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Effective Planning
D ELEGATES attending another successful conference organized by the Institute of Transport at Oxford last weekend learnt of at least one example of how conflicting transport......
Where's The Fire?
G OING a bit farther than from Pudding Corner to Pie Lane, or vice versa, a 1934 Dennis fire engine from P. A. Adorian's private collection at Billingshurst was scheduled to......
Light Lapping
N O expert in electrickery, I tend to lag behind in appreciation of the technical developments in vehicle lighting, and I sometimes think that some of the "experts" have to......
Convincing The Hawk
T TRIED two cars in which four 51 in. quartz iodine headlamps 1. with sharp (European) cut-off were compared with (a) standard 51 in. four-headlamp sealed-beam "normal" lamps......
Bird's Eye View By The Hawk
scatter, the rectangular 80/60w. headlamps which Luc showed also looked more suitable for Continental than for systems. General consensus seemed to be that the European cutwas......