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Railways Claim Big Gains In Coal S Ince The Middle If
last month, large quantities of coal formerly carried by road have been transferred to the railways and some coal hauliers are alarmed at the switch. British Railways claimed......
Risked 11,740 Fines Ri A Scottish Haulier Was Warned Last...
that by allowing five of his drivers to work excessive hours he had risked fines of £1,740. He was Robert Lyle Davie, West Albert Road. Kirkcaldy, a B-licence operator, who......
Leyland Use Lithium Grease Trucks And Buses Leaving The...
lines of Leyland Motors, Ltd., will in future have their road-wheel bearings lubricated with a lithium-based grease. An important characteristic of the lubricant is its high......
Owner-driver Changed User : May Be Punished
A N Aberdeen owner-driver whose A licence normal user covered general goods within 25 miles of base admitted last week that since 1955 the nature of his work had changed—he had......
Belfast To Decide On Trolleybuses' Future
T WO 30-ft. two-axled buses are now being operated in Belfast, following the removal of the 26-ft. limit for twoaxled vehicles in Northern Ireland. One is an A.E.C.......
More Coach-air Services To The Continent
I NCREASED demand for Skyways coach-air services to the Continent has led to the formation of a subsidiary company, Skyways Coach Air, Ltd., with head offices at 7 Berkeley......
More Tours Of Eire
M ORE coach tours from Britain to Eire are expected this year. Already the Eireann Government have granted eight applications by British coach operators for licences. Thirteen......
Coach Businesses Change Hands
TWO coach businesses, one in Somerset and the other in Wiltshire, have changed hands, In Wiltshire, C. H. Thomas, Ltd., Caine, have taken over the business of Mr. W. H. Vaughan,......
WE regret to record the deaths of vv MR. JOHN STORER NICHOLL, C.B.E., MR. FREDERIC STANLEY BENNETT, MR. CHARLES MURRAY and MR. F. A. STEPNEY ACRES. Mr. Nicholl, who was 70, was......