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"lifts To Work" Danger To Bus Revenue
n NE of the most acute problems facing road passenger transport is the man who buys a car and then realizes the full extent of the-drain on his pocket. He is not willing to......
Mersey Tunnel Scheme
A SCHEME for providing a dual carriageway for the Mersey Tunnel entrance, linking the East Lancashire Road at Queen's Drive, has been drawn up by Liverpool Highways Committee,......
Courses On Welding
P LACES are still available on two courses on welding to be held by the Institute of Welding. The first is concerned with the training, testing . and approval of welders and......
Commissioners And Smoking The Question Of Smoking Being...
the lower decks of double-deckers operated by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., is to be discussed by the North Western Traffic Commissioners. The company gave this reply to a......
Another Scots Bulk Milk Scheme
1-1 . A FOURTH bulk milk collection scheme has been instituted in Ayr, and another one is being prepared by Fife members of the National Farmers' Union. The Ayr scheme embraces......
Coach For Handicapped Gets Mayoral Send-off
A SPECIAL " launching " ceremony rls for a Brighton Corporation coach was performed on Wednesday by the Mayor, Aid. A. J. Sadler. The 30-seater has been converted by the......
£.6.2m. Import Offer
B RITA1N has offered to allow the import of commercial vehicles to the value of £6.2m. a year from the 11 Member countries of the Organization for European Economic.......
Co-operation From The Co-ops. Eiollowing Their...
and Home Counties "Kerb Space is Precious" campaign, the Cooperative Union have asked co-operative societies throughout the country to collaborate With the Traders' Road......
Bus Lighting Suggestion
A N idea for improving the entrance lighting on buses with rear doors has been submitted to the Ministry of Transport Road Advisory Committee by Bradford Road Safety Committee.......
Councillor Disputes Trolleybus Costs
A RE trolleybuses cheaper to operate than oil-engined buses ? Mr. G. H. Pulfrey, Hull Corporation's general -manager, produced figures to the transport committee showing that......
Bus Inspectors' Pay Talks
T HE question of whether bus inspectors at Middlesbrough should have a salary increase is to have further consideration from the general purposes committee, despite an outright......
More Pay For Corn Drivers
A WAGE increase of 7s. 6d. a week, dating from October 6, has been granted to transport workers ,M the corn trade, the Transport and General Workers' Union announce. Subsistence......
Quick's Share Plan Rejected
A N application by H. and I Quick, Ltd., to issue £100,000 7 per cent. cumulative redeemable preference shares to provide additional capital for expansion has been refused by......
Single-deckers Withdrawn
W ITH the removal of a low bridge at Lambank, the Western S.M.T. Co.. Ltd., have decided to operate doubledeckers on their Glasgow-Greenock Gourock route instead of......