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Mrs. Castle To Push New Policies For Public Transp
I T was no use regulating traffic flow and limiting car use unless there was something positive to put in its place, the Minister of Transport told the annual conference of the......
1155,298 Surplus
LEICESTER'S municipal bus undertaking showed a trading surplus of £155,298 for the year ended March 31 1966 according to the accounts published this week. The annual report......
Bet Chiefs To Study Eyms Dispute
U NION officials and the management of East Yorkshire Motor Services met last week in an effort to settle the dispute over bonus payments which a few days ago kept some EYMS......
Ltb Tubeless Experiments
AN interesting experiment now being staged by London Transport is the operation of 100 buses equipped with Firestone tubeless truck/bus tyres. These buses, based at Hounslow and......