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Wheeled Dozer
A WHEELED angledozer, based on the Fordson Power Major with four-wheel drive, has been produced by Roadless Traction, Ltd., Hounslow, Middx. The company say that whereas the......
Thames Battery S Uitable For The Utility And Passenger...
the Thames 15-cwt. van. the 6-XNES9L is a 12-volt flush-connector battery produced by Chloride Batteries, Ltd., Clifton Junction, Manchester. It has full nine-plate capacity.......
10 - Ton Electric C Apable Of Towing Up To 10 Tons On
a suitable level surface at 3-4 m.p.h., the Wrigley E.1000 is a battery-electric tractor produced by Wessex Industries (Poole), Ltd., West Street, Poole, Dorset. It is 6 ft. 8......
Tyre Translation Pi A Difficulty Often Encountered By The...
in metric-system countries ties in the conversion of tyre pressures into kilograms per square centimetre, and making his meaning clear in a foreign language. The red plastics......
Air Dispatch A Pneumatic Carrier System For Use Pa In
offices or workshops where the distance to be covered does not exceed 150 ft. has been devised by the Lamson Engineering Co., Ltd., Hythe Road. London, N.W,10. Speed of the......
Varying Beam Aim
LJAVING a screw adjustment at front whereby the vertical aim of the beam may be varied according to the fog density, the Foglite fog lamp has been introduced by Notek Electric......
Welding Aluminium 'the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 1...
have issued a third edition of "Welding Aluminium," which has been revised to cover advances in technique which have taken place since the earliest number appeared 31 years ago.......