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" Artics" Authorized For Flexibility . A Bout £17,600 Was...
a year by R. W. Edwards and Sons, Cam royd Street, Dewsbury, in hirin g vehicles to supplement their haula g e fleet, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensin g Authority , was......
More Commercial Vehicles Sold To New Zealand
LTHOUGH New Zealand assembled /A a record number of vehicles in 195758, her total of commercial vehicles showed a drop on the previous year. In 1957-58, 42,486 vehicles were......
Long-distance Fleet Busy
" A LL our lon g -distance road-haula g e vehicles have been fully employed throu g hout the year, but the same cannot be said about local business, which has been affected by......
Picking-up Ban Stays
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Yeomans, Miller and Co. (Tours and Travel), Ltd., a g ainst the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners' refusal to authorize......
P.v.o.a. Are Blamed For Co Urt Appearance Ccused Of...
passen g ers at an unauthorized point on four seaside excursions, Hazeldine Hire Services, Bilston, Staffs, blamed the Passen g er Vehicle Operators' Association at Bilston,......
Bonuses Show Results In Cleansing
A N incentive-bonus scheme introduced ra by Stevena g e Cleansin g Department is showin g g ood results on the refusecollection service. If teams avera g e 160 bins per man a......
Thames Sales Leap Up In America
/ TORE Thames L5-cwt. vans are sold in America than all its British , competitors put to g ether, accordin g to fi g ures issued by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. The company claim 80......
T Road Research Laboratory. Which At Present Occupies Two...
at Harmondsworth, Middx, and Lan g ley, Bucks, is to be rehoused in a new buildin g at Crowthorne, Berks. An experimental road system will be provided. This project is part of......
Revolutionary New Tractor
A NEW tractor unit, suitable for g ross train wei g ht of 271 tons, has been introduced by General Motors Corporation, Detroit, U.S.A. Its features include air suspension for......
More 11.r. Diesels
THERE will be new competition for I West Ridin g bus operators next Monday. when British Railways introduce more di e sel services in the area. Four routes will be......