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Aymond To Speak T Rha Conference
KR. I. E. RAYMOND, chairman, FL British Railways Board, and Sir ginald Wilson, deputy chairman and maging director, Transport Holding impany, will open a discussion on the......
:arnets Endangered Y Gv60 Changes
'HE attention of the Ministry of Transport and the RHA has been drawn by Belgian Customs the full implications of Annex 4(t) of the R. Convention. This states that Certificate......
It Cabs Safety Poll
CCIDENTS when tilt cabs have tilted while lorries were in motion have led the IA highways and vehicles committee to lect further evidence from members. If the >rmation shows......
Transport Debate Will Launch Tory Conference
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Conservative Party is to open its 84th annual conference at Blackpool on October 12 with a full-dress debate on transport. Chosen for a......
Makers Blamed For Gv9s
N EWS was given at the Transport Association luncheon in London on Tuesday by the chairman, Mr. F. L. lolly of Ackworth Transport, of three recent meetings of the association: a......