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East Kent Dismiss Many Workers
ECAUSE economic circumstances had 1 :--/ compelled services to be reduced, many drivers and conductors had been dismissed, Mr. R. P. Beddow, chairman of the East Kent Road Car......
Damages Claim Against Lorry Driver Forecast
A SUBSTANTIAL claim for damages is to be made by a motorcyclist who received severe injuries when he hit planks jutting out from a lorry. This was stated by the police at......
New Chief P.r.o. For B.t.c. Nfir. Eric Merrill Has Been
IVI appointed chief public relations officer to the British Transport Commission, it was announced on Wednesday. He was previously deputy director of public relations to the......
Big New Fuel Terminal
R OAD tankers will he used to distribute petrol, oil fuel and gas oil in Dorset and Hampshire from a new sea-fed bulk terminal which the Mobil Oil Co„ Ltd., are constructing at......
Sir W. Rootes A Baron: Mr. Hull Knighted
IN the New Year's Honours, published I yesterday, Sir William Rootes, head of the Rootes Group and chairman of the Dollar Exports Council, is created a baron, and Mr. Hubert......
Simms Appoint Directors
T HE appointments of Mr. Wilfrid Newland and Mr. Harold G. Dunn to the board of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., were announced yesterday. Mr. Newland, previously personal assistant to......
New Post For Mr. H. Forrest
M R. H. FORREST, foundry and personnel director of Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., Bradford, has been appointed director and works general manager, it was announced yesterday. He......
Railway Change Of Mind
A FTER the article on the closure of the Midland and Great Northern Joint Line (The Commercial Motor, December 19) was prepared, British Railways decided to retain the sections......
Threat Of Saturday Bus Strikes
EICESTER bus crews, who started 1.-4 working to rule the day before Christmas Eve, staged a lightning unofficial strike last Saturday afternoon. They have now decided to strike......
Daimler-benz Output Up
- 1 -4 AST year's production by DaimlerBenz A.G. is estimated at about 155,000 units—an increase of 25 per cent on the figure for 1957. Commercialvehicle output has risen by......
N.r.t.f. Treasury Delegation A Deputation From The...
Transport Federation, led by Mr. J. M. Birch, was received by Mr. F. J. Erroll, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, on Tuesday. As forecast in The Commercial Motor on December......