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Wheel Alignment
A N addition to the Hunter range of wheel alignment equipment marketed by Hill Equipment Ltd. is the Lite-a-Line 906-BTC, a heavy-duty 36 in. truck pit group which will handle......
Aluminium Welding
A BOOK which exemplifies the most recent practices in the welding of aluminium is Alcan's Welding Aluminium— Manual TIG and MIG. It provides essential —and detailed information......
Radio Telephone
A MOBILE radio offering up to 12 channels has been introduced by Stomo Ltd. Known as the Stomophone 600, the new set is fully transistorized. Its current consumption is less......
Quartz Iodine Lamps
Ar l additional range of quartz iodine fog and spot lamps has been introduced by Bosch Ltd., to meet market demand. The lamps are available with foot or back mounting brackets.......
Barrel Transporter K Nown As The Drum Master, A New Barrel
transporter is offered by Powell and Co. which also acts as a lifter and mobile drain stand. One man can load and lift drums and barrels with capacities up to 50 gal. without......
Electronic Thermometer
T HE type T 105M Telemax electronic thermometer, made by Telemechanics Ltd., is a multi-position reading instrument intended for use in circumstances where it is impracticable......
Wheel Balancer
APABLE of balancing wheels withi two minutes is the Bada M-60 who balancer from Grantham Rubber Machiner Co. Ltd. The accuracy and sensitivity of tF balancer is guaranteed for......
Cartridge-loading Grease Gun
A CARTRIDGE-LOADING side-lev grease gun with an operating pressu of 8,000 lb. per sq. in. has been added the Swematic grease guns range market, by Lawrence Edwards and Co.......