Rothesay, from October 14-16, to try to reach a political compromise with the main......
21 Tory Demands For Better Roads
TWENTY-ONE resolutions calling 1 for better roads are included in the agenda of the Conservative Party annual conference at Brighton from October 9-12. Only one of them has been......
Removers To Hear Secret Report
COR security reasons a paper entitled "Road Transport in an Emergency" is to be discussed in private at the autumn conference of the National Association of Furniture......
19 Councils Drop Fare Appeal
T HE appeal by 19 local authorities in the north-east against fare increases granted to United Automobile Services, Ltd., was withdrawn at Darlington. last Friday, when the......
Im. Tons Less Beet Because Of Virus Yellows Disease, A...
sugar-beet crop is expected to be 1m. tons below last year's total of 5m. tons, 31m. tons of which were estimated to have been delivered to the factories by road. Counties worst......
Revenue Up Despite Strike
D ESP1TE the bus strike from July 20-28, the British Transport Commission's provincial and Scottish bus undertakings earned higher revenue in the first 36 weeks of this year......