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31 Livestock Hauliers In Road Rail Battle: Case Adjourned
T HIRTY-ONE cattle hauliers made a block application to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week for extensions of radius. The case developed into a battle between......
"b.t.c. Paid Elm For Nothing. "
LTHOUGH the British Transport Commission were to be paid Lim. for disturbance during the sale of British Road Services, their annual report said that disturbance had not......
Burnley Builds New 'garage
A NEW garage has been built at Burnley to accommodate the cleansing and haulage vehicles of the council and to provide comprehensive maintenance facilities. It was formerly......
More Money F Or The Roads?
ra A HINT that he was pressing for more money to be spent on the roads was dropped by the new Minister of Transport, Mr. J. A. Boyd-Carpenter, when he opened the National Safety......