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New Cattle Set-up Hits Haulier
A LAKELAND livestock haulier rl stated before the Northern Licensing Authority last week that his livelihood was being prejudiced by the new arrangements governing the transport......
Radio Meets Emergency
TWO-WAY radio was used by I Sunderland Transport Department last Friday to control bus operation on the occasion of the visit of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh to Wearside. Two......
£65,000 Cuts At Blackpool
L AST week's meeting of Blackpool Town Council approved certain reductions in transport facilities recommended by the transport committee (The Commercial Motor, last week). The......
German Export Threat
B ETWEEN 1951 and 1953, German vehicle exports rose in value by Dm. 438m. This information is given in "German Competition," a new publication of the Credit Insurance......
Stage Services Not To Be Linked : Protection For Tours
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has given a reserved decision which, in effect, is against the linking of two stage services of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., so as......