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First Halifax Fleetlines
J)ELIVERY was made recently to Halifax Passenger Transport of the first of seven Daimler Fleetline double-deckers—the first rear-engined buses to be introduced by the......
Big Belgian Operator Buys British
O NE of the most interesting passenger vehicle orders to be placed on the opening day of the Commercial Motor Show was for four Guy Conquest buses. Unremarkable in terms of......
Mini-show For Coaches
A CHANCE to see the latest luxury coach ./ - 1. bodies from Duple and Plaxton and take them out on demonstration is once again being given by the Arlington Motor Co. Ltd. with......
Seeing How The French Do It
British engineers think Paris transport authorities could learn a lot from UK "T BELIEVE that the Regie Autonomes des Transports Parisiens (the Paris transport authority) could......
Buses For Afghanistan
D UPLE MOTOR BODIES LTD. has received an order from Afghanistan for five 51 - seat service buses—the first from that province in over 40 years of export selling. The buses,......